Smart OT

Smart OT: Steigerung von Ergonomie und Effizienz im OP durch Smarte Beleuchtung und Smarte Steuerung Teilvorhaben: Entwicklung von Algorithmen und Interaktion


Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)

Laufzeit: 1.10.2019 - 30.11.2022

Ansprechpartner: Prof. Dr. Rainer Malaka


The project part „Algorithms and Interaction for Smart Lighting and Smart Controls“ is concerned with the software development for an intelligent operating light. The interaction and control of these new, intelligent components for the operating room aims to reduce the workload of the operation personnel. For this we will work on different aspects with the combined goal of making the work processes more ergonomic and more efficient. Ultimately our goal is to increase patient safety by reducing the workload of the operation personnel so they can better focus on their primary tasks. These concepts will be combined in a holistic and interactive fashion. Th goal of the TZI is to research and find solutions for an intelligent operating light and its intelligent control. The focus is on the algorithmic implementation which enable these intelligent controls and the human computer interaction with the system. With intelligent controls, the surgeons should be able to select CT and MRT images without the need to touch any control device. This is important so that the surgeons stay sterile but can interact with the systems themselves.  Also the operating light and operation table should be controllable through gestures and other novel interaction techniques, e.g., speech.