Digital Media Lab

Digital Media Lab

Prof. Dr. Rainer Malaka

Office: MZH 6490
Phone: +49 421 218-64401
Fax: +49 421 218-64409
Mail: dmprotect me ?!tziprotect me ?!.de

Administration: MZH 6500/6510


Rainer Malaka as juror at the student competitions

Explore Science Update: Children and young people conduct research for environmental protection

From September 5-7 the Klaus Tschira Foundation's “Explore Science” experience days were held in Bremen. Around 10,000 children, young people and adults took the opportunity to discover the topic of “Climate & Environment” at exciting hands-on stations, workshops, school competitions and a varied…

Robert Porzel (white shirt) at SynData kick off

SynData project launched as a sub-project of Data Competence Center DataNord

The kick-off meeting of the sub-projects of DataNord, the data competence center for the Bremen region founded in 2023, was held on 6 August 2024. We were represented by our colleague Robert Porzel with our sub-project 'SynData', in which new approaches to generating research data are being…

Leon Dratzidis and Lisa Hesselbarth at Mensch und Computer 2024

At Mensch und Computer (MuC) 2024, we were successfully represented with two workshop papers in the Tangible Interaction workshop! Our PhD students Lisa Hesselbarth and Leon Dratzidis shared their research results in the areas of touchless smartphone interaction in kitchen environments and creative…

Students at SoM conference explaining their work

Poster Session 'Science of the Masters' 2024

On Friday, August 30, 2024, the “Science of Masters” (SOM) conference took place for the second time. Students from the courses 'Applied Computer Science in Sports', 'Embodied Interaction' and 'Current Topics in HCI' presented their results from a self-formulated research question.

With a total of…

Prof. Rainer Malaka at CAMT at Chiang Mai University

Rainer Malaka at CAMT in Chiang Mai

Rainer Malaka is currently at the College of Arts, Media and Technology (CAMT) at Chiang Mai University (Thailand) where he gives lectures in Entertainment Computing, HCI and AI. Also he gave a talk "AI - Hype, Hysteria, and Reality - Towards Human-Centric and Empowering Digital Media".

He's there…

Yvonne Rogers (center) with PhD students

Yvonne Rogers attended the Defenses of her Students at our Lab

Yvonne Rogers, Professor at University College London (UCL) and Director of its Interaction Centre (UCLIC), visited us at the Digital Media Lab by end of June to attend the defenses of her PHD students Nadine Wagner and Evropi Stefanidi, as well as Nima Zargham's, whom she supervised and supportet…