Caring for Relatives

The shadow of the Bremen Town Musicians monument on the ground.

In need of care - what now?

Application and benefits of long-term care insurance

The term "need for long-term care" refers to the condition in which a person is permanently dependent on the help of others to cope with everyday life due to physical, mental or emotional impairments. Are you or a loved one affected by the need for long-term care? You can find valuable information (File is in german language) here

Contact: Corporate social counseling

Dipl.-Psych. Kassandra Ruhm
In-House Counseling Service
Tel.: +49 (0)421 218-60106
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Contact: Woman's representative and nursing table

Monica Wehaus
Women´s Represantative  
Tel.: + 49 (0) 421 218 60070
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Contact: Family service office and regular nursing table

Ines Gürlevik
Head of the Family Care Office (Referat 08)
Tel. + 49 (0) 421 218 60850
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