University Staff

Three people in conversation at a table.
A group of small children with colourful jackets and rucksacks.
A young woman smiles at the camera.

Bettina Schweizer
Arbeitstelle Chancengleichheite (Referat 04)
project head: audit family-friendly university
chancen3protect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de


Samira Abdel Wahed
Kanzlerreferat (Referat 08)
Dual Career Service 
coordination audit family-friendly university
samira.abdel.wahedprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Ines Gürlevik
head of the family care office (Referat 08)
familienprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de