Emergency childcare - Notfallmamas

  • Notfallmamas zu Besuch in der Uni

    When there is a need for mom or dad...

    University staff with children face great challenges if a child becomes sick or regular childcare is not available, especially when an important appointment is coming up at work.


    To support our employees in such situations, we have been offering a childcare service through the Notfallmamas (Emergency Mamas) since October 2019.

The Die Notfallmamas GmbH emergency childcare service is aimed at all staff members of the University of Bremen with children between the ages of zero and twelve. 

  • short-term childcare by qualified childcare workers from the Notfallmamas service

  • coverage of the costs of childcare

  • sickness of the child
  • short-term unforeseen lack of regular childcare 
  • unforeseen extra work (covering for colleagues on sick leave or similar) 
  • important work obligation
  • meeting, lecture, research assignment, etc.
  • no possibility of replacement

In most cases, the childcare provided by your employer is not relevant for tax purposes (especially if there is a corporate need).  However, this applies to a maximum of 25 hours per year.

It is also possible that the childcare provided is regarded as capital-forming benefit. You are welcome to make inquires to the responsible contact person beforehand. 

An emergency caregiver can be booked without any red tape, advance notice or registration:

  • Usually, the caregiver can be at your home or at the university to take care of your child within three hours.
  • The caregivers bring a care contract with them, in which all important things are regulated, such as telephone numbers, pediatrician, insurance, etc.
  • The availability for care requests is by phone/email from Mon-Thu from 8:00-18:00, Fri from 08:00 - 15:00.
  • Bookings for the following day can be accepted until 15:00.
  • An assignment lasts on average from 4 hours to 3 days, but can be longer if needed.
  • The minimum assignment is 4 hours.

Further information is available on the company website: Notfallmamas

Report in the update magazine

The University of Bremen is offering free emergency childcare to its staff


Telephone registration: +49 40 27865784

Email: infoprotect me ?!notfallmamasprotect me ?!.de

  • Geschwister


    "(...) I would certainly be glad if she would come again when needed."

  • Mutter Vater Kind


    Die Notfall-Mama Karin war sehr nett und meine Kinder haben die zwei Tage mit ihr genossen.

    Ich kann die Notfall-Mamas guten Gewissens weiterempfehlen!

  • Kinder


    "Als Ausländerin, Mama, Mitarbeiterin der Universität Bremen, bin ich froh, dass es dieses Angebot gibt. Das hilft mir, meine Arbeit und meine Familie zu kombinieren."