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Bremen Big Data Challenge 2025 starts now

The Cognitive Systems Lab at the University of Bremen invites you to the tenth Bremen Big Data Challenge. University members and employees of partner companies can solve data analysis tasks until March 31. There are cash prizes worth 1,500 euros as well as non-cash prizes to be won.

Individuals or teams of up to three people can take part in the competition. You can register now at and will then receive access to this year's task. Solutions must be submitted by March 31. Participants are asked to use clever algorithms and analysis methods to find patterns in given data and make predictions on this basis.

The competition takes place in different categories: In the Student Track, students from all universities compete against each other. They should have sound programming skills in any programming language. However, previous experience in the field of big data is not necessary. Students at the University of Bremen can also have their participation credited towards their studies. The Professional Track is aimed at university employees as well as employees of sponsors, supporters and alumni of the University of Bremen. If desired, students can also participate in this category. The cash prizes for the Student Track are sponsored by the companies “JUST ADD AI”, “neuland - Büro für Informatik” and “Die Sparkasse Bremen” as well as by “Tagaia” and range from 100 euros (5th place) to 500 euros (1st place). In both tracks, the winning teams will each receive a trophy, places 1 to 5 will be awarded medals and all participants in the top 30 teams will receive attractive non-cash prizes.

The data that the participants work with is simulated financial transactions in a mobile banking scenario. The corresponding simulator was developed by researchers at the Cognitive Systems Lab (CSL). It is based on public descriptions of typical money laundering processes and was deemed suitable for anti-money laundering research by financial experts at Sparkasse Bremen. The data was simulated to follow the patterns of normal customer interactions, but with a twist... some customers also commit fraud! Participants are asked to use the data to identify the fraudsters. The BBDC is supported by the scientific focus “Minds, Media, Machines”.


Further information:
Bremen Big Data Challenge:
Cognitive Systems Lab:
Sparkasse Bremen:
Research focus “Minds, Media, Machines”:


Questions answered:
The BBDC Team
Cognitive Systems Lab
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
University of Bremen
E-Mail: bbdcprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

The logo of the Bremen Big Data Challenge 2025