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Thanks to Anja Krüger and Susanne Prediger

On November 8 and 9, the federal math conference took place at the Helmut-Schmidt-Schule in Überseestadt. As a prelude, the first five schools in Bremen were presented with their certification certificates.

The AG Didaktik der Mathematik cooperates with some of these schools as part of the practice-oriented elements, where students gain initial experience with small groups of learners in support settings and help them to develop elementary skills. Prof. Dr. Christine Knipping and Dr. Thomas Janßen, who currently supervise this course, took part in the event, and Prof. Knipping was particularly keen to take this opportunity to thank two women for their services to the Maths for Sure training program in Bremen: Firstly, Prof. Dr. Susanne Prediger (University of Dortmund) as one of the co-initiators of the program for her fundamental and continuous work, and Anja Krüger (Head of Unit at the LIS, Department 1, School Development - Further Education at Secondary Schools / Grammar Schools), who, as the long-standing coordinator of the school development concept “Mathe sicher können” in Bremen, is responsible for its successive development. The subsequent presentation by Prof. Susanne Prediger on new, digital elements of the Mathe Sicher Können program whetted the appetite for more...

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Zwei nebeneinander montierte Bilder. Auf dem linken Bild Christine Knipping mit Anja Krüger, die einen Blumenstrauß hält, im Hintergrund klatschend Susanne Prediger. Auf dem rechten Bild Christine Knipping mit Susanne Prediger, die einen Blumenstrauß hält, im Hintergrund ein Bildschirm mit Teilen des Textes "Mathe sicher können Bundestagung 7. November 2024. Alle sehen fröhlich aus.