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Research Day “Industrial Mathematics”

The first school class took part in the new “Industrial Mathematics” research day.

On Thursday, February 13, 2025, the time had finally come - Dr. Matthias Knauer from the Center for Industrial Mathematics and Prof. Dr. Christine Knipping and Luisa Gunia from the Didactics of Mathematics working group welcomed the first school class to the new “Industrial Mathematics” research day on campus as part of the #MOIN - Model Region Industrial Mathematics project. The 24 young people from the school Utbremen spent a morning working on exciting topics related to the topic of “Climate and Environment” and got to know various industrial mathematical working methods. Some of the topics relate to current development projects that are being worked on with industrial partners within #MOIN, such as how fawns can be saved from combine harvesters.

The interested pupils ensured that the new series of events got off to a really successful start. We are already looking forward to the next #MATHDAYS events! For more information:

Eine Kleingruppe von Schülerinnen und Schülern lernt Industriemathematik kennen