Urban and Regional Development M.A.

Basic Information

Master of Arts


Standard Pperiod of study
4 semesters

120 CP

Teaching language


Why study "Urban and Regional Development"? Modern urban societies are particularly affected by socioeconomic change and the opportunities and challenges it brings. With ongoing globalisation and Europeanisation, cities and regions serve as a central focal points for the decisions and behavior of social actors in a variety of ways. Urban structures create new opportunities in terms of communication and interaction in confined spaces. They are therefore focal points of innovation, with potential for positive growth and employment effects on a regional level. In addition, demographic change affects urban society, such as by way of transforming migration patterns. Migration continues to be largely directed towards cities, where new, increasingly transnational forms of migration and integration are taking place.

These developments are accompanied by changes in inner-city structures. Preferred urban districts stand in stark contrast to areas in which inhabitants have limited lifestyle options. The question arises as to how a diverse group of people can coexist in close quarters, largely unknown to one another and how enduring social cohesion/sustainable urban and regional development can be achieved.

The Master's programme "Urban and Regional Development" aims to teach students about current research on spatial differences in an urban and a regional context and to deliver insight into professional fields through project work. The study programme's interdisciplinary concept is based on its two subjects, Geography and Sociology. The combination of these two disciplines distinguishes the study programme from similar courses in the field of urban and regional research. Furthermore, it draws upon a wide range of scientific approaches used to interpret spatial distinctions.


Further Information

For further information about this programme and the application procedure please consult the Institute of Geography website and the University of Bremen's Study Programme Database.

Information for international exchange students and the possibility to study in Bremen in English can be foundhere.