Production Families
This panel examines how the production of a film is already characterized by family constellations: for example by including relatives into the production (also within a financial frame) or the production team forming a “film family.”
10 am: „At Least the Money Will Stay in the Family.“ Film- und Familienproduktion bei Chantal Akerman
| Theodor Frisorger (Köln)
| In German
10:45 am: Familiennester: Konfigurationen des Familiären als Zugang zu Béla Tarrs Kino
| Jonathan Klamer (Marburg)
| In German
Children and Film
Family relations of orphaned children are viewed on the basis of the relationship between (adult) spectators and child figures, as well as the transformation of the children’s family and national affiliations into new family constellations.
* Panel will be partly held in English.
Zwischen Kindheit und Erwachsensein: Fragen zur Zuschauertheorie
| Bettina Henzler (Bremen)
| In German
12:25 pm: Children in (A-)Families: Pedro Costa’s O Sangue and Tizza Covi and Rainer Frimmel’s La Pivellina
| Loreta Gandolfi (Cambridge)
Home Movies as Archive
Amateur films, home movies and found footage films have special significance in the discussion of forms of family cohabitation and cinema. This panel discusses the related practices and reads them as a form of family archive. Furthermore, appropriation and adaptation processes, as well as contexts of production and reception are being examined and the resulting family designs critically reviewed.
* Panel will be held in German.
10 am: Ahnen im Archiv
| Babylonia Constantinides (München/Zürich)
| In German
10:45 am: A Question of Affinity: Notizen zum frühen österreichischen Amateurkino
| Sandra Ladwig (Wien)
| In German
11:25–11:40 am: BREAK
11:40 am: „Eine Maexie Production“: Ellen Illichs Familienfilme zwischen Erinnerungsproduktion und Selbstvergewisserung
| Michaela Scharf (Wien)
| In German
National Family Cinematographies
This panel reads family portraits from different national backgrounds: the first two talks examine narratives of national crisis and historical transitions by means of family stories in Iran and Taiwan; the third one reviews the relationship between family and social community in the GDR in the tension field created by the public presentation of private communication; and finally, the fourth talk compares the family nucleus’ successful and failing community-building processes and proceedings in contemporary European Cinema.
* Panel will be held in German.
10 am: Familienhorror in Teheran. Haunted House aus iranischer Perspektive
| Janna Heine (Berlin)
| In German
10:45 am: Nähe und Ferne des Familien-Bildes in Eine Stadt der Traurigkeit: Die Übertragung traditioneller ostasiatischer Bildkomposition in das moderne Medium des Films
| Wonho Lee (Berlin)
| In German
11:25–11:40 am: BREAK
11:40 am: Sozialistische Konversationsgemeinschaften: Tischgespräche als Ausdruck familiären Lebens im DEFA-Gegenwartsfilm der 1970er Jahre
| Andy Räder (Rostock)
| In German
12:25 pm: „Ihre wirkliche konkrete Situation, von morgens bis abends und abends bis morgens“. Filmische Sorgegemeinschaften in Sto Spiti und Huba
| Julian Jochmaring (Potsdam)
| In German