Professorship in Federal and Regional Financial Relations

Head and Topics

Prof. Dr. André W. Heinemann

Financial relations between the Federation and Laender


Reform projects in federal states

Effects of centralized and decentralized fiscal policy


Financial equalization in 2018: Relative decline of the equalizing volume

In "Regionalentwicklung und Finanzpolitik aktuell 19 (1), Professor Heinemann describes current developments of the equalizing volume of the financial equalisation among the Länder. He points out that the justification of the city states Berlin, Bremen and Hamburg is closely linked to their fiscal performance.

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More information about Prof. Heinemann and his team.


A student in the lecture hall.

The professorship offers courses for Bachelor and Master students. Our broad range of courses cover basic and advanced lectures with regard to current issues of economic aspects of public budget, especially in multilevel systems.


People work at a laptop.

The professorship focuses on application-oriented research in the field of multilevel systems and the federal system of Germany in particular. The research areas are based on the fiscal federalism theory as well as tax policy and financial policy.


The GW2 building with stands and young people.

The professorship maintains cooperations with various representatives from economic and research sectors. Find more information here.