
Re-Alignment of the University’s Internal Research Development Program

The University of Bremen has re-aligned its internal research development program. Calls in 2011 will encompass a total of eight new funding lines. These range from stipends to facilitate the transition to doctoral studies, through impetus funding  for doctoral students and post-docs, up to high-risk exploration projects and funding for the launch of new coordinated programs.

The newly aligned central research development program therefore now encompasses support for all stages of academic careers, facilitates the transition between the different stages, promotes the early independence of young researchers and makes it possible to initiate ground breaking research. On top of this, it lends impetus to internationalization as well as to the recruitment of outstanding young researchers – especially women.

As early as 1976 the University of Bremen was among the very first universities to set up their own comprehensive research development program. The aims pursued both then and now are profile building, the promotion of young researchers and intensified efforts to acquire external funding. Every year the University’s research development program finances research posts and projects in an amount of more than €3 million: it has proven to be a main driver of interdisciplinary cooperation. Today, the modestly-sized University of Bremen can boast to be among the most successful universities in Germany with regard to attracting external funding. With its future concept it is a hot contestant within the Excellence Initiative conducted by the Federal States and the German Government – the restructured internal research development program is another milestone on the way recognition as a university of excellence.

You can read about all the funding lines, calls, information for applicants and find online application forms on the web pages of the University’s
Central Research Funding Unit.