
Manuel Meder standing next to Amrita Suresh

Science goes Public - Intelligent colonization through robotic support

Amrita Suresh and Manuel Meder talked about their work in space robotics in collaboration with the Robotics Innovation Center (RIC) of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence.


Rapid Access to Ground- and Excited-State Properties of Gold Nanoclusters Coated with Organic Ligands: Evaluation of the DFTB Method Performance

K. Maghrebi, I. Chantrenne, S., T. Frauenheim, A. Fihey, and C. R. Lien-Medrano

J. Phys. Chem. C  127, 19675–19686 (2023)

Gold nanoclusters stand as promising building blocks for solar energy harvesting applications, luminescent materials, and catalytic devices. At the frontier between molecular…

Das Goldene Plietsch PD Dr. Guido Schmiemann, MPH

Bremen University Foundation Award "Das Goldene Plitsch" for the guideline project on climate-conscious prescription of Inhalativa

The guideline project on climate-conscious prescribing of inhalers deals with the impact of pressurized metered dose inhalers on climate change. After an evaluation by the jury and the audience, the project was awarded the 3rd prize of 5,000€

Data Stewardship goes Germany

Data Stewardship Goes Germany 2023

At the start of the coming week (25.-26.09.) the workshop Data Stewardship Goes Germany is going to take place for the second time. The workshop aims at promoting the exchange among members of the RDM community. Data steward Dr. Sandra Zänkert will represent the Data Science Center at the event.

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Rainer Malaka and Michael Bonfert at the Heidelberg Laureate Forum 2023

Rainer Malaka and Michael Bonfert are guests at the Heidelberg Laureate Forum 2023 this week. Under the motto "Encouraged by Excellence," laureates of the highest awards in computer science and mathematics will exchange ideas with young scientists from all over the world. For the tenth anniversary,…

IoT course

IoT course 2023 is over

Completion of Internet of Things Course (SoSe 2023)

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Unexpected Addition of Medieval Document at SuUB

Bremen State and University Library has received a late medieval document from Japan for preservation in its historical collections. The document was brought to Bremen by the Japanese native Professor Tatsuo Terada from Hokkaido University Sapporo, who is a German Studies specialist.

Torben Stührmann, Senatorin Kathrin Moosdorf, Staatsrätin Irene Strebl, Professorin Johanna Myrzik

Conference of the North German Federal States on Energy Research

Within the framework of the North German Conference of Science Ministers (NWMK), the major conference on energy research titled "Strong together for the energy transition – impulses for new cooperation between the North German states" took place at the Atlantic Hotel Universum .

Two men and a woman talking, in the background the flags of different countries.

U Bremen Research Alliance Welcomes International Researchers

Around 120 people attended the annual reception for international researchers hosted by the University of Bremen and the twelve other research institutions of UBRA.

Pia Lange und Lars Viellechner at the Representative Office

4th Bremen Talks on the Constitutional State at the Bremen Representative Office in Berlin

On 14 and 15 September 2023, the 4th Bremen Talks on the Constitutional State took place at the Bremen Representative Office in Berlin, on the topic of "Opinions and Judgments: End of Freedom of Expression or Start of the Debate".