
vibration of a crystal
MAPEX Research Highlights|

Toward a Complete Theory of Crystal Vibrations

Jan Berges

Physics 16(2023)


A new set of equations captures the dynamical interplay of electrons and vibrations in crystals and forms a basis for computational studies.

Although a crystal is a highly ordered structure, it is never at rest: its atoms…

Workshop on RDM in Health Psychology

This September the annual EHPS conference took place at the University of Bremen. The program also included a workshop on research data management in health psychology which was conducted by DSC Data Steward Dr. Sandra Zänkert.

Bild der Doppelseite aus dem Impact-Magazin

Survival on Mars

Aggressive space radiation, a toxic atmosphere, temperatures averaging minus 65 degrees Celsius. Scientists Christiane Heinicke and Katharina Koschek explain what they are researching in the science magazine "Impact".

Glashalle mit dem Universitätslogo

University of Bremen Involved in the Establishment of a Local Competence Center for Labor Research

A new major collaborative project at the University of Bremen with partners from research, development, and industry has started its work. It is aimed at establishing a local competence center for labor research. The BMBF is providing 9.7 million euros of funding for the project.

Talk Prof. Hung-yi Lee "Towards a Speech Version of ChatGPT"

On September 8 2023 we had a visitor from Taiwan, Prof. Hung-yi Lee, Associate professor at the National Taiwan University. Here is his webpage at  -- he is a rising star in Machine Learning. He visited the lab, gave a talk and is available for…

New Impulses for Teacher Training

At a closing event yesterday in the “Domkapitelhaus”, researchers from the University of Bremen presented the results of the “Designing Interfaces” project. Over the last eight years, a team of about 45 researchers developed concepts for teacher education, supported by the Government and the Länder.

Eine Leiterplatte mit dem Schriftzug "ComNets Uni Bremen"

This was NetSys'23

Completion of the NetSys'23 Conference in Potsdam, Germany

Eine Frau schiebt ein mit bunten geflochteten Körben und Taschen schwer bepacktes Fahrrad durch eine von Wasser überschwemmte Straße

Between “Blue Urbanism” and Tanah Air: Urban Experiments, Circulations, and Placemaking as Sea Level Change Adaptation

11.-13.09.2023 | Int. conference to conclude the BlueUrban project | Jakarta, Indonesia & online

Institut für Europastudien| Aktuelles|

Votrag v. Prof. Wolfgang Eichwede: "Europa zwischen dem 8. Mai 1945 und dem 24. Februar 2022 im Spannungsverhältnis zwischen Realitäten, Illusionen und Idealen"

Im Rahmen der neuen Vortragsreihe des Instituts für Europastudien "Europäische Perspektiven - Perspektiven auf Europa" wird Prof. Eichwede einen Vortrag am 19. Oktober 2023, von 18 bis 19 Uhr, im GW2 B2890 abhalten. Mehr dazu hier:

Zwei Abende mit Musik, Tanz und Gesprächen zum Thema «Zeit formen»

Im Museum für Kommunikation (Berlin) findet die zehnte «Wunderkammer» statt; eine Veranstaltung der Neuköllner Oper unter Mitwirkung u.a. von Norman Sieroka