Member profile

Dr. PH Emily Mena

: Dr. PH Emily Mena

Building/room:  Grazer Straße 4 (GRA4)
Phone:  +49 421 218-68827

Research associate

Emily Mena is a health scientist at the Institute of Public Health and Nursing Research (IPP) at the University of Bremen. In addition to research on the quantification of health inequalities from an intersectional perspective, she is involved in the co-creative development of health interventions for family carers and the identification and mapping of dementia-friendly structures in the urban built environment.

Publications & Social Media





  • Project 'Dementia-Enabling Neighbourhoods (DEN-HB)': Participatory development of dementia-friendly neighbourhoods in Bremen; third-party funded project supported by funds from the Tönjes-Vagt Foundation (ongoing)

  • Joint project 'M-Gender': Mental health and gender - development and testing of a digital intervention to promote health among informal carers; third-party funded project supported by the GKV- Alliance for health (Bündnis für Gesundheit), (ongoing)

  • Joint project 'AdvanceGender' - Gender-sensitive health reporting: Methods for a gender-sensitive research process in population-based studies; BMBF-funded third-party funded project (completed)

  • Research Network Gender - Environment - Health (GeUmGe-NET); BMBF-funded third-party project (completed)


  • Epidemiology (winter semester 2017 to winter semester 2022)

  • Scientific work (winter semester 2017 to winter semester 2022)


Professional career

since 01/2024

Research associate in the Department of Nursing Research, Institute for Public Health and Nursing Research, University of Bremen

2022-2024Research associate in the Department of Prevention and Health Promotion, Institute for Public Health and Nursing Research, University of Bremen
2017-2022Research associate in the Department of Social Epidemiology, Institute of Public Health and Nursing Research, University of Bremen

Academic  career


Doctorate in Public Health/Social Epidemiology at the University of Bremen

Degree: Dr Public Health

Dissertation title: '(De-)construction of gender to quantify health inequalities' - Development and testing of theory-based quantitative data analysis strategies to promote gender mainstreaming through federal health reportin

Master's degree programme in Public Health/Nursing Science at the University of Bremen

Degree: Master of Arts

Title of the Master's thesis: "The impact of regional deprivation for perceived social support. An analysis based on the ‘German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Adults’ [DEGS]"


Bachelor's degree programme in Public Health/Health Sciences at the University of Bremen

Degree: Bachelor of Arts

Topic of the Bachelor's thesis: "High blood pressure from a health science perspective"