Institute of Intercultural and International Studies

The InIIS is a research institution at Faculty 8 (Social Sciences) of the University of Bremen and one of the supporting institutes of the Collaborative Research Center 1342 "Global Development Dynamics of Social Policy" and the MA program "International Relations: Global Governance & Social Theory" (MAIR). It combines the political science sub-disciplines of International Relations and European Politics with Political Theory and, with its transnational research profile, represents one of the social science research and teaching foci at the University of Bremen.

07. Oct
Welcome Event - Master International Relations
InIIS, 7.2210
11:00 13:00
06. Nov
Senghaas Lecture, "Contesting Heteronationalism in Uganda: Decolonial or Neocolonial?" (Stella Nyanzi, PEN Deutschland)
Haus der Wissenschaft, Olbers-Saal
18:00 20:00

InIIS News

New Edited Volume "Masculinities and Queer Perspectives in Transitional Justice"

This volume, co-edited by Philipp Schulz and available open access with Routledge, explores the relationship between masculinities, queerness and transitional justice in (post-)conflict settings.

Studentische Hilfskraft gesucht zum 1. Dezember

Das InIIS sucht zum 1. Dezember 2024 eine neue studentische Hilfskraft. Deadline für Bewerbungen ist der 20. September 2024!

"Between the cracks: third-country posted workers"

In this article for Social Europe, Josephine Assmus, Anita Heindlmaier and Susanne K. Schmidt explain the dynamics of exploitation of third country posted workers in European construction sectors.

InIIS InSIGHTS episode on the regional politics of the Gaza War

In this new episode, May Darwich depicts the regional changes and continuities with regard to the question of Israel-Palestine and the ongoing Gaza War.

New Publication "Mobilization for Violent Politicized Islam" by Hawa Noor

In her book, Hawa analyzes the narratives of Kenyan individuals about their motivations to participate in the Al-Shabaab armed group in Somalia and their fate as returnees in Kenyan society.

Four new PhD positions at InIIS

For their projects within the new "Reconfiguring Europe" Unit at Hertie School Jacques Delors Centre, Susanne K. Schmidt and Philipp Genschel will employ two PhD researchers each. Deadline for applications: September 15th, 2024!

New Working Paper by Ahmed Elsayed

In this new paper, Ahmed analyzed the evolution of the Taliban's political worldviews and their foreign policies before and after the resumption of authority in Kabul in August 2021.

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Call for Papers: China’s climate cooperation with the Global South (Online Workshop)

Wiebke Rabe and Barbara Pongratz invite papers for an online workshop (27th November, 2024) on the politics of China's climate cooperation with Global South countries. Deadline for abstract submissions is the 25th August, 2024.

Studentische Hilfskraft gesucht ab Oktober 2024

Das Institut für Interkulturelle und Internationale Studien der Universität Bremen, ein politik-wissenschaftliches Forschungsinstitut im Bereich der Internationalen Beziehungen, sucht zur Unterstützung des Master-Studiengangs International Relations: Global Politics and Social Theory zum 01.10.2024…

How populist and egalitarian are leftist parties in Europe?

In this new article in the Journal of Political Ideologies, Lazaros Karavasilis compares the populist and egalitarian elements of SYRIZA and Die Linke during the 2010s and makes a plea for taking different understandings of 'the elite' seriously in populism research.

Barbara Pongratz im "Klima-Labor" Podcast von n-tv

Im Gespräch erklärt Barbara die Widersprüche in der chinesischen Wirtschafts- und Klimapolitik und was diese Widersprüche für die Energiewende bedeuten.

New InIIS InSIGHTS episode on the Gaza War

In this episode, Guy Laron (Hebrew University, Department of International Relations) elaborates on far-right coalitions, settler influence, contemporary protest dynamics and the history of neoliberalism in Israel.

New article on accompanied field research in Uganda

Philipp Schulz reflects on his experience of conducting accompanied fieldwork in Uganda, and discusses how the presence of researcher's family members impacts on knowledge production, positionality and relationships.

[Translate to English:] Veranstaltungsplakat

“Living Archives” Past and Present of Intersectional-Feminist Movements in Theory and Praxis

The conference “Living Archives - Past and Present of Intersectional-Feminist Movements in Theory and Praxis” will take place on June 27/28 at the Haus der Wissenschaft in Bremen.

[Translate to English:] Flagge der Europäischen Union

Lothar Probst: A right-wing wave in Europe? Comments on the outcome of the European elections

The one-hour event will take place on June 22 at 11:00 a.m. as part of the “Wissen um 11” series at Bremen's House of Science, Sandstr. 5-6.

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Talk at InIIS: Yifei Li - Capacious Capacity. Conceptualizing the State in Chinese Environmental Governance

The event will take place on 04.07., 11:00 s.t. at InIIS room 7.2210. In this presentation, Yifei Li first proposes a typology of environmental state capacity and draws from his empirical observations of nearly two dozen environmental or climate capacity-building programs from 2012 to 2023 in…

New article co-authored by Philipp Genschel on support for fuel taxation

Do citizens support fuel taxation in light of the climate crisis? In this paper, the authors find that policy distraction through other emerging crises is the main reason that support for fuel taxation in Europe is weakened.

Wahlmobil "Krieg oder Frieden: Wohin steuert Europa?" mit Klaus Schlichte

In der Diskussion in Bremerhaven anlässlich der EU-Parlamentswahlen vom 9. Juni 2024 geht es um die verschiedenen Positionierungen in Deutschland und Europa zu Verteidigungspolitik in Zeiten des Ukrainekrieges.

Bremen 2 Interview mit Roy Karadag zu studentischen Antikriegsprotesten

Im Gespräch zu den Motiven des pro-palästinensischen Aktivismus an deutschen Universitäten und den Reaktionen durch Unileitungen und Politik plädiert Roy Karadag dafür, diese Proteste nicht zu kriminalisieren.

"Queerness and Gender Diversity in/to Migrations" Conference in Turkey (26 April 2024)

Zeynep Pinar Erdem and Onen David Ongwech present research on queer migrants in Uganda, Turkey and Lebanon at Istanbul conference.

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Student assistant wanted from July 2024

The AG Political Theory (Prof. Martin Nonhoff) is looking for a student assistant to support administrative activities and teaching preparation. The position comprises two working hours per week. Application deadline is April 30, 2024.

New article on China's social credit system and its perception on Southeast Asia

This article examines the willingness of citizens from beyond China to embrace government-run Social Credit Systems (SCS) within their countries and whether they would do so even if technologies were supplied by China.

New article on love and care in insurgency groups

In this new piece published in Global Studies Quarterly, Philipp Schulz, Eunice Apio and Robin Oryem explore practices and experiences of love and carein the wake of life in the LRA insurgency group in northern Uganda.

Deutschlands feministische Außen- und Entwicklungspolitik: Einschätzungen aus Abidjan

Ein Gespräch mit Philippe Ketouré (Université de Abidjan) über seine Einschätzungen zur neuen feministischen Außen- und Entwicklungspolitik Deutschlands.

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Student assistant wanted for DFG research project

We are looking for a student assistant for the DFG research project "Zwischen Populismus und radikaler Demokratie, zwischen Partei und Bewegung: On the discursive afterlife of place movements" (Martin Nonhoff/Seongcheol Kim). Application deadline is 31.05.2024.

Love and Care in the midst of violence and conflict

Philipp Schulz was guest at the seedyshow Youtube channel and was interviewed on his research on love and care in armed conflict in Africa.

New Publication by Wiebke Rabe on ICT and environmental participation in China

The authors find surprisingly high level of participations, driven mainly by Chinese citizens who are digitally skilled, environmentally concerned, and also offline very active.

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Neuzugang am InIIS

Katren Rogers und Marco Nicola Binetti, vormals University of Sidney und Bundeswehr Universität München, ganz herzlich am Institut.

Christina Grabbe verteidigt Dissertation

In der Disseration “Enfant Terrible of Policy-Makers and Mobile Workers’ Porous Safety Net - The Challenges of the EU Coordination of Social Security Systems” untersuchte Christina Grabbe das Zusammenspiel zwischen Arbeitnehmerfreizügigkeit und sozialer Absicherung in Europa.

InIIS Newsletter (Januar 2024) erschienen

Der aktuelle Newsletter zu Aktivitäten von InIIS-Mitgliedern der letzten sechs Monate ist nun erschienen und verfügbar.

Josephine Assmus verteidigt Dissertation

In der Arbeit "Free to Move but Unprotected" untersucht Josephine die Auswirkungen der EU-Arbeitnehmerentsenderichtlinie und die jüngeren Spannungen zwischen Arbeits- und Dienstleistungsmobilität im europäischen Binnenmarkt.

New InSIGHTS episode with Harriet Byarugaba

In this talk, Harriet Byarugaba portrays her everyday life in the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) and reflects on the challenges of fighting Al-Shabaab and on the political developments of Somalia since the AU intervention.

Neuerscheinung: "Eine gerechte Weltwirtschaftsordnung" von Alex Veit & Daniel Fuchs

Der Sammelband (Open Access) fragt angesichts globaler Armut, der Klimakatastrophe, zunehmender internationaler Konflikte nach der heutigen Relevanz der Neuen Internationalen Wirtschaftsordnung von 1974.

Pınar Erdem & Philipp Schulz attend the "Missing Peace Global Symposium" in Washington, D.C.

At this United States Institute of Peace (USIP) event , Pınar and Philipp will present their research at the "Creating Bridges between research, policy and practice to address conflict-related sexual violence" plenary.

"Torn into the Abyss" - New article out by Dennis Niemann, David Krogmann & Kerstin Martens

How has the population of international organizations changed in recent decades, and how does that relate to the contestation of the liberal international order?

[Translate to English:] Logo InIIS

Student assistant wanted from Dec, 1st

A student assistant is needed to support Prof. Susanne K. Schmidt for 5 hours/week. Application deadline is 25.10.2023.

Philippe Kétouré neuer Gastwissenschaftler am InIIS

Von August 2023 bis Januar 2024 ist Dr. Philippe Ketoure von der Universite de Cocody Abidjan als Gastwissenschaftler am InIIS, um seine Forschungen zu feministischer Außen- und Entwicklungspolitik voranzubringen.

"From the Mountains to the Élysée" - New Article by Ahmed Elsayed

In this publication in the Middle East Journal, Ahmed Elsayed investigates the precarious international legitimacy of Kurdish organizations in the Syrian War.

Studentische Hilfskraft gesucht zum 1. Oktober

Für das Forschungsprojekt KNOWPRO „Wissensproduktion in der deutschen Friedens- und Sicherheitspolitik“ sucht das InIIS zum 01.10.2023 eine studentische Hilfskraft.

"Zukunft jenseits des Marktes" - Neue Monographie von Samia Mohammed

In ihrem neuen Buch diskutiert Samia Wirtschaftsmodelle jenseits von kapitalistischer Marktwirtschaft, Vorstellungen von Demokratie und Freiheit, Arbeitsteilung und Naturverhältnisse. In einem kurzen Interview stellt Samia Hauptanliegen und -aussagen vor.

"Revenue, Redistribution, and the Rise and Fall of Inheritance Taxation"

In this new Comparative Political Studies article by Philipp Genschel, Laura Seelkopf and Julian Limberg, the authors investigate why and when countries have repealed the inheritance tax.

"The Historicity of International Politics. Imperialism and the Presence of the Past"

"What does it mean to say that international politics has a history?", ask Klaus Schlichte and Stephan Stetter in their new edited volume, published with Cambridge University Press, with contributions by Ayşe Zarakol, George Steinmetz, Julian Go, and many others.

Victims' Groups in Post-Conflict Settings

In this new article, published in the International Journal of Transitional Justice, Philipp Schulz offers a empirical reflection about how sustainable and locally-owned survivors' groups in post-conflict settings are.

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New member Barbara Pongratz

We are happy to welcome Barbara Pongratz as new InIIS researcher. Previously, Barbara was working for GIZ and the Mercator Institute for China Studies (MERICS). In the coming years, she will investigate China's domestic and international climate policies.

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Political Theory in Times of Uncertainty

From September 27-29, the University Bremen will host the congress "Political Theory in Times of Uncertainty." The congress reflects from the perspective of political theory, but with a view to other disciplines, on uncertainties in the face of a variety of current crises.

"Diplomatische Reisegeste" - Artikel von Alex Veit zu afrikanischer Diplomatie im Ukrainekrieg

In diesem Artikel in der taz diskutiert unser assoziiertes Mitglied Alex Veit (European Council of Foreign Relations) die jüngste Reise afrikanischer Staatschefs nach Kiew und St. Petersburg sowie den Wandel der südafrikanischen Haltung zu Russland.

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CRSV Observatory Podcast - Episode with Philipp Schulz

For the CRSV Observatory Podcast, hosted by the Gender and Security Project, Philipp Schulz spoke about his research on wartime sexual violence against men.

Antrittsvorlesungen von Wiebke Rabe & Philipp Genschel

Nach den diesjährigen Berufungen unserer Neuzugänge Wiebke Rabe und Philipp Genschel kommt am Montag, den 19. Juni (17.15 Uhr), der Fachbereich Sozialwissenschaften der Universität Bremen für ihre Antrittsvorlesungen zu Globaler Ressourcenpolitik und Public Policy zusammen.

"Was gegen eine Intervention im Sudan spricht" - Ein Kommentar von Klaus Schlichte

In diesem Kommentar in der Tageszeitung "Welt" argumentiert Klaus Schlichte gegen Ideen einer möglichen westlichen militärischen Stabilisierungsmission im Sudan.

Two new articles by Philipp Genschel on European security institutions and the Ukraine War

Our new InIIS member Philipp Genschel has co-published two new articles that deal with more recent dynamics of institutionalization of EU security, as, for example, triggered by Russia's attack on Ukraine.

New InIIS Working Paper on land privatizations and their social impacts in Africa

In this new piece, Sarah Penteado, our associate member Hawa Noor Zitzmann and our MAIR student Justina Hutchinson discuss the debates on the politics and social dynamics of land grabs in Ethiopia, Ghana, Mozambique and Zambia.

"China's Provinces Go Global: Internationalization under Guided Autonomy": New book publication by Wiebke Rabe

Based on her doctoral research on the economic internationalization of Chinese provinces, this book provides novel insights into how these have developed into major sources of China’s outbound investments.

New open access article by Christina Grabbe on the positions of policymakers from Denmark, the Netherlands and Germany towards the free movement of workers and access to social security in the EU

In this article, Christina argues that Western European policymakers' concern on the access of EU mobile workers to social security is not only the financial burden on their welfare systems, but also the question how compatible reform proposals are with national monitoring and enforcement systems.

Wiebke Rabe neue Professorin am InIIS

Wir freuen uns, Wiebke Rabe als neue Professorin für Internationale Beziehungen mit dem Schwerpunkt "Globale Ressourcenpolitik" am InIIS begrüßen zu dürfen!


Interview mit Roy Karadag zum Erdbeben in der Türkei

Im Interview mit ntv erörtert Roy Karadag die möglichen politischen Folgen des verheerenden Erdbebens in der Türkei vom 6. Februar.

11. Magdeburger Ringvorlesung zu Ukrainekrieg mit Klaus Schlichte

Gemeinsam mit Landesbischof Friedrick Kramer (EKD) diskutiert Klaus Schlichte mögliche Positionierungen hierzulande zur russischen Aggression und erörtert die Spannung zwischen Ansprüchen von Pazifismus und Solidarität in diesem Krieg.

InIIS Newsletter XVII erschienen!

In unserem halbjährlichen Überblick: Feldforschungsaufenthalte in Afrika, neue Publikationen und Workshops zu Rechtspopulismus, zu Land, bewaffneten Gruppen und Zukunftspolitik. Und natürlich viel mehr!

"InIIS Re:Members": Private Sicherheitsfirmen in der internationalen Politik" mit Berenike Prem

Wie und in welchem Rahmen lassen sich private Sicherheitsfirmen in der internationalen Politik regulieren? Berenike Prem im Gespräch mit Gunnar Bantz und Jakob Henninger zu ihrem Forschungsprojekt im SFB 597 "Staatlichkeit im Wandel" an der Uni Bremen von 2010 bis 2014.

"InIIS Re:Members: Interventionen gegen sexualisierte Gewalt in der DR Kongo" mit Lisa Tschörner & Alex Veit

Wie funktionieren internationale Interventionen gegen sexualisierte Gewalt in Konfliktregionen? Und mit welche nicht-intendierten politisch-bürokratischen Folgen humanitärer Praktiken leben lokale Gesellschaften? Lisa Tschörner & Alex berichten aus ihrem DFG-Forschungsprojekt (2015-2019) am InIIS.

Katarina Kušić: "Land and human-soil relations in Southeast Europe" out in "Connections"

What might we find out if we see land as different constellations of human-nature relationships? In this piece, Katarina presents some of the different ways in which land has been engaged in multi-disciplinary scholarship and proposes human-soil relations as another possible mode of investigation.

New Research Project at InIIS starting in June 2023: A Different Kind of War Story - Centering Love and Care in Peace and Conflict Studies

This new research project, led by Dr. Philipp Schulz and Dr. Roxani Krystalli (University of St. Andrews) focuses on practices and relations of love and care in the midst and wake of armed conflict. The three year project (2023-26) is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the UK AHRC.

New book publication out by Jude Kagoro on Policing in Uganda

In his new book "Inside an African Police Force", Jude Kagoro investigates the everyday urban and rural interactions between populace and the Ugandan Police Force (UPF), including an analysis of the increasingly political nature of the police as power source in President Museveni's rule.

"InIIS Re:Members: Konfliktlinien & Kulturkonflikte nach 1990" mit Lars Brozus (SWP) und Bernhard Trautner (IDOS)

Welche Rolle spielte das Ende des Ost-West-Konflikts für die IB in Bremen? Lars Brozus und Bernhard Trautner, die in den 1990er Jahren ihre Dissertationen am InIIS verfassten, reflektieren die Herausbildung neuer Konfliktlinien in der internationalen Politik und zwei Wege, sie zu erforschen.

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Martin Nonhoff bei Deutschlandfunk Kultur "Wortwechsel" zum Ausgang der Midterms in den USA

In der Sendung "Wortwechsel" auf Deutschlandfunk Kultur diskutiert Martin Nonhoff mit Doris Simon, Ralph Freund und Tyson Barker die Frage, wie es nach den Kongresswahleln vom 8. November 2022 um die US-amerikanische Demokratie steht.

"InIIS Re:Members: Öffentlichkeiten im Wandel" mit Katharina Kleinen-von Königslow & Tanjev Schultz

Wie wurde am InIIS vor zwanzig Jahren über Öffentlichkeit, Politik und medialen Wandel geforscht? In diesem Gespräch kommen unsere ehemaligen Mitglieder Lothar Probst, Katharina Kleinen-von Königsloh (Uni Hamburg) und Tanjev Schultz (Uni Mainz) zusammen und diskutieren rückblickend diese Themen.

"EU free movement of people" by Michael Blauberger, Christina Grabbe & Ariadna Ripoll Servent

This new article in JEPP investigates how the COVID pandemic affected the free movement of people. It finds that free movement, despite being a fundamental principle of the EU, ultimately depends on national policies (borders, health, welfare) which are only partly implemented at the regional level.

"InIIS Re:Members"-Reihe eröffnet

Im ersten Gespräch unserer neuen "InIIS Re:Members"-Reihe trafen sich Susanne K. Schmidt und Benjamin Werner (am InIIS von 2014 bis 2018) mit Daniel Seikel (WSI Düsseldorf) und diskutierten die Hintergründe und Ergebnisse des Forschungsprojekts "Transnationalization and Judicialization of Welfare".

"Negative integration is what states make of it" by Susanne K. Schmidt & Michael Blauberger

In this new article in the Journal of Common Market Studies, Susanne K. Schmidt and Michael Blauberger explore new forms of exploitation in the German meat sector, how this connects to EU dynamics and why Denmark did not follow this path of negative European integration to liberalize labor markets.

InIIS InSIGHTS IV - "What does it take to have a democracy?"

In this new InIIS InSIGHTS episode, Klaus Schlichte and Jude Kagoro meet with Frank N. Rusa, country representative of the Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy (NIMD) to discuss the place and democratic potential of elections, parliament and parties in contemporary Ugandan politics.

On inclusive approaches to gender-based violence

In this new article, Henri Myrttinen and Philipp Schulz critically interrogate potential tensions and frictions in recent attempts to broaden the scope of research and programming on conflict-related sexual violence and shed light on several risks involved in such efforts.

"Nach den Kriegen: Was Europa vom Balkan lernen kann"

Unsere diesjährige Dieter Senghaas Lecture hält Prof. Marie-Janine Calic (LMU München) zur internationalen Konfliktbearbeitung und Friedenskonsolidierung auf dem Westbalkan. Die Veranstaltung findet am 27. Oktober 2022 im Haus der Wissenschaft statt (18 Uhr, Olbers-Saal).

"3 x Ukraine: Zur Politischen Soziologie eines Angriffskriegs"

Klaus Schlichtes analysiert in diesem Beitrag die strukturierenden und dynamisierenden Bedingungen für den russischen Angriff auf die Ukraine und diskutiert für die Leviathan-Debatte die Bedeutung vorherrschender Theorietraditionen in den deutschen Internationalen Beziehungen.

[Translate to English:] Tagungsprogramm

Tackling Emigration in EU Member States - The Welfare Dimension (6./7. Oktober 2022)

Der gemeinsam mit Martin Seeliger (IAW Bremen) und Christof Roos (Uni Flensburg) organisierte Workshop untersucht neue Dynamiken von Arbeitsmigration in der Europäischen Union.

Inside Peace Center - Podcast mit Dieter Senghaas zur Geschichte der Friedensforschung

Mit Lukas Wank von ASPR unterhält sich Dieter Senghaas zum Thema "40 Jahre Friedenszentrum Schlaining" und zur Entwicklung der deutschsprachigen Friedensforschung der letzten Jahrzehnte.

NIEO2: Eine gerechte Weltwirtschaftsordnung?

Von Alex Veit gemeinsam mit der Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung organisierte Podiumsdiskussion in Berlin zur Frage, wie eine neue und gerechte Weltwirtschaftsordnung zu realisieren wäre.

"Platzproteste zehn Jahre danach. Eine Bestandsaufnahme"

Martin Nonhoff und Seongcheol Kim haben das neue Heft von Mittelweg 36 zu den Platzprotesten der 2010er Jahre herausgegeben. Mit Beiträgen zu Occupy Wall Street (Christian Leonhardt), Protesten in Spanien, Ägypten, Russland und Belarus.

Student assistant job at InIIS

Student assistant job at project "Figurations of Internationalized Rule", application deadline: 15th August


New research group on populism, radical democracy and square protests

Our new DFG-funded research group "Between Populism and Radical Democracy, between Party and Movement: The Discursive Afterlife of Square Movements" introduces itself

"Gestörter Empfang: Putins Kriegsnarrative und die deutsche Russlandpolitik"

Unsere diessemestrige InIIS Lunchtime Veranstaltung mit Ulrich Schneckener (Uni Osnabrück) und Elizaveta Gaufman (University of Groningen) zum Ukrainekrieg.

InIIS Newsletter No. 16 erschienen!

Neues Graduiertenkolleg "Contradiction Studies", neue Forschungsprojekte zu Populismus/Parteien/Bewegungen, zu deutscher Sicherheitspolitik und zu neuen Landfragen auf dem Westbalkan. Und natürlich vieles mehr an Neuigkeiten aus dem InIIS.

Buchvorstellung "Politik und Regieren in Bremen"

Der neue Sammelband "Politik und Regieren in Bremen" von Lothar Probst, Andreas Klee und Matthias Güldner wird am 2. Mai 2022 in der Bremischen Bürgerschaft vorgestellt und besprochen.

New edited volume "Global Pathways to Education" by Kerstin Martens & Michael Windzio

Focuses on the verti­cal interdepend­en­cies through carefully selected IOs, providing path-breaking and systemati­cally aligned re­search on the paradigms that IOs spread across the globe. Meets a growing demand for more systematic knowledge about the development and trans­formation of education.

Call for Chapters: “Routledge Handbook of Masculinities, Conflict and Peacebuilding”

Our associate colleague Henri Myrttinen and Philipp Schulz are editing the Roudledge Handbook of Masculinities, Conflict and Peacebuilding and call for contributions to the volume.

InIIS InSIGHTS No. 2 - The Russia-Ukraine War

In der zweiten Folge des InIIS InISGHTS Podcasts bespricht Roy Karadag mit Elizaveta Gaufman die am 24. Februar beginnende russische Invasion der Ukraine.

"Transformative Effekte des Ukraine-Krieges"

Stephan Hensell diskutiert zusammen mit Martin Kahl und Wolfgang Schreiber einige Folgen des Ukraine-Krieges für Soziopolis.

InIIS InSIGHTS No. 1 - The International Politics of Contemporary Libya

In der ersten Folge unseres neuen Podcasts diskutiert Klaus Schlichte mit Mabruk Derbésh die Folgen der vielfältigen militärischen und politischen Interventionen in Libyen.

What we research

Vereinte Nationen

What we offer: our "Politische Sprechstunde"

Do you have questions about current international political developments and crises? About the dynamics of interstate and civil wars, political uprisings and social upheavals? About the historical background of crises that are manifesting themselves today? Or even about powerful imaginaries of the future and their political potential? If you have such or related questions and are looking for a direct exchange on these themes, then feel free to take advantage of our weekly "Politische Sprechstunde"! Here you will receive background information on the topics you have chosen. In addition, you will receive literature suggestions and insights into ongoing social science debates to get a sense of how diverse such topics can be researched.

If you are interested in a Sprechstunde, simply make an appointment with our Roy Karadag (! We offer these meetings and talks at our InIIS offices, virtually or quite classically over the phone.

What we teach: MA International Relations

The InIIS offers the English-language MA program "International Relations: Global Politics & Social Theory". The two-year program was originally conceived jointly with Jacobs University Bremen and has been reorganized by the InIIS teaching staff since 2022. It draws on a wide range of social science disciplines, topics and methods and provides a multi-perspective insight into the dynamics of global politics and transnational relations. We are particularly proud of the strong social-theoretical embeddedness of the program, which relies on diverse theoretical framings of political processes.


The program offers a theory-based understanding of international politics. With references to normative theories, global political economy, peace and conflict studies, and global history, it gives our students the necessary analytical tools to fathom the everyday life of global governance. It examines globalization processes, international conflict situations, principles of legalization and transnational social activism, doing so from the perspective of international political sociology. Thisl enables our students to actively engage in ongoing international debates on the future of democracy and capitalism, global orders, war and peace, and the power of ideas.

