Completed Projects

Third-party funded projects / own projects

Title Project Type Start date
SalusTransform: Evaluation of interventions for equitable health-promoting urban development and great transformation in terms of promoting health, reducing social inequalities and protecting the climate and environment Third-party funded project 01.06.2023
Co-designing Public Space: In Policy and Practice Third-party funded project 01.04.2023
Heat action plan for the cities Bremen and Bremerhaven Third-party funded project 01.02.2023
Climate change and health equity: a public health perspective on climate justice in Germany Third-party funded project 01.07.2022
Innovation Lab B.A. Public Health Third-party funded project 01.07.2022
Participatory digital interventions: barriers and approaches Third-party funded project 01.05.2022
Integrated Indicator Set Urban Health Third-party funded project 01.04.2022
University Nursing Education and Career Entry Uni Bremen Campus GmbH-Project 01.01.2022
Transitions to nursing – strengthening individual and regional resources Third-party funded project 01.01.2022
Preceptorship as an integrated training component of Bachelor of Nursing programs Uni Bremen Campus GmbH-Projekt 01.01.2022
DigiTechNH: Digital technologies to improve social interaction and participation of people with care and support needs in inpatient long-term care Third-party funded project 01.01.2022
Publikationsprojekt: Special Issue Dietary and Lifestyle-Related Behaviours in Community-Dwelling Older Adults. Special Issue in Nutrients (IF=5.7) own project 01.10.2021
StaVaCare 2.0: Stability and variation of the care mix in nursing homes considering care mix, outcome and organisational characteristics - organisational development in Schleswig-Holstein Uni Bremen Campus GmbH-Project 01.09.2021
Public Health Ethics and Film In-house project 01.09.2021
Development and piloting of a decision coaching intervention to support informed decision-making regarding vaccination against COVID-19 In-house Project 01.09.2021
Development of a curriculum for theoretical and practical teaching as well as a practical curriculum for the one-year training program for nursing assistants Uni Bremen Campus GmbH-project 01.09.2021
Intersectional and Ethical Perspectives on Age(ing) and Body Weight in Health Care Third-party funded project 01.08.2021
Formalization and VR-based Simulation of Age-related Obstacles own project 01.05.2021
Addressing Global Environmental Health Inequalities: Digital Assessment of Subjective Environmental. Exposure and Environmental Injustice – A Feasibility Study in Nepal (DASEIN-NP) Third-party funded project 01.01.2021
Video-based lesson reflection In-house-project 01.01.2021
Determinants of adherence to behavioural recommendations and psychological adaptation to COVID-19 in everyday life. Corona Crisis and Beyond – Perspectives for Science, Scholarship and Society Third-party funded project 10.12.2020
A stress test for resilient neighbourhoods: The impact of epidemics on neighbourhoods and strategies to increase their resilience – the example of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in German cities Third-party funded project 01.11.2020
Men’s sheds as community-based health promotion for men aged 50 plus (MASH) Third-party funded project 01.11.2020
Test assignment "Development of a one-year generalist nursing assistant training program" Uni Bremen Campus GmbH-project 01.11.2020
FORESIGHT. Framework for evidence-based interventions to promote health literacy in the setting of vocational reintegration Third-party funded project 01.10.2020
EquiP Summer School Quality in Primary Care own project 21.06.2020
DIVERGesTOOL – Toolbox for operationalization of sex/gender diversity in research on health care, health promotion and prevention Third-party funded project 01.05.2020
The situation of home care in Germany during the coronavirus pandemic own project 01.05.2020
Initiation of international collaboration: Decision coaching and evidence-based patient decision aids to facilitate informed shared decision-making in oncology – determinants of practice Third-party funded project 15.04.2020
SoKIP: Exploratory project on AI in care Third-party funded project 01.04.2020
Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 in long-term inpatient care own project 01.04.2020
Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 in long-term outpatient care own project 01.04.2020
Structural development in the area of vocational school teacher training Development of further training offers for teachers in vocational education Third-party funded project 01.03.2020
DASEIN: Digital assessment of subjective environmental exposure and environmental injustice Third-party funded project 01.01.2020
Innovative approaches to accelerometer data analysis for physical activity assessment in public health Third-party funded project 01.01.2020
Technologies to support interaction in daily life for people with dementia and their informal carers to improve quality of life and social participation Third-party funded project 01.10.2019
CAre Reflection Online for the advanced training programme in ONCOlogical nursing (CAROplusONKO) Third-party funded project 01.10.2019
REDuction of Antibiotic RESistance in uncomplicated urinary tract infections by treatment according to German national guidelines in the ambulatory care. REDARES Third-party funded project 01.09.2019
SHARED: Social Health And Reserve in the Dementia Patient Journey Third-party funded project 01.05.2019
DISTINCT: Dementia - Intersectorial Strategy for Training and Innovation Network for Current Technology (DISTINCT) Third-party funded project 01.05.2019
Strengthening health-promoting co-operation in administration in the district. Health In All Policies in Bremen Third-party funded project 01.04.2019
DemWG: Reducing the risk of hospitalisation for people with dementia in assisted living communities Third-party funded project 01.04.2019
Update of the Database for Nursing Prevention and Rehabilitation of the Center for Quality in Nursing own project 01.02.2019
Development of quality indicators to analyze the improvement of psychiatric care Third-party funded project 01.01.2019
Developmental tasks in nursing education Third-party funded project 01.01.2019
Development of a Bremen curriculum for generalist nursing training Third-party funded project 01.11.2018
Titel Englisch Conference of the World Society of Disaster Nursing (WSDN) own project 17.10.2018
Exploring cognitive-motivational determinants of health (inequities) in the context of the European Environmental Noise Directive Third-party funded project 01.06.2018
Crime scene care: evaluation of spectator reactions to the crime series Tatort "In the blind spot" Third-party funded project 01.05.2018
PfADe: Preventive care structures for family carers of people with dementia Third-party funded project 01.04.2018
Involving older patients in preparing clinical trials – INVOLVE-Clin Third-party funded project 01.03.2018
AFOOT – Securing urban mobility of an ageing population (2nd funding phase) Third-party funded project 01.02.2018
EQUAL – Equity impacts of interventions to increase physical activity (2nd funding phase) Third-party funded project 01.02.2018
Development of a community-based outdoor physical activity promotion program in older adults 65+ (OUTDOOR ACTIVE) (2nd funding phase) Third-party funded project 01.02.2018
Stabilität und Variation des Care-Mix in Pflegeheimen unter Berücksichtigung von Case-Mix, Outcome und Organisationscharakteristika (StaVaCare 2.0) Third-party funded project 01.11.2017
Treating urinary tract infections – appropriate antibiotic therapy using point of care test and patient information Third-party funded project 01.09.2017
AdvanceGender – Advancing Gender-Sensitive Health Reporting to Improve Prevention: Methods for a Gender-Sensitive Research Process of Population Studies. AdvanceDataAnalysis – Development of methods for gender-sensitive multivariable data analysis Third-party funded project 01.07.2017
INGER – Integrating gender into environmental health research: Building a sound evidence basis for gender-sensitive prevention and environmental health protection. Coordination and subproject 1 public health research Third-party funded project 01.07.2017
Evaluation of the "Farms for people with dementia" care and support programme Third-party funded project 01.05.2017
MVP-STAT: Needs-Based Provision of Medical Care to Nursing Home Residents Third-party funded project 01.04.2017
Avoiding admission to nursing home: Onset of long-term inpatient care and its predictors in care, housing and support situation - population-based cohort study Third-party funded project 01.04.2017
Development of a scientific based Procedure for unified Calculation of Personnel Requirements in Nursing Institutions with qualitative and quantitative standards in accordance with § 113c SGB XI Third-party funded project 01.01.2017
Ready to change. Increasing community-based willingness to take action to promote physical activity among older people. Sub-project for the qualitative investigation of reasons for non-participation in programmes to promote physical activity among older p In-house-project 01.01.2017
National model curriculum for interprofessional collaboration and communication 01.08.2016
VAPA - Validation of Accelerometery to Estimate Physical Activity Intensity and Energy Expenditure in Older Adults own project 01.05.2016
CARO – Care Reflection Online Third-party funded project 01.05.2016
Development of a model curriculum ‘Communicative competence in nursing’ Third-party funded project 01.01.2016
GeUmGe-Net – Research Network Gender – Environment – Health Third-party funded project 01.12.2015
Development of a curriculum for generalist nursing training at the Institute for Vocational Training in Healthcare (IbBG) of Vivantes - Netzwerk für Gesundheit - GmbH, Berlin Third-party funded project 01.10.2015
Qualification mix in inpatient care in hospitals Third-party funded project 01.08.2015
„Curriculumentwicklung eines fachlich-theoretischen Zusatzmoduls im Rahmen der Vorbereitung der deutsch-vietnamesischen Fachkräftemobilität“ Third-party funded project 15.06.2015
Transforming noise action planning into an instrument for more health equity own project 01.06.2015
Evaluation der gesetzlich geregelten Modellvorhaben in den Berufsfeldern der Logopäden, Physiotherapeuten und Ergotherapeuten Third-party funded project 01.05.2015
Cooperation project Groningen (NL) – Bremen within the research framework "Sustainable Societies" own project 16.02.2015
Development of a community-based outdoor physical activity promotion program in older adults 65+ (OUTDOOR ACTIVE) Third-party funded project 01.02.2015
AFOOT – Securing urban mobility of an ageing population (1st funding phase) Third-party funded project 01.02.2015
EQUAL – Equity impacts of interventions to increase physical activity (1st funding phase) Third-party funded project 01.02.2015
Entwicklung von "Modulbaukästen" und flexiblen Curricula im Bereich Pflegewissenschaft. Arbeitspaket 3 im "Projekt konstruktiv"; Konsequente Orientierung an neuen Zielgruppen, strukturell in der Universität Bremen verankern (BMBF) Third-party funded project 01.01.2015
Study "Environment and Health of Children in Dortmund" Third-party funded project 01.09.2014
Subjective perception of the effectiveness of prevention measures third-party funded project 01.08.2014
„Forschend studieren von Anfang an“ (ForstA) – Reform der Studieneingangsphase im Studiengang Pflegewissenschaft (Duales Studienprogramm) Third-party funded project 01.07.2014
PROFIL Gender: Project-based, research-based and interdisciplinary learning own project 01.03.2014
Artificial lighting and cancer diseases own project 01.03.2014
INDIKA - Indication-specific regionally coordinated post-inpatient long-term care for people with stroke and people with dementia after stroke in Berlin-Pankow Third-party funded project 01.05.2013
Junior research group Salus: The city as a healthy living environment independent of social inequalities Third-party funded project 01.02.2013
IGIs-SHS – Impact of tobacco control policies on social inequalities in children's exposure to tobacco smoke own project 01.02.2013
COST ES 1204 Loss of the Night Network – LoNNe third-party funded project 01.01.2013
Entwicklung einer problemorientierten Wissensdatenbank für Pflegende Third-party funded project 01.01.2013
MADRIC - IT-supported monitoring of adverse drug reactions in inpatient geriatric care Third-party funded project 01.11.2012
Mediencoaches für das Berufsfeld Pflege. Entwicklung, Erprobung und Etablierung eines Qualifizierungskonzeptes, Teilprojekt: Pflegedidaktische und pflegewissenschaftliche Konzeption und Evaluation Third-party funded project 01.08.2012
Dualer Bachelorstudiengang Pflegewissenschaft – Weiterentwicklung und Qualitätssicherung Third-party funded project 01.06.2012
DemNet-D. Multicentre, interdisciplinary evaluation study of dementia networks in Germany Third-party funded project 01.04.2012
Inhaltliche und strukturelle Evaluation der Modellstudiengänge zur Weiterentwicklung der Pflege- und Gesundheitsfachberufe in NRW Third-party funded project 01.03.2012
Qualifikationsanalyse für die generalistisch ausgerichtete zweijährige Pflegeassistenzausbildung Third-party funded project 01.02.2012
Berufswissenschaftlich und –pädagogisch fundierte Konzeption eines modularisierten, fächerintegrativ angelegten Curriculums für die generalistisch ausgerichtete zweijährige Pflegeassistenzausbildung mit integriertem Realschulabschl Third-party funded project 01.02.2012
Gutachten zur Situation der pflegerischen Versorgung in den Krankenhäusern in Hessen Third-party funded project 01.03.2011
Konstruktion eines lernfeldorientierten Curriculums für die Altenpflegeausbildung Third-party funded project 01.04.2010
Entwicklung eines Praxiscurriculums bzw. individualisierter Lehrpläne für die Gesundheits- und Krankenpflegeausbildung an der Bremer Krankenpflegeschule (BKS) Third-party funded project 01.04.2010
WGQual: Research-based quality development to strengthen quality of life and preventive potential in assisted living communities for older people in need of care Third-party funded project 01.05.2009
Evaluation of preliminary grades and credits in nurse training programs in the federal state of Bremen Third-party funded project 01.05.2009
Machbarkeitsstudie zur Konzeption und Einrichtung eines primärqualifizierenden Pflegestudiengangs mit Vermittlung einer heilkundlichen Zusatzqualifikation in Bremen Third-party funded project 01.03.2009
Konzeption und Überprüfung einer akademischen Erstausbildung von Pflegeberufen auf der Basis des Pflege-Weiterentwicklungsgesetzes - Kooperationsprojekt der Universität Bremen mit dem Senator für Gesundheit In-house project 01.01.2009
DeWeGE: Berlin study on the outcome-related evaluation of health care for people with dementia in assisted living communities Third-party funded project 01.05.2008
Beratung bei der Konzeption und Durchführung von curricularen Veränderungen im Rahmen der Altenpflegeausbildung - am Beispiel der Altenpflegeschulen des Instituts für berufliche Aus- und Fortbildung Third-party funded project 01.04.2008
Beratung bei der Konzeption und Durchführung von curricularen Veränderungen in der Altenpflegeausbildung Third-party funded project 01.04.2008
Bremer Pflegebericht (Bericht zur Situation und den Perspektiven der Pflege in Bremen und Bremerhaven) In-house project 01.02.2008
Beratung und Konzeption bei der Durchführung von curricularen Veränderungen an der Krankenpflegeschule des Ev. Krankenhauses Oldenburg In-house project 01.01.2008
Beratung und formative Prozessevaluation an der Bremer Krankenpflegeschule e.V. (3) Third-party funded project 01.10.2007
Beratung bei der Konzeption und Durchführung curricularer Veränderungen Third-party funded project 01.01.2006
HBS-Promotionskolleg "Nutzer:innenorientierte Gesundheitssicherung" Third-party funded project 01.01.2006
Evaluation des Schulversuchs "Generalistische Ausbildung mit integrierter Fachhochschulreife" In-house project 01.01.2005
Beratung und formative Prozessevaluation an der Bremer Krankenpflegeschule e.V. Third-party funded project 01.11.2003
Evaluation des Projektes "Neue Lehr-Lernformen in der Weiterbildung Anästhesie- und Intensivpflege" Third-party funded project 01.01.2002

Doctoral projects

Title Project Type Start date
"Boah, es hätte an so vielen Punkten anders sein müssen." - Ausgewählte Ergebnisse der qualitativen Panelstudie 'Entwicklungsaufgaben in der beruflichen Pflegeausbildung' Doctoral project 10.09.2024
Development and replication of a typology of informal dementia care dyads to guide the design of tailored support for informal caregivers – An exploratory study based on cross-sectional analyses of dementia care network users in Germany and the Netherland PhD project 01.01.2019
Opportunities and barriers of monitoring the quality of outpatient medical care for people in need of long-term care on the basis of health insurance claims data in Germany PhD project 23.05.2018
Intersectionality-informed sex/gender sensitivity in quantitative health research with focus on Federal Health Monitoring and Reporting in Germany PhD project 01.07.2017
Predictors of nursing home admission and shared housing arrangements as alternative residences for people in need of nursing care Doctoral projects 01.04.2017
Applying quantitative health impact assessment for evidence-based policy-making in public health PhD project 01.01.2017
Physical activity and social inequalities among older adults Doctoral projects 01.01.2016
Attitudes, driving factors and barriers of physical activity in 65-75-year-olds in Bremen (Germany) Doctoral projects 01.01.2016
Promoting self-management of patients with chronic illness - limits and obstacles of health programmes" Doctoral project 01.06.2014
Pflegerische Empathie (lernen) – Sichtweisen von Pflegelernenden. Eine longitudinale qualitative Interviewstudie Doctoral project 01.01.2014
Placing sensory science in health Research : Correlates of sensory taste perception & preferences, healthy eating and health outcomes in European Children Doctoral projects 01.11.2013
Die Theorie der Hebammenidentitäts-Konstruktion im Kontext von interprofessioneller Zusammenarbeit und Medikalisierung der Geburt Doctoral project 09.10.2013
Die Macht des pflegeberuflichen Alltags. Subjektive Konstruktionen im Gesundheitsverhalten von Pflegefachpersonen Doctoral project 10.10.2012
Normalitäten in Bewegung: Rekonstruktion narrativer Identität psychiatrisch Pflegender Doctoral project 15.03.2012
Neighbourhood context and its contribution to urban health inequalities Doctoral projects 01.02.2012
On the practice of palliative care and support for dementia nursing home residents. Doctoral projects 12.10.2011
Sorge und Sorgekonflikte in der ambulanten Pflege. Eine empirisch begründete Theorie der Zerrissenheit Doctoral project 01.10.2011
Eine Theorie der Anerkennung von Homosexualitäten in der Altenpflege: Zur Lebenssituation älterer gleichgeschlechtlich liebender Frauen und Männer in der Pflegebedürftigkeit Doctoral project 30.03.2011
Career decisions of healthcare assistants after their apprenticeship Doctoral projects 24.11.2010
Use of biological samples in the epidemiological multicenter study IDEFICS - from quality assurance to risk assessment Doctoral projects 01.09.2010
Theatre work, culturally educational drug prevention, culturally educational relapse prevention, former addicts Doctoral projects 01.01.2010
„Sich aneinander orientieren“. Feinfühligkeit und Engagement in der beziehungsorientierten Interaktion zwischen Menschen mit fortgeschrittener Demenz und Bezugspersonen: Eine mikroanalytische Videointeraktionsstudie. Doctoral project 04.02.2009
Selbstständigwerden in der Pflegepraxis. Eine empirische Studie zum informellen Lernen in der praktischen Pflegeausbildung Doctoral project 01.07.2007
Die besondere Ungewissheit im Handeln. Schlüsselprobleme gerontopsychiatrischer Pflegepraxis; die Analyse beruflicher Kompetenzen zur Konstruktion von Curricula am Beispiel gerontopsychiatrischer Pflege Doctoral project 01.01.2007
Die narrative Anamnese im Rahmen einer biographischen „Diagnostik“ im pflegerischen Setting der kardiologischen Rehabilitation. Eine konzeptuelle Entwicklung Doctoral project 01.01.2007
Interaktionsorientiertes Bewegungshandeln Doctoral project 01.03.2006
Dem Leibkörper auf der Spur. Theoretischer Begründungsrahmen professioneller reflexiver Könnerschaft im Berufsfeld Pflege Doctoral project 01.05.2005
Intuition als Bestandteil pflegerischen Handelns in der ambulanten Pflege - Merkmale und Entstehungskontexte intuitiven Handelns Doctoral project 01.03.2005