Marine Sciences

Gerold Wefer

Professor of General Geology and Marine Geology

Professor Gerold Wefer has been at the ­University of Bremen since 1985. He helped set up the Faculty of Geosciences and founded the MARUM Center for Marine Environmental Sciences of the University Bremen. His internationally unique marine research is supported as a cluster within the framework of the Excellence Initiative. Before studying in Kiel and launching his scientific career, Wefer worked as an official of the publically owned Deutsche Bundesbahn. He obtained his high school diploma via a “second-chance” educational pathway. In 2012, Wefer handed over the leadership of MARUM to Professor Michael Schulz.


Kai-Uwe Hinrichs

Professor for Organic Geochemistry

Professor Kai-Uwe Hinrichs is a multi-award-winning biogeochemist who has been researching at the University of Bremen and the MARUM Center for Marine ­Environmental Sciences of the University Bremen since 2002. He is a recipient of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize and was awarded twice in 2010 and 2015 with an Advanced Grant from the European Research Council (ERC). Overall, he has been awarded 5.9 million euros. Professor ­Hinrichs has invested the money in his research group, which studies the organic molecules known as biomarkers present in marine sediment cores.