
Yearbook Theme 2018/2019

And then? Your degree is over, your apprenticeship complete. Bring on your first job – or not? Four women and four men from nearly 50 years of the University of Bremen tell us about their lives after graduation and which different life and career paths they took.

Human resources manager and engineer, company director and politician, professor and laboratory chemist, journalist and trainee teacher: The meetings, places, and people who influenced and inspired them are just as varied as their careers. Their narratives motivate and encourage everyone to find their own path.

For our yearbook theme "And then? Paths after graduation", we will introduce you to graduates of our University and their different life and career paths. You can download the complete yearbook or order a print copy.

And then?

Inka Lux

...I saw the chances and took them

After her apprenticeship to be a speech therapist, Inka Lux completed a humanities degree at the University of Bremen. She now works in the field of Recruiting and Employer Branding at the international coffee and tea company Jacobs Douwe Egberts.

Hubertus Lohner

...I used my contacts

Hubertus Lohner studied process engineering and then completed his PhD within the Faculty of Production Engineering in Bremen. He now works for Airbus and is on the management board of the Center for Eco-efficient Materials & Technologies (ECOMAT).

Morin Kamga Fobissie

...I wanted to improve society a little

From 1999 to 2005, Morin Kamga Fobissie studied economics at the University of Bremen. Together with his flat mate, Stephan Frost, he founded the Utamtsi coffee company, which stands for direct and fair trading and economic, social, and ecological sustainability, in 2005. What was once a flat share idea, is now a successful company of an exemplary nature: Utamtsi advocates the targeted inclusion of women and people with handicaps and supports numerous other projects.

Sarah Ryglewski

...I stuck to it

In 2002, Sarah Ryglewskicame to Bremen to study politics. After the end of her degree in 2009, she initially worked as a district manager. Ryglewski has been politically active since her youth – firstly as the regional chairwoman of Jusos (Young Socialists in the SPD), then as the regional vice chairwoman of the SPD, as part of the Bremen parliament, and since 2015, as a member of the German Bundestag (parliament). She is now the parliamentary state secretary of the Federal Ministry of Finance and currently the youngest state secretary in office.

Heike Faßbender

…I nearly experienced a culture shock

Professor Heike Faßbender completed her PhD and habilitation at the University of Bremen. She was one of the first members of staff at the Center for Industrial Mathematics (ZeTeM), which was founded in 1995. Today, Faßbender is a professor at the Technische Universität Braunschweig (TU), where she is head of the Institute for Numerical Analysis.

Zaki Bare Warsame

...I kept at it

The native of Somalia Zaki Bare Warsame was one of the first graduates of the “Future Chances Apprenticeship” (Zukunftschance Ausbildung) program. With this program, the Bremen senate opens the path to a dual apprenticeship for young refugees via a one-year entry qualification program. This is done with partners – the University of Bremen for example. Today, Warsame works as a laboratory chemist within the Faculty of Biology/Chemistry at the university.

Cordt Schnibben

...I started to do more than just write articles

The journalist Cordt Schnibben was born in Bremen and studied economics at the University of Bremen from
1972 to 1979. He was part of the second year of first-semester students who went to the university that was founded in 1971. Later in life, he was an editor for “Zeit” and amongst other things, was head of the society department at the “Der Spiegel” news magazine from 2001 to 2013. Today, Schnibben is active in promoting digital media competence in society.

Kimberley David

...I listened to the voice inside

From 2012 to 2019, Kimberley David studied biology and French with a teaching orientation at the University of Bremen. Whilst studying, she worked as a student assistant at the International Office. She was able to contribute to the founding of the European YUFE – Young Universities for the Future of Europe – project there. She is currently in the middle of her teacher training at the Oberschule Lerchenstraße school in Bremen-Nord.