Centre of European Law and Politics (ZERP)

Fresko von Ambrogio Lorenzetti im Rathaus von Siena
Fresko von Ambrogio Lorenzetti im Rathaus von Siena

The Centre of European Law and Politics, University of Bremen (ZERP), is an interdisciplinary research institute which was established as a foundation in 1982 by the Senate of the “Freie Hansestadt Bremen”. Its specific feature is an interdisciplinary approach, involving Law, Political and Social Sciences and encompassing political theory, international relations, gender studies, legal theory and sociology, as well as European and international constitutional law, business law and private law.

Head of Department

Christoph Schmid
Managing Director

Pia Lange

Lars Viellechner

Christian Joerges

Frederick Rieländer


Antje Kautz

N. N.

New Publications