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Courses in summer semester 2022

In summer semester 2022 we are pleased to be able to offer courses for 19 languages. These courses take place every week during the semester (15 weeks) and start in the week commencing April 19, 2022.

In summer semester 2022 we are pleased to be able to offer courses for 19 languages. These courses take place every week during the semester (15 weeks) and start in the week commencing April 19, 2022.

We currently plan for most of our courses to be conventional courses in the classroom but they will still make use of online learning platforms to offer challenging and varied forms of communication and study. Some courses will be held solely online. Exact details can be found in the respective course descriptions.

Direct link to course registration

General information on regular courses

Information on the current Coronavirus Rules at Bremen University

Learning platforms
  • On registering for a course, you will be told in good time whether a learning platform is used in the course and if so, which one.
  • 3-4 days before the course is due to start, you will receive an e-mail with details of how to access your learning platform and the material used in your course. 
Online courses

We have compiled a guide with details of the technical requirements for our online courses, the netiquette you are expected to observe, and online examinations. We ask you to observe the points listed therein to create a positive atmosphere so that everyone can learn. 

A number of listeners sitting in a row in a seminar room.
Updated by: SZHB