Lemex News

Student concepts for strengthening Bremen's start-up ecosystem

As part of our 'Entrepreneurial Ecosystems' seminar, 31 Master's students worked with mentors to examine the status quo of Bremen's start-up ecosystem and develop solutions to overcome identified weaknesses.

We are delighted to publish the concepts today and would like to take this opportunity to thank the students, lecturer Thomas Baron and especially the mentors work & play Bremen, Hochschule Bremen, Universität Bremen, BRIDGE - Gründen aus Bremer Hochschulen, Hilfswerft gGmbH, Starthaus Bremen & Bremerhaven, Handelskammer Bremen - IHK für Bremen und Bremerhaven, ArbeitskreisSichtbarkeit.

Concepts were developed on the following topics: Female entrepreneurship: challenges and support needs in Bremen
Student Entrepreneurship: Cross-university networking of Bremen students interested in starting a business
Social Entrepreneurship: Systematic and problem-based overview of social innovation developments for stakeholder networking in Bremen
Social Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: Development concept with recommendations for action for Bremen
Startup support: Overview of existing support services and identification of gaps in Bremen's service structure - concept proposal for improved networking between startups and SMEs
Startup location: Supra-regional visibility of Bremen's start-up ecosystem

You can download the full paper here: Download

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