Bachelor's Studies

Bachelor Courses

The content of the course is based on a solid understanding of entrepreneurship and professional self-employment as a basic prerequisite for start-ups. Based on this, the start-up process is taught. This includes: the development of a business idea, the evaluation of a business idea, the transformation of a business idea into a business model, the development of overall presentations such as business plans and "pitch decks". Building on this, governance issues (especially legal form, patent protection) and the basics of start-up marketing and start-up financing are taught.

You can sign up for this course via Stud.IP.

Building on the basic knowledge of start-up management in the seed phase created in Start-up Management I, the students should become familiar with central aspects and special features in the founding of start-ups as well as the management of a young company. The students should be enabled to think and act entrepreneurially. The focus is on the transfer of knowledge as well as the application of selected instruments, methods and approaches and, above all, the transfer of what has been learned to real application contexts. The course is intended to motivate and qualify students to start their own business.

You can sign up for this course via Stud.IP.

In the “Lean Startup & Prototyping” course, students have the opportunity to develop their start-up ideas in a practical way and create their first prototypes. Participants try out various prototyping techniques in an iterative process. User and market tests help to validate assumptions and further develop their own concept in a targeted manner. Students also receive individual feedback in coaching sessions and have the opportunity to reflect on their progress in interim presentations. The course offers an application-oriented framework in which entrepreneurial thinking and practical implementation are combined.

Previous knowledge or participation in the previous project module “Start-up Management” or “Start-up Management I & II” is recommended. Students without previous knowledge can participate after consultation with the lecturer.


Registration is possible in the summer semester under Stud.IP.

Based on real ideas and innovation impulses from organisations, students develop challenging projects which are condensed into innovative business models, services or products in cooperation with practice partners. Student teams cooperate with practice partners (start-ups, SMEs and corporations as well as social and cultural organisations) in order to develop innovative products and services as well as business models independently and in an organised manner.

You can sign up for this course via Stud.IP.

Teaching Project IEM²

The project module for startup management is committed to the development of individual business ideas of students, which are further developed throughout the semester in order to achieve functioning business models. The iterative learning process takes advantage of current practical methods such as Design Thinking and the Lean-Startup. The methods of Design Thinking are used in the initial stage of evaluating the business idea, whereas the method of Lean-Startup is used to develop the business model.

You can sign up for this course via Stud.IP.

This course is about developing corporate ideas and innovations into new products, services or ventures in close cooperation with the spin company. This includes using strategic planning and startup-management tools such as design thinking, business model canvas, lean startup and business planning. The students enhance their skills in the areas of idea generation and assessment, strategic thinking, business model development, team building, project management, allocation of resources and pitching. The aim is to develop a market-ready business model and to pitch the results at the end of the course.

You can sign up for this course via Stud.IP.



Course Catalog


Course Handbooks
