MAPEX @ School

The new concept MAPEX@School aims to acquire talented future undergraduate students. It includes measures from our coordinated programmes of the DFG as well as university's central activities.


School programmes within the CRC 1232 "Farbige Zustände"

The project "Schule in Farbigen Zuständen!" started early 2016 with the exploration project "materials detectives" as a cooperation of the CRC 1232 with the Wilhelm-Focke-Oberschule in Bremen Horn. From summer 2017 onwards we will give two hours of special courses per week to a selected class of pupils from their 5th to 7th school year (age 11-13).



The project mikromal started 2008 as a comprehensive PR and education programme of the CRC 747 "Micro Cold Forming". It includes a series of exhibitions and seminars specially directed to an audience of young pupils introducing them into the scientific themes of the CRC.


Quick info:


PR in CRC 747

mirkomal mobile app




Matters of Matter

Future Materials in Science Education

"MOM - Future Materials in Science Education" ist ein Erasmus+ Projekt, in dem der Schwerpunkt auf neuen Materialien und deren Verwendung liegt. Das Projekt soll der Verbesserung der wissenschaftlichen Bildung an der Oberschulen dienen und besteht aus der Parnterschaft von Schulen aus Irland, Italien, Portugal und Deutschland.

Im Frühjahr 2016 besuchten 60 Schüler das MAPEX im Rahmen ihrer Partnerschaftsbesuche. In kleinen Gruppen besuchten die Gäste fünf verschiedene Institutionen des MAPEX-Netzwerks und präsentierten Plakate, die ihre Besuche während einer abschließenden Diskussionsrunde zusammenfassen.

Quick info:

Matters of Matter

Impressions of the visit

Overview of the University Bremen offers

The University of Bremen and various research facilities in the technology park have developed a wide range of services for pupils, pupils, teachers, and thus enable a lively exchange with the schools of the region.


Quick info:

Science meets school (in german)

Updated by: MAPEX