2022 Syedah Afsheen Zahra
Syedah Afsheen Zahra (Pakistan) visiting Dr. M. Mangir Murshe
Raman spectroscopy of double transition metal MXenes and their derivatives
From 12th September 2022 to 11th October 2022
I had an opportunity to conduct my research with professor PD Dr. habil. M. Mangir Murshed at Institute of Inorganic Chemistry and Crystallography, University of Bremen. The research project involves the Raman study of 2D double transition metal carbides, nitrides, and carbonitrides known as MXene.
Raman spectroscopy is widely used for the analysis of 2D materials. MXene is the largest known family of 2D metal carbides, nitrides, and carbonitrides, there have been only a few reports on the Raman vibrational modes of this family. This project provides a detailed Raman spectral analysis of the double transition metal MXenes and their heterostructures. We also study the effect of surface terminations, ion intercalations, and the formation of heterostructures on the Raman spectral modes. This study provides the fundamental basis to understand the structure of these layered materials. This also provides an insight into how Raman spectra can be utilized for the characterization of the 2D MXene family specifically DTMs (double transition metal).
I am thankful to MAPEX for the financial support and for providing me with this opportunity where I had a chance to learn from the most insightful and cooperative supervisor Dr. Murshed from whom I have learned the theoretical and experimental fundamentals of Raman spectroscopy. I also want to extend my thanks Dr. Gesing for his support in research and informal discussions on personal development and professional growth. I appreciate my group mates Imran and Carla for helping me out with the characterization and analysis. I also want to thank Christopher for his help in the SEM characterization of the prepared samples. I appreciate all the members of CKfS groups for their support and cooperation.
I would like to extend my gratitude to Dr. Hanna Lührs for all the administrative support throughout this journey by making this process easy and smooth. This opportunity was an enriching experience for my personal and academic development.