Research Highlights 2019

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MAPEX Research Highlights|

Beating Thermal Coarsening in Nanoporous Materials via High-Entropy Design

Soo-Hyun Joo,* Jae Wung Bae, Won-Young Park, Yusuke Shimada, Takeshi Wada, Hyoung Seop Kim, Akira Takeuchi, Toyohiko J. Konno, Hidemi Kato,* and Ilya V. Okulov

Advanced Materials (2019) 1906160

Controlling the feature sizes of 3D bicontinuous nanoporous…

Rigid Band Shifts in Two-Dimensional Semiconductors through External Dielectric Screening
MAPEX Research Highlights|

Rigid Band Shifts in Two-Dimensional Semiconductors through External Dielectric Screening

Lutz Waldecker, Archana Raja, Malte Rösner, Christina Steinke, Aaron Bostwick, Roland J. Koch, Chris Jozwiak, Takashi Taniguchi, Kenji Watanabe, Eli Rotenberg, Tim O. Wehling, and Tony F. Heinz

Physical Review Letters (2019) 123, 206403


Coherent Real-Space Charge Transport Across a Donor–Acceptor Interface Mediated by Vibronic Couplings
MAPEX Research Highlights|

Coherent Real-Space Charge Transport across a Donor-Acceptor Interface Mediated by Vibronic Couplings

Ziyao Xu, Yi Zhou, Lynn Groß, Antonietta De Sio, Chi Yung Yam, Christoph Lienau*, Thomas Frauenheim, GuanHua Chen*

Nano Letters (2019) 19(11), pp. 8630-8637

Wafer‐Scale Synthesis of Graphene on Sapphire: Toward Fab‐Compatible Graphene
MAPEX Research Highlights|

Wafer-Scale Synthesis of Graphene on Sapphire: Toward Fab-Compatible Graphene

Neeraj Mishra, Stiven Forti, Filippo Fabbri, Leonardo Martini, Clifford McAleese, Ben R. Conran, Patrick R. Whelan, Abhay Shivayogimath, Bjarke S. Jessen, Lars Buß, Jens Falta, Ilirjan Aliaj, Stefano Roddaro, Jan I. Flege, Peter Bøggild, Kenneth B. K. Teo, Camilla Coletti

Small (2019), Volume 15,…

21.10.2019 Fast and Accurate Quantum Crystallography: From Small to Large, from Light to Heavy
MAPEX Research Highlights|

Fast and Accurate Quantum Crystallography: From Small to Large, from Light to Heavy

Lorraine A. Malaspina, Erna K. Wieduwilt, Justin Bergmann, Florian Kleemiss, Benjamin Meyer, Manuel F. Ruiz-López, Rumpa Pal, Emanuel Hupf, Jens Beckmann, Ross O. Piltz, Alison J. Edwards, Simon Grabowsky, Alessandro Genoni

Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (2019), Volume 10, Issue 22, 21…

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MAPEX Research Highlights|

Controlling the Multiscale Structure of Nanofibrous Fibrinogen Scaffolds for Wound Healing

Stapelfeldt, K., Stamboroski, S., Walter, I., Suter, N., Kowalik, T., Michaelis, M., Brüggemann, D.

Nano letters (2019) 19 (9) , pp. 6554-6563.

The corresponding press release and TV contribution can be found here:…

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MAPEX Research Highlights|

Relativistic quantum crystallography of diphenyl- And dicyanomercury. Theoretical structure factors and Hirshfeld atom refinement

Bučinský, L., Jayatilaka, D., Grabowsky, S.

Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations and Advances (2019) 75, pp. 705-717.

Quantum crystallographic refinement of heavy-element-containing compounds is a challenge, because many physical effects have to…

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MAPEX Research Highlights|

Living Materials Herald a New Era in Soft Robotics

Appiah, C., Arndt, C., Siemsen, K., Heitmann A., Staubitz A., Selhuber‐Unkel C.

Advanced Materials (2019) 1807747

Living beings have an unsurpassed range of ways to manipulate objects and interact with them. They can make autonomous decisions and can heal…

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MAPEX Research Highlights|

Supervised non-negative matrix factorization methods for MALDI imaging applications

Leuschner, J., Schmidt, M., Fernsel, P., Lachmund, D., Boskamp, T., Maass, P.

Bioinformatics (Oxford, England) (2019) 35 (11), pp.1940-1947

MOTIVATION: Non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) is a common tool for obtaining low-rank approximations…

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MAPEX Research Highlights|

Layer-by-Layer Resistive Switching: Multistate Functionality due to Electric-Field-Induced Healing of Dead Layers

Krisponeit, J.-O., Damaschke, B., Moshnyaga, V., Samwer, K.

Physical Review Letters (2019) 122 (13)

Materials exhibiting reversible resistive switching in electrical fields are highly demanded for functional elements in oxide electronics. In…

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MAPEX Research Highlights|

Quantum-Dot-Like States in Molybdenum Disulfide Nanostructures Due to the Interplay of Local Surface Wrinkling, Strain, and Dielectric Confinement

Carmesin, C., Lorke, M., Florian, M., Erben, D., Schulz, A., WehlingT. O., Jahnke, F.

Nano Letters (2019) 19, 5,3182-3186

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MAPEX Research Highlights|

Mixed copper-zinc hexacyanoferrates as cathode materials for aqueous zinc-ion batteries

Kasiri, G., Glenneberg, J., Bani Hashemi, A., Kun, R., La Mantia, F.

Energy Storage Materials (2019), 19, 360-369

Aqueous rechargeable metal-ion batteries have become potentially advantageous for the integration of renewable energy sources into the…

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MAPEX Research Highlights|

The Floppiness of It All: Bond Lengths Change with Atomic Displacement Parameters and the Flexibility of Various Coordination Tetrahedra in Zeolitic Frameworks. An Empirical Structural Study of Bond Lengths and Angles

Baur, W.H., Fischer, R.X.

Chemistry of Materials (2019) 31 (7), 2401-2420.

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Investigations on morphological and electrochemical changes of all-solid-state thin film battery cells under dynamic mechanical stress conditions

Glenneberg, J., Kasiri, G., Bardenhagen, I.,  Mantia, F. La., Busse, M., Kun, R.

Nano Energy (2019) 57, 549-557.

To design and manufacture high-performance energy storage devices with real mechanical flexibility is one of the main advantages of the…

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MAPEX Research Highlights|

New approach to evaluate 3D laser printed parts in powder bed fusion-based additive manufacturing in-line within closed space

Kalms, M., Narita, R., Thomy, C., Vollertsen, F., Bergmann, R.B.

Additive Manufacturing(2019) 26,161-165.

Additive manufacturing that allows layer by layer shaping of complex structures is of rapidly increasing interest in production technology. A…

mapex Research highlight
MAPEX Research Highlights|

Pseudodoping of a metallic two-dimensional material by the supporting substrate

Shao, B., Eich, A., Sanders, C., Ngankeu, A. S., Bianchi, M., Hofmann, P.,  Khajetoorians, A. A., WehlingT.

Nature Communications (2019) 10, Article Number 180.

Charge transfers resulting from weak bondings between two-dimensional materials and the…

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MAPEX Research Highlights|

Prospects and Limitations of Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Laser Gain Materials

Lohof, F., Steinhoff, A., Florian, M., Lorke, M., Erben, D., Jahnke, F., Gies, C.

Nano Letters (2019) 19 (1), 210-217.

Updated by: MAPEX