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New MAPEX Postcard - 7

The high quenching rates during single-step flame spray pyrolysis allowed the synthesis of δ-Bi2O3 with extraordinarily small dopant concentrations.

J. Dreyer et al., CrsytEngComm 18, 2046-2056 (2016)


associated with MAPEXResearch Highlight 04-2016:

Decrease of the required dopant concentration for δ-Bi2O3 crystal stabilization through thermal quenching during single-step flame spray pyrolysis


Jochen A. H. Dreyer, Suman Pokhrel, Johannes Birkenstock, Miguel G. Hevia, Marco Schowalter, Andreas Rosenauer, Atsushi Urakawa, Wey Yang Teoh and Lutz Mädler.  


CrystEngComm(2016) 18, 2046-2056.

Updated by: MAPEX