Events 2022

  • Robert Meißner at MAPEX Symposium 2022

    MAPEX Symposium 2022

    "Electrochemical Material Processes"

  • Ingmar Bösing at MAPEX Symposium 2022

    MAPEX Symposium 2022

    "Electrochemical Material Processes"

  • Audience at MAPEX Symposium 2022

    MAPEX Symposium 2022

    "Electrochemical Material Processes"

  • Pillot Guillaume speaking at MAPEX Symposium 2022

    MAPEX Symposium 2022

    "Electrochemical Material Processes"

  • Giorgia Zampardi, University Bremen

    MAPEX Symposium 2022

    "Electrochemical Material Processes"

  • MAPEX Symposium 2022

    "Electrochemical Material Processes"

  • MAPEX Symposium 2022

    "Electrochemical Material Processes"

  • MAPEX Symposium 2022

    "Electrochemical Material Processes"

MAPEX Symposium 2022

"Electrochemical Material Processes"

The MAPEX Symposium 2022 took place at 5th October 2022 at the University of Bremen.

MAPEX invited 8 keynote speakers from various national and international research institutions as guests to Bremen, who provided exciting insights in current research trends in electrochemistry.

From atomistic modeling of electrochemical reactions, photoelectrochemical devices for human space travel, energy storage and conversion or corrosion to the emergence of life itself, a broad spectrum of electrochemistry was covered by the speakers.

In addition to the keynote presentations, several young researchers from the University Bremen presented their work in various poster presentations and gave insight into current research in electrochemistry at the university. In between the informative presentations, there was time for discussion and networking and many new contacts were made. The successful day ended with a joint dinner and informal get-together. The MAPEX team would like to thank all participants for making this event such a success.

Detailed programme

  • Workshop

    MAPEX CF-Workshop 2022

    "Functional Oxides: Synthesis, Analysis, and Characterization"

  • Workshop

    MAPEX CF-Workshop 2022

    "Functional Oxides: Synthesis, Analysis, and Characterization"

  • Workshop

    MAPEX CF-Workshop 2022

    "Functional Oxides: Synthesis, Analysis, and Characterization"

  • Workshop

    MAPEX CF-Workshop 2022

    "Functional Oxides: Synthesis, Analysis, and Characterization"

MAPEX CF-Workshop 2022

"Functional Oxides: Synthesis, Analysis, and Characterization"

Promoted by the MAPEX-CF investigation areas Spectroscopy and X-ray Diffraction, this workshop connected researchers working with 'Functional Oxides' and provided different perspectives ranging from synthesis and characterization to the applications of such materials.Around 30 participants from diverse research areas ranging from Chemistry, Physics, and Engineering joined the event on June 9 and 10, 2022 at the campus of the University of Bremen and also online.

During the two days of the event, a multidisciplinary audience was able to follow invited talks from experts from Germany and abroad showcasing cutting-edge research done with oxides. Hot topics such as synthesis of nanoparticle oxides, thin-film and single-crystal growth, structure-property relationships, and advanced characterization techniques were covered and valuable discussions took place.

The event was closed with guided laboratory tours, where the participants could see firsthand the instrumentation available at MAPEX-CF within the investigation areas Spectroscopy, X-ray Diffraction, and Electron Microscopy.

Detailed programme

MAPEX Methods Workshop 2022

"Fluid Dynamics "

The fourth MAPEX Method workshop was focused on Fluid Dynamics and addressed both experimental and numerical techniques . After being delayed twice , it finally took place on May 12th 2022. The event was fully booked and the audience was filled with around 40 ( PhD ) students , post docs and MAPEX members that participated in lively discussions . Prof. Marc Avila , director of the ZARM and co-speaker of MAPEX , started the morning with a comprehensive lecture on computational fluid dynamics , followed by three talks that focused molecular and particle diffusion , reactive flows , and multiphase flows . The afternoon sessions focused on experimental methods and started with a lecture by Prof. Andreas Fischer, director of the BIMAQ , giving an overview of experimental techniques to investigate fluid flows . This was followed by three talks that discussed rheology , flow visualization , and microfluidics . The event was accompanied by eight posters from PhD and master students . The day was brought to an end with Beers and pretzels and stimulating discussions .

Detailed programme


13th MAPEX ECR Workshop

"Building Bridges"

Building bridges across faculties and institutes – that is one of our main goals at MAPEX. With the Workshop we encourage early-career researchers to boost their careers through interdisciplinary exchange. Our fully booked 13th Early Career Researcher Workshop hosted Christiane Heinicke, Tanja Hörner, Patric Seefeldt, Ella M. Schmidt, Björn Lüssem and Lisa T. Belkacemi. Participants had a lively program with project presentations, poster sessions and mini golf.

Detailed programme

Updated by: MAPEX