Particles and Process Engineering

Welcome to Particles and Process Engineering at the University of Bremen!

Particles and Process Engineering group in the Faculty of Production Engineering at the University of Bremen is headed by  Prof.  Dr.-Ing.  habil. Lutz Mädler.

The research objectives of Particles and Process Engineering are the production and processing of particles for development and application of novel structural and functional materials. Current topics include reactive and non-reactive spray, powder and layer formation processes, in combination with process simulation and optimization using multiphase models as well as process and particle characterization. Thus, Particles and Process Engineering is the starting point for research into many material-oriented process chains, as is currently particularly evident in the example of powder production and particle formulation for additive manufacturing.

These research objectives are reflected in the scientific orientation of Particles and Process Engineering with the following research activities:

  • Generic process design
  • Reactive spray technology
  • Multiphase flow, heat and mass transfer
  • Powder and particle measurement technology
  • Metal atomization, powder processing and spray forming

Generic process design is a fundamental cross-sectional topic in process engineering, which takes place outside the conventional paths of particle/droplet or process research. Generic Process Design is characterized by the deliberate isolation of basic physical and chemical phenomena for research into higher-level principals and has direct interfaces to the unit operations of process engineering. This is the basis for new and efficient synthesis routes for structural and functional materials.





Prof.  Dr.-Ing.  habil.Lutz Mädler
room FZB 1410

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Jana Schneider
room  FZB 1420

0421 218 51201

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