Prof. Dr. Timo Kortsch, Dr. Julian Decius, and Dr. Hilko Paulsen authored the German book "Learning in companies – formal, informal, self-regulated" recently published in the renowned "Praxis der Personalpsychologie" book series from Hogrefe. The book transfers scientific findings on work-related learning into practice and presents, for instance, various forms of learning, learning methods and their application illustrated by real-life case studies. An interview that the authors gave to the Hogrefe publisher provides summarized insights into the book, which can be found here (in German).
Field of work Organizational Psychology
Dr. Julian Decius
WiWi1, Room A2390
Enrique-Schmidt-Str. 1
28359 Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218 66590
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New Work requires New Learning
This topic is dedicated to the question of how employees in dynamic work environments can be empowered to learn "what they really, really want" in a self-directed way. The "Learning Opportunities Perception Potential", which helps employees to grasp learning opportunities, is considered crucial here.