Including the active participation and moderation of a workshop by the team of organizational psychology, the first annual conference of the “RessourcE” project took place at Martinsclub Bremen. During the two-day event, inter-company perspectives, challenges and design perspectives in the area of “partial qualification” as well as “qualification needs and concepts” and practice-oriented topics such as learning and digital methods were discussed.
The organizational psychology team, consisting of Dr. Julian Decius, Annelie Lorber and Hannah Louisa Krüger, led the workshop “Recognizing Competence Potential through AI: From Assessment to Development in Logistics and Care” and was able to engage in a successful, productive exchange with representatives from research and practice. The results were promising: Together, several factors were identified that promote acceptance when introducing an AI tool. In addition, potential psychological predictors for identifying leadership potential in employees in unskilled work were collected. These results will be incorporated into the further development of the AI-based tool for developing potential in unskilled work.
The organizational psychology team would like to thank everyone involved for contributing their various areas of expertise and perspectives to the discussion.