Under the title "Learning in the work context – a chore or an underestimated opportunity?", Dr. Julian Decius presented his research on work-related learning upon invitation by Dr. Miriam Schilbach (Leibniz Institute for Resilience Research) at the Institute Colloquium of Psychology at the University of Mainz. The lecture on 16.12.2022 addressed the need for continuous learning and further development of employees in a constantly changing, dynamic working world - both for their own employability and for organizational success. Furthermore, the talk differentiated various forms of work-related learning and presented the degree of effectiveness of learning along different dimensions (such as technology, simulation, or individualization) based on yet unpublished meta-analytical findings. In the further course, a special focus was put on informal workplace learning. Using examples of industrial employees in medium-sized companies, Julian Decius presented the conceptualization and operationalization of informal learning as well as interactions with work demands, resources, and job crafting. Finally, an outlook on a novel conceptual model of "New Learning" including initial empirical validation and discussion of theoretical and practical implications was presented.
Field of work Organizational Psychology
Dr. Julian Decius
WiWi1, Room A2390
Enrique-Schmidt-Str. 1
28359 Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218 66590
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New Work requires New Learning
This topic is dedicated to the question of how employees in dynamic work environments can be empowered to learn "what they really, really want" in a self-directed way. The "Learning Opportunities Perception Potential", which helps employees to grasp learning opportunities, is considered crucial here.