Isabel Lange

Isabel Lange on a ship cruise. The sea is visible in the background.

M.Sc. Isabel Lange

GEO Room 5160
Klagenfurter Straße 2-4
28359 Bremen, Germany

Phone: +49 421 218 65136

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Currently, I am investigating CO2-seawater-basalt interactions in the context of CO2-storage in the oceanic crust. The main objective of my research is the experimental investigation of coupled dissolution-precipitation reactions under conditions relevant for offshore CO2-storage, with a special focus on fluid flow properties and their effects on carbonate precipitation reactions. Furthermore, I am interested in the dissolution behavior of mineral surfaces, its spatial variations and kinetics, and how these factors influence the precipitation of secondary minerals.


Curriculum vitae

Scientific career

since Oct. 2021PhD student in the research group "Petrology of the Ocean Crust" at Bremen University
Nov. 2020MSc. degree in Materials Chemistry and Mineralogy, Bremen University
2017-2020MSc. "Materials Chemistry and Mineralogy " at Bremen University
Sept. 2017BSc. degree in "Geosciences", Bremen University
2014-2017BSc. "Geosciences" at Bremen University


  • Three men in blue work clothes with hard hats and protective gloves stand on the deck of the research vessel Meteor. They hold wooden slats in their hands and are waiting for the arrival of the gravity corer.

    2022: M183 RIFLOR-1 (Reykjanes Ridge)

    Ponta Delgada (Azores, Portugal) - St. John's (Newfoundland, Canada) / 13.07.2022 - 09.08.2022


  • Kopf A, Bhattacharya S, Dunger M, Hinz A, Kamrad M, Kremin I, Lange I, Achterberg EP, Bach W, Bachmayer R, Brunner R, Eickhoff M, Esposito M, Freudenthal T, Fuchs N, Meurer C, Rüpke L, Schelwat H, Seidel G, Zabel M (2024): Initial results of a pilot project for sub-seabed basalt storage of carbon dioxide on the Reykjanes Ridge. Carbon Capture Science & Technology  13, 100265.
    doi:10.1016/j.ccst.2024.100265 |
  • Lange I, Toro M, Arvidson RS, Kurganskaya I, Lüttge A (2021): The role of crystal heterogeneity in alkali feldspar dissolution kinetics. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta  309, 329-351.
    doi:10.1016/j.gca.2021.06.032 |
  • Lange I, Toro M, Ostertag-Henning C, Hansen C, Lüttge A, Kopf A, Bach W (2024): Dissolution experiments on a polyphase basalt surface under conditions relevant to offshore CO2 storage. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria.
  • Kremin I, Rüpke L, Lange I, Bach W, Guo Z (2024): Numerical fluid flow modelling in the context of CO2 sequestration on mid-ocean ridge flanks. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria.
  • Lange I, Fischer C, Arvidson RS, Lüttge A (2017): Quantitative analysis of solid solutions dissolution kineticsGoldschmidt Conference 2017, Paris, France (Talk).
  • Lange I, Fischer C, Arvidson RS, Lüttge A (2017): RAMAN-coupled vertical scanning interferometry measurements of the dissolution kinetics of zoned feldspar crystalsGeoBremen 2017, Bremen, Germany (Talk).


Master Thesis

  • Lange I (2020): Raman coupled-vertical scanning interferometry and complementary techniques for measuring dissolution kinetics of solid solutions: a case study of alkali feldspars. Master Thesis, Bremen University

Bachelor Thesis

  • Lange I  (2017): Experimental studies of the dissolution kinetics of zoned sanidine feldspars. Bachelor Thesis, Bremen University