
  • Site plan of the University of Bremen.

    Site Map

    Site map of Bremen University with the GEO building.

  • General view GEO Geosciences

    GEO building

    The GEO building on the campus of Bremen University


Petrology of the Ocean Crust

Department 5 - Geosciences

Klagenfurter Straße 2-4

Phone: 0049 (0)421 218 65401

Fax: 0049 (0)421 218 65429

By train:

  • Exit main station in direction "Centrum"
  • Take tram number 6 direction "Universität"
  • Disembark from tram at stop "Universität -Zentralbereich". Follow tram lines under bridge
  • The GEO building is on your left (to the west). Enter building either from the western side (follow stairs to main level, turn right at the red Mensa building), or from the northern side (through Betriebshof at street level; open door by pushing the big red button and walk straight to the elevator)

By car:

  • From the Autobahn in direction Bremerhaven, take exit "Horn/Lehe" and follow signs to "Universität". At traffic lights turn right towards "Müllverbrennungsanlage"
  • To park (1 € per day, no change given): Turn left into road "Leobener Straße", a few hundred meters behind the huge microgravity tower. After hundred meters the car park entrance is on your left. After parking, pass the "Energiezentrale". The back entrance to the GEO building is on your right side.
  • To drive right to Institute: Turn left into road (Klagenfurter Straße) where the tram lines run, the institute is on your right where the road doubles back on itself
  • Enter building from the northern side facing you (street level), or from the western side (main level, near Mensa)


Once in the GEO building (congratulations!) take the silver lift to the top floor. When exiting the lift go right around the atrium. You will find the secretary in room 5330, the staff in adjacent rooms.

Link to Google Maps route planner