Hetero-aggregation of fine particles in supersonic flow for the tailor-made surface coating

The picture consists of two graphics. Above there's a graphic of a CFD simulation and TiO2 distribution in the process chamber as described in the caption. Below a microscopy image of a heteroaggregate.
CFD simulation of the CuPc (top) and TiO2 (bottom) distribution in the process chamber, process diagram, and TEM/EDX image of a heteroaggregate.

Project Leader :

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sergiy Antonyuk
Technical University of Kaiserslautern (TUK) 

In the first funding period, a heteroaggregation process was developed through desublimation in a supersonic flow (both homogeneous and heterogeneous). In the second funding period of the project, a multiscale model of aggregate formation and growth is being developed to gain a deep understanding of the process. On the microscale, particle dynamics simulations are conducted using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and the Discrete Element Method (DEM). The data obtained are used to calculate the growth processes through desublimation on the macroscale. Experimental investigations analyze particle formation processes using SMPS measurements and a further developed 3D light scattering sensor (3DLSS), which are then compared with the simulation.