Welcome to the Department for Resilient Energy Systems

  • Information about the Department for Resilient Energy Systems

The research conducted by the Resilient Energy Systems research group focuses on examining and supporting transformation processes in the future energy system.

One key focus is on the concept of transformative resilience - the ability to use profound changes or disruptive events in the energy system as an opportunity to shape sustainable and robust structures. In this context, we develop approaches to create less vulnerable systems - not only as a reaction to such disruptions but also proactively through early strategic planning. Another main area of our work is data-driven analysis of sociotechnical vulnerabilities and risks, as well as model-based foresight of future scenarios for urban and industrial infrastructures.

We develop tools for energy system modeling and optimization, as well as digital planning tools, to simulate the impact of various measures on resilience and sustainability in the energy system. Together with transformation actors beyond research, we create well-founded decision-making bases for the complex transformation of the energy system. With the help of urban twins, we provide promising starting points to capture complex interconnections and support transformation actors in intricate decision-making processes.

The Virtual Transformation Lab (VTL) offers an environment where these topics can be collaboratively shaped with different stakeholder groups. The VTL provides both traditional analog and digital interactive tools (LED wall & touch tables) to optimally support different phases of transformation processes. As part of the Digital Hub Industry in the NEOS building at the University of Bremen's Technology Park, the department is optimally networked with research and industry partners.

As a member of the artec Research Center for Sustainability at the University of Bremen, the department is embedded in the research focus "Sociotechnical Systems and Sustainability." Additionally, the group is part of the Bremen Research Center for Energy Systems "Energy for Economy and Society" (BEST).

Members of this research group come from mechanical engineering, process engineering, biology, physics, and social sciences; they collaborate in interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary projects.


Workshop "Behavioral Science in Agent-Based Modeling"

Philipp Eppe and the CaterFly community invite you to a workshop „Behavioral Science in Agent-Based Modeling - A Peer Learning Workshop by CaterFly“.

Are you working on combining agent-based modeling and behavioral science? Are you sometimes unsure how to approach this interdisciplinary field, how to select theories, how to formalize agents, etc.?
Then join our workshop “Behavioral Science in Agent-Based Modeling - A Peer Learning Workshop by CaterFly”! We will talk together about problems you encounter in your work and discuss possible solutions. This workshop is the perfect place for you to share thoughts about your work and learn from others how to find new solutions to potential problems.

Date and time: June 21st, 10:00 – 11:45 (CET)
Format: Online
For whom? – Early-career researchers whose topic revolves around any combination of agent-based modelling and behavioral science
Registration form



Our Partners

hyBit consortium partners

Partners Wärmewende Nordwest

Further Partners of our Department