
Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie Logo
datenschutz cert GmbH Logo

CertifiedApplications – Leichtgewichtige Sicherheitszertifizierung für Java-Anwendungen mittels werkzeuggestützter Programmanalysen

The R&D project CertifiedApplications aims to develop a tool that supports the process of security certification of Java-based applications, in particular JavaEE applications and Android apps. The project follows an architecture-centric approach, i.e. the implemented security architecture will be reconstructed from the program code with the help of static program analyses. Thereafter, this extracted security architecture will be visualized. In addition, it can be automatically analyzed against a comprehensive set of security rules to identify architectural weaknesses.

Period: 01/05/2016 -30/04/2018

Partners: datenschutz cert GmbH

Website: https://www.certifiedapplications.de

Funding Body: BMWi


Prof. Dr.

Rainer Koschke

Institution Universität Bremen (Uni Bremen),
Institution Softwaretechnik (softtech)

Building/room: MZH 3070
Phone: +49-421-218-64481
E-Mail: koschkeprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
E-Mail: koschkeprotect me ?!informatik.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de