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PUNGA - Empirical Studies on Program Comprehension

This project is a cooperation of the Applied Software Engineering Group from the University of Munich and our group. We will perform empirical studies to get a deeper insight into the field of program understanding. We will focus on the actions that are taken by programmers when then try to understand an existing system. This findings will help us to develop new tools and methods that support programmers in their everyday work. We also want to find out if new programming languages or new tools have an influence on program understanding and where the existing tools can be improved.

Projectwebsite: PUNGA Project

Funding Body: DFG


Prof. Dr.

Rainer Koschke

Institution Universität Bremen (Uni Bremen),
Institution Softwaretechnik (softtech)

Building/room: MZH 3070
Phone: +49-421-218-64481
E-Mail: koschkeprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
E-Mail: koschkeprotect me ?!informatik.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de