Dr. habil. Maike Isermann
Research Associate
- Spatial and temporal development of environment and vegetation in relation to land use change.
- Environmental conditions and vegetation of coastal dunes.
- Diversity of coastal systems, interrelations between environment and vegetation.
- Biological Invasions, effects on biodiversity and ecosystem function.
- Evaluation and risk assessment of neophytes.
- Nature conservation and management.
- Restoration ecology and effects on habitat quality.
- Vegetation databanks and ecological application.
- Ecology of urban areas, biodiversity of native and non-native plant species.
2018 - | Lower Saxon Wadden Sea National Park Authority, Wilhelmshaven |
2010 - | Associate professor (non-tenured; 'Privatdozentin') and principal investigator, Bremen University |
2013 | Visiting professor Shandong University, Jinan, China |
2010 | Postdoc, DFG German Research Foundation; visiting scientist at Liverpool Hope University |
2010 | Habilitation, Venia legendi Ecology, Bremen University Thesis: Phytodiversity in relation to scale |
2008 - 2011 | Head of a junior research group, Bremen University & TU Berlin |
2000 - 2002 | Lecturer, University of Applied Sciences Bremen, ISTAB |
1998 - 2010 | Postdoc and lecturer, Bremen University |
1997 | PhD, Botany, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-University Greifswald Thesis: Vegetation and Environment of Coastal Dunes in Western Pomerania (Vegetations- und standortskundliche Untersuchungen in Küstendünen Vorpommerns) |
1993 - 1997 | PhD student Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-University Greifswald |
1992 | Diploma, Biology, Bremen University Thesis: Long-term Changes in Dune Vegetation on the Island Spiekeroog (Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur Dünenvegetation auf Spiekeroog) |
1985 - 1992 | Studies in Biology (Ecology & Botany) at Ruhr University Bochum and Bremen University |
2018 - 2019 | Development of vegation in dunes along coastal areas in lower saxony – Analysis on permanent sampling sites . Funding: Waddensea Foundation Lower Saxony |
2014 - 2016 | F+E project: Invasion-assessment non-native invertebrates, fungi and non-vascular plants occurring in Germany. Collaboratation: Dr. Wolfgang Rabitsch, Environment Agency Austria, Vienna (project coordination); Dr. Stephan Gollasch, GoConsult Hamburg; Dr. Peter Karasch, German Mycological Society Funding: Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, Bonn (FKZ 3514 86 0200) |
2012 - 2015 | Coastal vegetation: Database of Coastal Vegetation and Environment Collaboration: Waddensea National Park Lower Saxony, Administration Funding: Waddensea Foundation Lower Saxony |
2013 - 2015 | Long-term development of dune dykes on Spiekeroog and Langeoog, considering geomorphology, soil and vegetation Collaboration: Wadden Sea National Park Lower Saxony, Administration Funding: NLWKN Lower Saxony Water Management, Coastal Defence and Nature Conservation Agency |
2011 - 2012 | F+E project: Black species lists of invasive vascular plants, mammals, and birds in Germany. Collaboration: Prof. Dr. Ingo Kowarik, TU Berlin (project coordination); Dr. Wolfgang Rabitsch, Environment Agency Austria, Vienna Funding: Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, Bonn (FKZ 3510 86 0300) |
2011 | F+E project: Alert list of invasive plant and animal species not occurring in Germany, yet. Collaboration: Dr. Wolfgang Rabitsch, Environment Agency Austria, Vienna (project coordination); Dr. Stephan Gollasch, GoConsult Hamburg; Dr. Uwe Starfinger, Julius Kühn Institute, Braunschweig Funding: Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, Bonn (FKZ 3511 86 0500) |
2008 - 2011 | Biological invasions, regional identity and biodiversity. The example of Rosa rugosa. Project within the program: BEN-Biodiversity and Ecology of National Parks. Head of junior research group Collaboration: Prof. Dr. Ingo Kowarik, Dr. Anna Jürgens, TU Berlin Funding: Rudolf and Helene Glaser-Foundation |
2010 | Is biodiversity maintained by scrub removal in coastal dunes? International research grant Cooperation: Paul Rooney, Hope University Liverpool, UK Funding: DFG, German Research Foundation |
2009 - 2010 | Neophytes in Bremen - recording, evaluation and risk assessment. (coordinator) Collaboration: NGO of natural sciences in Bremen 'Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein zu Bremen' Funding: Senator for Environment, Construction, Traffic, and Europe, Bremen |
1998 - 2004 | Plant communities of Mecklenburg-Western Pommerania and its endangerment Coeditor and author Funding: Ministry of Environment of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Schwerin |
Conference Organisation and Coorganisation
- Scientific Committee LITTORAL 2018, 22-26.10.2018, Leeuwarden, Netherlands
- Scientific Committee LITTORAL 2016, 24-27.10.2016, Biarritz, Frankreich
- Coastal Dune Management, coorganisation. LITTORAL 2014, 23.-26.09.2014, Klaipeda, Litauen.
- Mechanisms behind species invasions: Searching for generalizations across scales and taxa. Session coorganisation. EURECO-38th symposium of the Ecological Society of Germany, Switzerland and Austria (GfOE). 15.-19.09.2008, Leipzig.
- Biological Processes. International conference on management and restoration of coastal dunes. Session. ICCD, 03.-05.10.2007, Santander.
- Biological invasions: basic and applied aspects. Session coorganisation. 37th symposium of the Ecological Society of Germany, Switzerland and Austria (GfOE). 10.-14.09.2007, Marburg.
- Ecological impacts of Neobiota. 36th symposium of the Ecological Society of Germany, Switzerland and Austria (GfOE). 11.-15.09.2006, Bremen.
- Beaches, driftlines and dunes – maintenance and support of natural dynamics and biodiversity. Session. 5th European conference on Ecological Restoration. 22.-25.08.2006, Greifswald.
- Vegetation databases and monitoring. International workshop. Federal Agency of Nature Conservation (Bundesamt für Naturschutz). 22.-24.02.2006, Bremen.
- Dynamic or Management for Nature Conservation? 08.-10.08.1996, EUCC-Workshop, Dornumersiel.
Reviewer Assignments
for Journals
American Journal of Plant Sciences, American Midland Naturalist, Applied Vegetation Science, Arid Land Research and Management, Basic and Applied Ecology, Biodiversity and Conservation, Biodiversity Data Journal, Biogeosciences, Biological Conservation, Biological Invasions, Botany Letters, Comptes Rendus Biologies, Drosera, Ecological Engineering, Ecoscience, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Environmental Pollution; Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science; Flora, Floristische Rundbriefe, Folia Geobotanica, Forest Ecology and Management, International Journal of Plant Sciences, Journal for Nature Conservation, Journal of Coastal Conservation: Planning and Management, Journal of Coastal Research, Journal of Plant Ecology, Journal of Vegetation Science, Landscape and Urban Planning, Marine Ecology Progress Series, NeoBiota, Nordic Journal of Botany, Phytocoenologia, Plant and Soil, Plant Biosystems, Plant Ecology, Plant Ecology and Diversity, Restoration Ecology, Water
for research foundations
National Science Foundation (NSF)
Membership in Scientific Organisations
- EUCC Coastal & Marine (1990-2000 council member)
EUCC-D German Branch (2014- council member) - European Shingle and Dune Network
- IAVS International Association for Vegetation Science
ORCID 0000-0002-4013-3241
Pouteau, R., Thuiller, W., Hobohm, C., Brunel, C., ..., Haveman, R., Maike Isermann, ...., Van Kleunen, M. (submitted) Climate and socio-economic factors explain deviations between observed and expected naturalization patterns of vascular plants.
Chytrý, M., Tichý, L., Hennekens, S. M., Knollová, I., Janssen, J. A., Rodwell, J. S., ... & Hájek, M. 2020. EUNIS Habitat Classification: Expert system, characteristic species combinations and distribution maps of European habitats. Applied Vegetation Science 23: 648-675. doi.org/10.1111/avsc.12519
Giulio S., Acosta A.T.R., Carboni M., Campos J.A., Chytrý M., Loidi J., Pergl J., Pyšek P., Isermann M., Janssen J.A., Rodwell J.S., Schaminée J.H. & Marcenò C. 2020. Alien flora across European coastal dunes. Applied Vegetation Science 23: 317–327. doi:10.1111/avsc.12490
Zhang, S., Isermann, M., Gan W., Breed, M., Ågren, J., 2018 Invasive Rosa rugosa populations outperform native populations, but some populations have greater invasive potential than others. Scientific Reports, Volume 8, Article number: 5735.
Marcenò, C., Guarino, R., Loidi, J., Herrera, M., Isermann, M., Knollová, I., Tichý, L., R.T. Tzonev, , Acosta, A.T.R., FitzPatrick, Ú., Iakushenko, D., Janssen, J.A.M., Jiménez-Alfaro, B., Kacki, Z., Keizer-Sedláková, I., Kolomiychuk, V., Rodwell, J.S., Schaminée, J.H.J., Šilc, U. & Chytrý, M., 2018 Classification of the European and Mediterranean coastal dune vegetation. Applied Vegetation Science 21, 533–559.
De Groot, AV., Janssen GM., Isermann M., Stock M., Glahn M., Arens B., Elschot K., Hellwig U., Petersen J., Esselink P., Van Duin W., Körber P., Jensen K., Hecker N. 2017 Wadden Sea Quality Status Report: Beaches and dunes. In: Wadden Sea Quality Status Report 2017. Eds.: Kloepper S. et al., Common Wadden Sea Secretariat, Wilhelmshaven, Germany.
Mahdavi, P., Isermann, M., Bergmeier, E., 2017 Sand habitats across biogeographical regions at species, community and functional level. Phytocoenologia 47, 139-165.
Skowronek, S., Ewald, M., Isermann, M., Van De Kerchove, R., Lenoir, J., Aerts, Warrie, R.J., Hattab, T., Honnay, O., Schmidtlein, S., Rocchini, D., Somers, B., Feilhauer, H. 2017. Mapping an invasive bryophyte species using hyperspectral remote sensing data. Biological Invasions 19, 239-254.
Isermann, M. 2016. Phytodiversity in relation to scale. Particularly in coastal dunes. SVH-Verlag, 148 S., ISBN. 978-3-8381-52523.
Isermann, M., Kiehl, K. 2015. Küstenvegetation des Jadebusens und der Außenjade. In: Oldenburger Landesverein für Geschichte, Natur- und Heimatkunde (Hrsg.) R. Akkermann, H. Brunken, W. Michaelsen, V. Moritz, L-M. von Essen (Red.) Die Jade - Flusslandschaft am Jadebusen. Landes- und naturkundliche Beiträge zu einem Fluss zwischen Moor, Marsch und Meer. Isensee, Oldenburg: 85-112
Berg, C., Abdank, A., Isermann, M., Jansen, F., Timmermann, T., Dengler, J. 2014. Red Lists of plant communities - a methodological framework. Applied Vegetation Science 17, 504-515.
Isermann, M., Rooney, P. 2014. Biological flora of the British Isles: Eryngium maritimum L. Journal of Ecology 102, 789-821.
Lehmann, S., Bellmann, A., Kleinekuhle, J., Niedringhaus, R., Isermann, M. 2014. Herbivorie an indigenen und adventiven Gehölzen und deren assoziierte Arthropodenarten. Abhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins zu Bremen 47, 403-410.
Nehring, S., Kowarik, I., Von der Lippe, M., Lauterbach, D., Seitz, B., Isermann, M., Etling, K. 2013. Naturschutzfachliche Invasivitätsbewertungen für in Deutschland wild lebende gebietsfremde Gefäßpflanzen. I. Einführung, Auswertung und Schlussfolgerungen. BfN-Skripten 352, 7-28.
Nehring, S., Lauterbach, D., Seitz, B., Kowarik, I., Von der Lippe, M., Hussner, A., Alberternst, B., Starfinger, U., Essl, F., Nawrath, S., Isermann, M. 2013. Naturschutzfachliche Invasivitätsbewertungen für in Deutschland wild lebende gebietsfremde Gefäßpflanzen. III. Steckbriefe. BfN-Skripten 352, 35-202.
Rabitsch, W., Gollasch, S., Isermann, M., Starfinger, U., Nehring, S. 2013. Erstellung einer Warnliste in Deutschland noch nicht vorkommender invasiver Tiere und Pflanzen. BfN-Skripten 331, 154 S.
Thiele, J., Isermann, M., Kollmann, J., Otte, A. 2011. Impact scores of invasive plants are biased by disregard of environmental co-variation and non-linearity. NeoBiota 10, 65-79.
Isermann, M. 2011. Pattern in species diversity during succession of coastal dunes. Journal of Coastal Research 27, 661-671.
Kollmann, J., Brink-Jensen, K., Isermann, M. 2010. Invasive Pflanzenarten als Indizien des Klimawandels? Die Situation in Norddeutschland und Dänemark. Berichte der Reinhold-Tüxen-Gesellschaft 22, 81-95.
Thiele, J., Isermann, M., Otte, A., Kollmann, J. 2010. Competitive displacement or biotic resistance? Disentangling relationships between community diversity and invasion success of tall herbs and shrubs. Journal of Vegetation Science 21, 213-220.
Isermann, M., Koehler, H., Mühl, M. 2010. Interactive effects of rabbit grazing and environmental factors on plant species-richness on dunes of Norderney. Journal of Coastal Conservation, Planning and Management 14, 103-114.
Peyrat, J., Braun, M., Dolnik, C., Isermann, M., Roweck, H. 2009. Vegetation dynamics on the Leba Bar/Poland: a comparison of the vegetation in 1932 and 2006 with special regard to endangered habitats. Journal of Coastal Conservation, Planning and Management 13, 235-246.
Isermann, M. 2009. Phytodiversity in relation to scale. Habilitationsarbeit Universität Bremen. 272 S.
Isermann, M. 2009. Expansion of Rosa rugosa in coastal dunes. Bulletin of the European Dry Grassland Group 2, 14-15.
Isermann, M. 2008. Classification and habitat characteristics of plant communities invaded by the non-native Rosa rugosa Thunb. in NW Europe. Phytocoenologia 38, 133-150.
Isermann, M. 2008. Expansion of Rosa rugosa and Hippophaë rhamnoides in coastal grey dunes: effects at different spatial scales. Flora 203, 273-280.
Isermann, M. 2008. Effects of Rosa rugosa invasion in different coastal dune vegetation types. In: Tokarska-Guzik, B., Brock, J-H., Brundu, G., Child, L., Daehler, CC., Pyšek (eds.) Plant Invasions: Human perception, ecological impacts and management. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, The Netherlands, pp. 289-306.
Isermann, M. 2008. (Sand dune inventory of) Germany. In: Doody JP (ed) Sand dune inventory of Europe. 2nd edition. Brampton, Uk, pp. 40-48.
Isermann, M. 2007. Diversity of bryophytes in an urban area of NW Germany. Lindbergia 32, 75-81.
Isermann, M., Kiehl, K., (eds.) (2007) Restoration of coastal ecosystems. Coastline Reports 7. 67 pp.EUCC (1997) Natürliche Dynamik oder Management für den Naturschutz. Beiträge des Workshops vom 08.08.-10.08.96 in Dornumersiel. Schriftenreihe Nationalpark Niedersächsisches Wattenmeer 2, 1-65.
Diekmann, M., Kühne, A., Isermann, M. 2007. Random vs non-random sampling: effects on species abundance, species richness and vegetation-environment relationships. Folia Geobotanica 42, 179-190.
Isermann, M., Diekmann, M., Heemann, S. 2007. Effects of the expansion by Hippophaë rhamnoides on plant species richness in coastal dunes. Applied Vegetation Science 10, 33-42.
Isermann, M. 2007. Phytodiversity in relation to Hippophaë rhamnoides and Rosa rugosa scrub. In: ICCB. Santander, Spain, pp. 32-36.
Isermann, M. 2007. Impact of Rosa rugosa on dune ecosystems at the German North Sea coast in comparison with Hippophae rhamnoides. In: Weidema, I., Ravn, HP., Vestergaard, P. (eds.) Rynket rose (Rosa rugosa) i Danmark, Biologisk Institut, Kobenhavns Universitet, Forskningscenter for Skov- og Landskab samt Skov- og Naturstyrelsen, Kobenhavn, pp. 24-29.
Isermann, M., Diekmann, M., Ewald, J. 2006. 5. Workshop der Arbeitsgruppe Vegetationsdatenbanken zum Thema Dauerbeobachten in Bremen. Tuexenia 26, 397-398.
Isermann, M., Friedrichs, L., Grave, C., Wagner, A. 2005. Species richness in Sea-Buckthorn scrub. In: Herrier, J.-L., Mees, J., Salman, A., Seys, J., H. van Nieuwenhuse & Dobbelaere, I. (eds.) Dunes and Estuaries. Nature restoration practices in European coastal habitats. Koksijde, Belgium, pp. 597-600.
Isermann, M. 2005. Soil pH and species diversity in coastal dunes. Plant Ecology 178, 111-120.
Isermann, M., Kuhbier, H. 2004. Wacholder auf den Ostfriesischen Inseln. Drosera 2004, 31-36.
Isermann, M. 2004. Differences in species richness of non-native and native plants between the East and North Frisian Islands. In: Green, DR. (ed.) Delivering Sustainable Coasts. Cambridge Publications, pp. 737-738.
Dengler, J., Koska, I., Timmermann, T., Berg, C., Clausnitzer, U., Isermann, M., Linke, C., Päzolt, J., Polte, T., Spangenberg, A. 2004. New descriptions and typifications of syntaxa within the project 'Plant communities of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and their vulnerability' . Part II. Feddes Repertorium 115, 343-392.
Abdank, A., Berg, C., Dengler, J., Isermann, M. 2004. Bilanz der Roten Liste und Konsequenzen für den Naturschutz. In: Berg, C., Dengler, J., Abdank, A., Isermann, M. (Hrsg.) Die Pflanzengesellschaften Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns und ihre Gefährdung. Textband. Weissdorn-Verlag, Jena, pp. 494-507.
Berg, C., Dengler, J., Abdank, A., Isermann, M. (Hrsg.) 2004. Die Pflanzengesellschaften Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns und ihre Gefährdung. Textband. Weissdorn-Verlag, Jena. 606 S.
Isermann, M. 2004. Ammophiletea. In: Berg, C., Dengler, J., Abdank, A., Isermann, M. (Hrsg.) Die Pflanzengesellschaften Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns und ihre Gefährdung. Textband. Weissdorn-Verlag, Jena, pp. 354–361.
Isermann, M. 2004. Cakiletea maritimae. In: Berg, C., Dengler, J., Abdank, A., Isermann, M. (Hrsg.) Die Pflanzengesellschaften Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns und ihre Gefährdung. Textband. Weissdorn-Verlag, Jena, pp. 246–256.
Dengler, J., Berg, C., Eisenberg, M., Isermann, M., Jansen, F., Koska, I., Löbel, S., Manthey, M., Päzolt, J., Spangenberg, A., Timmermann, T., Wollert, H. 2003. New descriptions and typifications of syntaxa within the project 'Plant communities of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and their vulnerability' Part I. Feddes Repertorium 114, 587-631.
Isermann, M. 2001. Cakiletea maritimae. In: Berg, C., Dengler, J., Abdank, A. (Hrsg.) Die Pflanzengesellschaften Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns und ihre Gefährdung. Tabellenband. Weissdorn-Verlag, Jena, pp. 90-92.
Isermann, M. 2001. Ammophiletea. In: Berg, C., Dengler, J., Abdank, A. (Hrsg.) Die Pflanzengesellschaften Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns und ihre Gefährdung. Tabellenband. Weissdorn-Verlag, Jena, pp. 157-158.
Rennwald, E. 2000. Verzeichnis und Rote Liste der Pflanzengesellschaften Deutschlands. Bonn. Schriftenreihe für Vegetationskunde 35. (Mitarbeit)
Isermann, M. 1999. Vegetation von Dünen in Houstrup Strand (Jütland, Dänemark). Faunistisch-Ökologische Mitteilungen, Supplement 26, 21-32.
Isermann, M. 1999. Synchorologische Aspekte des Elymo-Ammophiletum festucetosum entlang der Küste Vorpommerns. Natur und Naturschutz in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 34, 106-112.
Isermann, M. 1999. Zur Gefährdung von Pflanzenarten und deren Habitate in Küstendünen Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns. Abhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins zu Bremen 44, 511-521.
Isermann, M. 1997. Vegetations- und standortskundliche Untersuchungen in Küstendünen Vorpommerns. Dissertation Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald. 323 S.
Isermann, M. 1996. Vegetationszonierung auf dem Darß und auf dem Gellen an der Ostseeküste Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns. Abhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins zu Bremen 43, 551-556.
Isermann, M., Krisch, H. 1995. Dunes in contradiction with different interests. An example: The camping ground Prerow (Darß/Baltic Sea). In: Salman, AHPM., Berends, H., Bonazountas, M. (eds.) Coastal Management and Habitat Conservation. EUCC, Leiden, pp. 439-449.
Isermann, M. 1993. Zur Kenntnis der Vegetation und Morphologie unterschiedlich stark genutzter Dünen auf dem Darß im Nationalpark Vorpommersche Bodenlandschaft. Natur und Naturschutz in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 30, 58-63.
Isermann, M. 1992. Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur Dünenvegetation auf Spiekeroog. Diplomarbeit Universität Bremen. 78 S.
Isermann, M., Cordes, H. 1992. Changes in dune vegetation on Spiekeroog (East Friesian Islands) over a 30 year period. In: Carter, RWG., Curtis, TGF., Sheehy-Skeffington, MJ. (eds.) Coastal Dunes. Balkema, Brookfield, pp. 201-209.
- Landscape Ecology of Coastal Areas (B.Sc., S+V, ECT 3, VAK 02-02-PM1-19, Spiekeroog)
- Vegetation Ecology and Conservation Biology (M.Sc., Summer Term, V+S+P, ECT 6, VAK 02-M19-415)
- Ecological Excursions: Coastal Habitats (B.Sc. Summer Term, Ex, VAK 02-02-Öko2-Ex,)
- Vegetation ecology and conservation biology: Terrestrial ecosystems and habitat ecology (FH)
- Field and evaluation methods: Soil and vegetation ecology, field methods in vegetation ecology, practical course in vegetation ecology, statistics in vegetation ecology
- Determination, morphology, plant biology: vascular plants, grasses and sedges, bryophytes, plant structure and function*, biology of crop plants (FH)
- Plant and vegetation geography: Plant and vegetation geography
- Biodiversity: environmental management enhencing species diversity, dynamic of biological invasions, ecology and diversity of coastal vegetation: ants and phytodiversity, dune ecology on the island of Norderney, dune ecology at the North Sea coast of Denmark*
- Excursions: coastal habitats, botanical-ecological excursion*, coastal ecology along the Baltic Sea Wismar-Gdansk*, Botanical excursion Tenerife*
Subjects for Research Project, Bachelor and Master Thesis
- Biological invasion e.g., of Senecio inaequidens, Rosa rugosa, Prunus serotina, Pinus spp. on the Eastfrisian Islands.
- The next invasive species in dunes? Fieldwork or/and greenhouse experiments related to climate change.
- Longterm development of heathland vegetation in relation to management on the islands of Amrum.
- Spreading of neophytes in Bremen: differences 2010 - 2016.
- Other subjects on request.
Completed Theses:
- Bohlius, Wencke 2020 Die Folgen von Klimaveränderungen auf Empetrum nigrum in einem natürlichen Dünensystem auf Spiekeroog. BA Uni Bremen.
- Bergmann, D., Verbreitung des Neophyten Rosa rugosa (Kartoffelrose) und physiogeographische Aspekte des Nehrungshaken 'Krummsteert', Fehmarn. BSc Geographie.
- Heemann, S., Vegetationskundliche Untersuchung der Artenvielfalt und Vegetations-struktur in Sanddorngebüschen im Vergleich zu artenreichen Trockenrasen auf den ostfriesischen Inseln Norderney und Spiekeroog. Diplomarbeit Biologie.
- Kupke, L., Veränderung der Dünentalvegetation der Insel Amrum. Auswirkungen verschiedener Managementmaßnahmen. BSc Biologie.
- Lansing, S., Veränderungen von Vegetation und Boden einer Hochwasserschutzdüne auf Spiekeroog (B.Sc.)
- Lehmann, S., Konkurrenzminderung durch Herbivorie? Vergleich indigener und nichtindigener kongenerer Gehölze. BSc Biologie.
- Malecek, K., Neophyten: Invasionserfolg; Standort- und Arteigenschaften. Diplomarbeit Biologie.
- Natter, S-L., Ausbreitung verschiedener nichtindigener Gehölze auf Spiekeroog. BSc Biologie Universität Koblenz-Landau.
- Peyrat, J., Landscape and vegeation of southern Baltic dune systems: diversity, landsue changes, and threats. Promotionsarbeit, Universität Kiel
- Reimers, A. Vorkommen und Standortbedingungen von Rosa spinosissima auf der Nordfriesischen Insel Amrum. BSc Biologie.
- Schwederski, M., Renaturierung nasser Heidevegetation auf Wangerooge. BSc Biologie.
- Semmler, A., Liparis loeselii on the Waddensea islands. MSc Ecology.
- Urban, L. Förderung der pflanzlichen Diversität von Heideflächen auf Amrum durch die Mahd. BSc Biologie.
- Waldmann, J., Populations- und standortökologische Untersuchungen in Dünentälchen auf Schiermonnikoog. Eine Studie an Pedicularis palustris, Cirsium dissectum und Parnassia palustris. Diplomarbeit Biologie.