
Past Symposia

  • Particle-Based Materials Symposium 2024

    "Processing of functional nanoparticles into higher-order structures"

Particle-Based Materials Symposium 2024

"Processing of functional nanoparticles into higher-order structures"

The Particle-Based Materials Symposium took place on 23 and 24 September 2024 in the House of Science in Bremen. The Symposium brought together scientists and engineers from different communities that all share the goal of creating functionality in materials using particles.

Detailed programme and list of speakers

  • MAPEX Symposium 2023

    "Materials for Environmental Engineering"

  • MAPEX Symposium 2023

    "Materials for Environmental Engineering"

  • MAPEX Symposium 2023

    "Materials for Environmental Engineering"

  • MAPEX Symposium 2023

    "Materials for Environmental Engineering"

  • MAPEX Symposium 2023

    "Materials for Environmental Engineering"

  • MAPEX Symposium 2023

    "Materials for Environmental Engineering"

  • MAPEX Symposium 2023

    "Materials for Environmental Engineering"

  • MAPEX Symposium 2023

    "Materials for Environmental Engineering"

  • MAPEX Symposium 2023

    "Materials for Environmental Engineering"

  • MAPEX Symposium 2023

    "Materials for Environmental Engineering"

MAPEX Symposium 2023

"Materials for Environmental Engineering – Sensing, Control, Sustainability"

The symposium brought together researchers working on material-based approaches to tackle urgent environmental issues, especially anthropogenic climate change and the pollution of air, water, and soils. It took place on October 11 and 12, 2023.

The programme comprised 13 keynote talks by invited experts from Bremen, Augsburg, Oldenburg, Kiel, Ferrara (IT) and Paris (FR). With backgrounds in physics, chemistry, biology, geosciences, and engineering, their presentations offered a platform for lively discussions paving the way for new interdisciplinary collaboration.

The programme was rounded off by a poster session with short presentations.

Detailed programme


  • Robert Meißner at MAPEX Symposium 2022

    MAPEX Symposium 2022

    "Electrochemical Material Processes"

  • Ingmar Bösing at MAPEX Symposium 2022

    MAPEX Symposium 2022

    "Electrochemical Material Processes"

  • Audience at MAPEX Symposium 2022

    MAPEX Symposium 2022

    "Electrochemical Material Processes"

  • Pillot Guillaume speaking at MAPEX Symposium 2022

    MAPEX Symposium 2022

    "Electrochemical Material Processes"

  • Giorgia Zampardi, University Bremen

    MAPEX Symposium 2022

    "Electrochemical Material Processes"

  • MAPEX Symposium 2022

    "Electrochemical Material Processes"

  • MAPEX Symposium 2022

    "Electrochemical Material Processes"

  • MAPEX Symposium 2022

    "Electrochemical Material Processes"

MAPEX Symposium 2022

"Electrochemical Material Processes"

The MAPEX Symposium 2022 took place at 5th October 2022 at the University of Bremen.

MAPEX invited 8 keynote speakers from various national and international research institutions as guests to Bremen, who provided exciting insights in current research trends in electrochemistry.

From atomistic modeling of electrochemical reactions, photoelectrochemical devices for human space travel, energy storage and conversion or corrosion to the emergence of life itself, a broad spectrum of electrochemistry was covered by the speakers.

In addition to the keynote presentations, several young researchers from the University Bremen presented their work in various poster presentations and gave insight into current research in electrochemistry at the university. In between the informative presentations, there was time for discussion and networking and many new contacts were made. The successful day ended with a joint dinner and informal get-together. The MAPEX team would like to thank all participants for making this event such a success.

Detailed programme

  • MAPEX Symposium 2021

    "Beyond Solar Cells: New Approaches to Radiation Conversion"

  • MAPEX Symposium 2021

    "Beyond Solar Cells: New Approaches to Radiation Conversion"

  • MAPEX Symposium 2021

    "Beyond Solar Cells: New Approaches to Radiation Conversion"

  • MAPEX Symposium 2021

    "Beyond Solar Cells: New Approaches to Radiation Conversion"

MAPEX Symposium 2021

"Beyond Solar Cells: New Approaches to Radiation Conversion"

The 2021 MAPEX symposium „Beyond solar cells: new approaches to radiation conversion“ took place September 29 and 30. In numbers, we had about 110 participants from 17 countries, 12 keynote speakers calling in from the US, China, Netherlands, Finland and Germany and 17 poster presentations. As intended, the scope was very wide, touching on various approaches to energy conversion from radiation. Two Early Career Researchers received a poster price which was generously donated by the Royal Society of Chemistry. The talks were delivered in an online video conference over Zoom which certainly facilitated winning international experts and audience, while the poster sessions in took on a more playful nature with virtually real interactions in a simulated conference venue. Still, we were happy to have a real-life social event at the climbing hall which allowed us to meet and talk to members of the MAPEX community without any computer screens for the first time in quite a while! The organizing committee thanks all the attendees and everyone who contributed a talk or a poster for making the symposium such a success.

Detailed programme

  • symposium 2019

    MAPEX Symposium 2019

    "Excited Materials – field-induced out-of-equilibrium phenomena"

  • symposium 2019

    MAPEX Symposium 2019

    "Excited Materials – field-induced out-of-equilibrium phenomena"

  • symposium 2019

    MAPEX Symposium 2019

    "Excited Materials – field-induced out-of-equilibrium phenomena"

  • symposium 2019

    MAPEX Symposium 2019

    "Excited Materials – field-induced out-of-equilibrium phenomena"

  • symposium 2019

    MAPEX Symposium 2019

    "Excited Materials – field-induced out-of-equilibrium phenomena"

  • symposium 2019

    MAPEX Symposium 2019

    "Excited Materials – field-induced out-of-equilibrium phenomena"

  • symposium 2019

    MAPEX Symposium 2019

    "Excited Materials – field-induced out-of-equilibrium phenomena"

  • symposium 2019

    MAPEX Symposium 2019

    "Excited Materials – field-induced out-of-equilibrium phenomena"

  • symposium 2019

    MAPEX Symposium 2019

    "Excited Materials – field-induced out-of-equilibrium phenomena"

  • symposium 2019

    MAPEX Symposium 2019

    "Excited Materials – field-induced out-of-equilibrium phenomena"

  • symposium 2019

    MAPEX Symposium 2019

    "Excited Materials – field-induced out-of-equilibrium phenomena"

  • symposium 2019

    MAPEX Symposium 2019

    "Excited Materials – field-induced out-of-equilibrium phenomena"

  • symposium 2019

    MAPEX Symposium 2019

    "Excited Materials – field-induced out-of-equilibrium phenomena"

  • symposium 2019

    MAPEX Symposium 2019

    "Excited Materials – field-induced out-of-equilibrium phenomena"

  • symposium 2019

    MAPEX Symposium 2019

    "Excited Materials – field-induced out-of-equilibrium phenomena"

  • symposium 2019

    MAPEX Symposium 2019

    "Excited Materials – field-induced out-of-equilibrium phenomena"

  • symposium 2019

    MAPEX Symposium 2019

    "Excited Materials – field-induced out-of-equilibrium phenomena"

MAPEX Symposium 2019

"Excited Materials – field-induced out-of-equilibrium phenomena"

' Excited Materials' were in the focus of the MAPEX Symposium 2019, touching topics from electronic structure modeling to electrical power devices . Over the two days , more than 50 MAPEX members and guests excitedly followed the 26 contributions on ' field induced phenomena ' in 2D semiconductors , in electrical power devices , in organic functional materials as well as during electron induced reactions or laser-induced thermomechanical surface smoothing .

In the opening lecture , David Field from Aarhus University reported on his idea of ​​THz emission from spontaneously electrical solids . How to use two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy to probe ultrafast nonadiabatic dynamics in organic photovoltaic materials was demonstrated by Antonietta de Sio from the University of Oldenburg. During the first day’s flashlight session early career researchers from the research training group QM³ - Quantum Mechanical Materials Modeling presented their projects , giving short presentations that were discussed in depth during the subsequent poster session . After contributions from Nando Kaminski and Fabio La Mantia , the first day closed with an inspiring talk by Georg Pesch , who exploits dielectrophoretic forces for material-selective particle separation with the final aim of detecting cancer cells in human blood.

The second day started with a lecture on electronic and optical properties of atomically thin semiconductors by Frank Jahnke and was followed by six keynote talks as well as a poster session with corresponding flashlight presentations . Special highlights were the talks of Andreas Rosenauer , who showed how to measure electrical polarization on the atomic scale using STEM . Furthermore , Ruchira Pereira impressively demonstrated how self-reporting micro-fibers can be produced by centrifugal force spinning . The program was rounded off by the welcome address of Nicola Marzari , the new U Bremen Excellence Chair from EPFL in Lausanne.

Further keynote speakers were : Petra Swiderek (" Electron-induced chemistry - Versatile reactions beyond ground state equilibria "), Alexander Kothe (" Lasing in II-VI semiconductor quantum structures "), Mathias Schulz ( Otto Diels Institute , University of Kiel , " Photoswitchable Silicones : Effects of Azobenzene Isomerization in Solution and in a Free-Standing Film"), Sandro Eckert (BIAS, " Mechanisms of laser-induced thermochemical surface smoothing ").

Detailed programme

  • Mapex_Symposium_2018

    MAPEX Symposium 2018

    "Process Monitoring"

  • Mapex_Symposium_2018

    MAPEX Symposium 2018

    "Process Monitoring"

  • Mapex_Symposium_2018

    MAPEX Symposium 2018

    "Process Monitoring"

  • Mapex_Symposium_2018

    MAPEX Symposium 2018

    "Process Monitoring"

  • Mapex_Symposium_2018

    MAPEX Symposium 2018

    "Process Monitoring"

  • Mapex_Symposium_2018

    MAPEX Symposium 2018

    "Process Monitoring"

  • Mapex_Symposium_2018

    MAPEX Symposium 2018

    "Process Monitoring"

  • Mapex_Symposium_2018

    MAPEX Symposium

    "Process Monitoring"

  • Mapex_Symposium_2018

    MAPEX Symposium 2018

    "Process Monitoring"

  • Mapex_Symposium_2018

    MAPEX Symposium 2018

    "Process Monitoring"

MAPEX Symposium 2018

 "Process Monitoring"

Process monitoring was in the focus of this year’s MAPEX Symposium, taking place on 18 and 19 June 2018 in the Haus der Wissenschaft in the city center . More than 60 participants closely followed the manifold scientific program . With Sybrand van der Zwaag (TU Delft), Erica Lilleodden (Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht), Raimund Horn (Hamburg University of Technology ), and Jörn Viell (RWTH Aachen University) four external experts followed our invitation . Inspiring talks by Erica Lilleodden on “in situ mircomechanical testing ” and Andreas Fischer on “ speckle-based in-process measurements ” were the highlights of the first day with monitoring of manufacturing processes as the main topic . The contributions on the second day were mostly related to catalysis and spectroscopy as a tool for process monitoring . Besides the invited talks , 16 early-career researchers presented a brief overview of their work during the flashlight sessions , inviting the audience for in depth discussion during the subsequent poster exhibition . Two special sessions were dedicated to interdisciplinary research projects that received an “ impulse funding ” from MAPEX in order to establish and foster new internal cooperation within the MAPEX community . After two days and more than 30 contributions , Kirsten Tracht closed the event with the final talk on “Monitoring of Trends”.

Detailed programme

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