MAPEX Research Highlights

Synthesis, structural and spectroscopic characterization of defect-rich forsterite as a representative phase of Martian regolith

Muchammad Izzuddin Jundullah Hanafi, Lorenzo Bastonero, Mohammad Mangir MurshedLars RobbenWilke Dononelli, Andrea Kirsch, Nicola MarzariThorsten M. Gesing

IUCrJ 11 (2024): 977-990

Regolith draws intensive research attention because of its importance as the basis for fabricating materials for future human space exploration. Martian regolith is predicted to consist of defect-rich crystal structures due to long-term space weathering. The present report focuses on the structural differences between defect-rich and defect-poor forsterite (Mg2SiO4) – one of the major phases in Martian regolith. In this work, forsterites were synthesized using reverse strike co-precipitation and high-energy ball milling (BM). Subsequent post-processing was also carried out using BM to enhance the defects. The crystal structures of the samples were characterized by X-ray powder diffraction and total scattering using Cu and synchrotron radiation followed by Rietveld refinement and pair distribution function (PDF) analysis, respectively. The structural models were deduced by density functional theory assisted PDF refinements, describing both long-range and short-range order caused by defects. The Raman spectral features of the synthetic forsterites complement the ab initio simulation for an in-depth understanding of the associated structural defects.

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