Wolfgang Bach

Wolfgang Bach auf einer Schiffsausfahrt. Im Hintergrund ist das Meer erkennbar.

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Bach

GEO Raum 5340
Klagenfurter Straße 2-4
28359 Bremen, Deutschland

Tel. +49 421 218 65400

  • Zur Seite von: Forschung
  • Zur Seite von: CV
  • Zur Seite von: Veröffentlichungen
  • Zur Seite von: Lehre
  • Fluid-Gestein-Reaktionen
  • Submarine hydrothermale Systeme
  • Massentransfers während der Alteration und Subduktion ozeanischer Kruste
  • Chemische und isotopische Entwicklung des Erdmantels
  • Fluid-Mikroben-Mineral-Wechselwirkungen
  • Geochemische Thermodynamik und Bioenergetik

Ausgebildet in magmatischer Petrologie und anorganischer Geochemie, begann ich meine wissenschaftliche Laufbahn mit der Untersuchung von Prozessen der Mantelschmelze und magmatischen Differenzierung in mittelozeanischen Rücken und Backarc-Becken. In den letzten zehn Jahren lag der Schwerpunkt meiner Forschung auf hydrothermalen Systemen und ihrer Bedeutung für globale geochemische Kreisläufe. Mein Forschungsansatz ist eine Kombination aus instrumenteller Analytik, petrographischen Beobachtungen und thermodynamischer Modellierung. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt liegt auf den Wechselwirkungen zwischen Flüssigkeit und Gestein und ihrer Rolle bei der Bildung von Metallablagerungen und der Entwicklung mikrobieller Lebensräume.



Geburstdatum: 24. September 1964

Geburtsort: Dillenburg

Nationalität: Deutsch



1996Dr. rer. nat. in Geologie, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen (summa cum laude)
1991Diplom in Mineralogie, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen


Wissenschaftlicher Werdegang

seit 2006Außerordentlicher Wissenschaftler, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA
seit 2006MARUM-Projektleiter "Hydrothermalquellen"
seit 2005Professor für Petrologie an der Universität Bremen
2003-2005Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA
1999-2003Assistenzwissenschaftler am Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA
1996-1999Postdoktorand am Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA
1995-1996Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Universität Potsdam



2008-2009Co-Vorsitzender der IODP-Steuergruppe "New Ventures in Exploring Scientific Targets"
2008-2010Vorsitzender für akademische Programme im Fachbereich Geowissenschaften, Universität Bremen
seit 2008Mitglied der wissenschaftlichen Steuergruppe "Center for Dark Energy Biosphere Investigation"
seit 2004Vertreter der InterRidge Deep Earth Sampling Group
2003-2005Forschungsstipendiat für Tiefseeforschung
2003-2005Vertreter des wissenschaftlichen Steuerungs- und Bewertungsgremiums des IODP
2002-2005Mitglied des Woods Hole Oceanic Institution Marine Operations Committee


  • Dede B, Reeves EP, Walter M, Bach W, Amann R, Meyerdierks A (2024): Bacterial chemolithoautotrophy in ultramafic plumes along the mid-Atlantic ridge. The ISME Journal  18(1), wrae165.
    doi:10.1093/ismejo/wrae165 |
  • Helten O, Bach W, Hinrichs K-U, Ostertag-Henning C (2024): Thermally induced release and generation of CO2 and C1–C4 hydrocarbons in Opalinus Clay from Mont Terri (Switzerland). Applied Geochemistry  174, 106147.
    doi:10.1016/j.apgeochem.2024.106147 |
  • Kopf A, Bhattacharya S, Dunger M, Hinz A, Kamrad M, Kremin I, Lange I, Achterberg EP, Bach W, Bachmayer R, Brunner R, Eickhoff M, Esposito M, Freudenthal T, Fuchs N, Meurer C, Rüpke L, Schelwat H, Seidel G, Zabel M (2024): Initial results of a pilot project for sub-seabed basalt storage of carbon dioxide on the Reykjanes Ridge. Carbon Capture Science & Technology  13, 100265.
    doi:10.1016/j.ccst.2024.100265 |
  • Albers E, Behrendt N, Diehl A, Genske F, Monien P, Kasemann SA, Purser A, Boetius A, Bach W (2024): Formation and hydrothermal alteration of a volcanic center: Melt pooling and mass transfers at Langseth Ridge (Gakkel Ridge, Arctic Ocean).Marine Geology  475, 107347.
    doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2024.107347 |
  • Bohrmann G, Streuff K, Römer M, Knutsen S-M, Smrzka D, Kleint J, Röhler A, Pape T, Sandstå NR, Kleint C, Hansen C, dos Santos Ferreira C, Walter M, de Paula Santos GM, Bach W (2024): Discovery of the first hydrothermal field along the 500-km-long Knipovich Ridge offshore Svalbard (the Jøtul field). Scientific Reports14, 10168.
    doi:10.1038/s41598-024-60802-3 |
  • Smrzka D, Lin Z, Monien P, Chen T, Bach W, Peckmann J, Bohrmann G (2024): Pyrite-based trace element fingerprints for methane and oil seepage. Geochemical Perspective Letters  29, 33-37.
    doi:10.7185/geochemlet.2409 |
  • Klein F, Schroeder T, John CM, Davis S, Humphries SE, Seewald JS, Sichel S, Bach W, Brunelli D (2024): Mineral carbonation of peridotite fueled by magmatic degassing and melt impregnation in an oceanic transform fault. PNAS  121(8), e2315662121.
    doi:10.1073/pnas.2315662121 |
  • Samin A, Roerdink DL, Reeves EP, Scheffler J, Bach W, Beinlich A, Jamieson JW, Rouxel O (2024): Preservation of hydrothermal fluid copper isotope signatures in chalcopyrite-rich chimneys: A case study from the PACMANUS vent field, Manus Basin. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems   25(2), e2023GC011349.
    doi:10.1029/2023GC011349 |
  • Mezri L, García-Pintado J, Pérez-Gussinyé M, Liu Z, Bach W, Cannat M (2024): Tectonic controls on melt production and crustal architecture during magma-poor seafloor spreading. Earth and Planetary Science Letters  628, 118569.
    doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2024.118569 |
  • Blay-Roger R, Bach W, Bobadilla LF, Ramirez Reina T, Odriozola JA, Amils R, Blay V (2024): Natural hydrogen in the energy transition: Fundamentals, promise, and enigmas. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews  189, Part A, 113888.
    doi:10.1016/j.rser.2023.113888 |
  • Schlicht LEM, Rouxel O, Deans J, Fox S, Katzir Y, Kitajima K, Kasemann SA, Meixner A, Bach W (2023): Boron and oxygen isotope systematics of two hydrothermal systems in modern back-arc and arc crust (PACMANUS and Brothers Volcano, W-Pacific). Economic Geology  118(7), 1719-1739.
    | doi:10.5382/econgeo.4986 |
  • Schmid-Beurmann HA, Kahl W-A, Bach W, Ivarsson M, Böttcher ME, Peckmann J (2023): Dispersal of endolithic microorganisms in vesicular volcanic rock: Distribution, settlement and pathways revealed by 3D X-ray microscopy. Terra Nova  35(5), 396-403.
    | doi:10.1111/ter.12663 |
  • Mallick S, Kuhl SE, Saal AE, Klein EM, Bach W, Monteleone BD, Boesenberg JS (2023): Evidence of South American lithosphere mantle beneath the Chile mid-ocean ridge. Earth and Planetary Science Letters  620, 118320.
    | doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2023.118320 |
  • Albers E, Jöns S, Gerdes A, Klügel A, Beier C, Kasemann SA, Bach W (2023): Timing of carbon uptake by oceanic crust determined by rock reactivity. Geology  51(9), 875-879.
    | doi:10.1130/G51238.1 |
  • Wagner LJ, Kleinhanns IC, Varas-Reus MI, Rosca C, König S, Bach W, Schönberg R (2023): Light stable Cr isotope compositions of mid-ocean ridge basalts: Implications for mantle source composition. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta  353, 76-91.
    | doi:10.1016/j.gca.2023.04.028 |
  • Kürzinger V, Hansen CT, Strauss H, Wu S, Bach W (2023): Experimental evidence for the hydrothermal formation of native sulfur by synproportionation. Frontiers in Earth Science  11:1132794.
    | doi:10.3389/feart.2023.1132794 |
  • Liu Z, Perez-Gussinye M, García-Pintado J, Mezri L, Bach W (2023): Mantle serpentinization and associated hydrogen flux at North Atlantic magma-poor rifted margins. Geology  51(3), 284-289.
    | doi:10.1130/g50722.1 |
  • Dede B, Priest T, Bach W, Walter M, Amann R, Meyerdierks A (2023): High abundance of hydrocarbon-degrading Alcanivorax in plumes of hydrothermally active volcanoes in the South Pacific Ocean. The ISME Journal.
    | doi:10.1038/s41396-023-01366-4 |
  • Zwicker J, Smrzka D, Vadillo I, Jiménez-Gavilán P, Giampouras M, Peckmann J, Bach W (2022): Trace and rare earth element distribution in hyperalkaline serpentinite - hosted spring waters and associated authigenic carbonates from the Ronda peridotite. Applied Geochemistry  147, 105492.
    | doi:10.1016/j.apgeochem.2022.105492 |
  • Wilckens FK, Hansen CT, Diehl A, Bach W, Kasemann SA (2022): Sources of Mg enrichments in Vent Fluids from the Kermadec Arc recorded by Li, B and Mg Isotopes. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems  23(11), e2022GC010471.
    | doi:10.1029/2022GC010471 |
  • German CR, Reeves EP, Türke A, Diehl A, Albers E, Bach W, Purser A, Ramalho SP, Suman S, Mertens C, Walter M, Ramirez-Llodra E, Schlindwein V, Bünz S, Boetius A (2022): Volcanically hosted venting with indications of ultramafic influence at Aurora hydrothermal field on Gakkel Ridge. Nature Communications  13, 6517.
    | doi:10.1038/s41467-022-34014-0 |
  • Busch K, Slaby BM, Bach W, Boetius A, Clefsen I, Colaço A, Creemers M, Cristobo J, Federwisch L, Franke A, Gavriilidou A, Hethke A, Kenchington E, Mienis F, Mills S, Riesgo A, Ríos P, Roberts EM, Sipkema D, Pita L, Schupp PJ, Xavier J, Rapp HT, Hentschel U (2022): Biodiversity, environmental drivers, and sustainability of the global deep-sea sponge microbiome. Nature Communications  13, 5160.
    | doi:10.1038/s41467-022-32684-4 |
  • Kahl W-A, Klügel A, Bach W, Murshed MM (2022): Enhanced weathering in the seabed: rapid olivine dissolution and iron sulfide formation in submarine volcanic ash. American Mineralogist  107(9), 1668-1680.
    | doi:10.2138/am-2022-8057 |
  • Klose L, Kleint C, Bach W, Diehl A, Wilckens F, Peters C, Strauss H, Haase K, Koschinsky A (2022): Hydrothermal activity and associated subsurface processes at Niuatahi rear-arc volcano, North East Lau Basin, SW Pacific: Implications from trace elements and stable isotope systematics in vent fluids. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta  332, 103-123.
    | doi:10.1016/j.gca.2022.06.023 |
  • Helten O, Ostertag-Henning C, Bach W, Hinrichs K-U (2022): Generation and decomposition of low-molecular-weight organic acids in hydrous pyrolysis experiments with Opalinus Clay rock. Organic Geochemistry  172, 104481.
    | doi:10.1016/j.orggeochem.2022.104481 |
  • Beier C, Genske F, Hübscher C, Haase KM, Bach W, Nomikou PV and Shipboard Scientific Party R/V Meteor M128 (2022): The submarine Azores Plateau: Evidence for a waning mantle plume? Marine Geology  451, 106858.
    | doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2022.106858 |
  • Kürzinger V, Bach W, Diehl A, Pereira SI, Strauss H, Bohrmann G (2022): Sulfur formation associated with coexisting sulfide minerals in the Kemp Caldera hydrothermal system, Scotia Sea. Chemical Geology  606, 120927.
    | doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2022.120927 |
  • Pereira SI, Diehl A, McDermott J, Pape T, Klose L, Strauss H, Bohrmann G, Bach W (2022): Geochemistry of hydrothermal fluids from the E2-segment of the East Scotia Ridge: Magmatic input, reaction zone processes, fluid mixing regimes and bioenergetic landscapes. Frontiers in Marine Science  9:765648.
    | doi:10.3389/fmars.2022.765648 |
  • Hansen CT, Lissenberg CJ, Kahl W-A, Bach W (2022): Hydrothermal troctolite alteration at 300 and 400°C – Insights from flexible Au-reaction cell batch experimental investigations. American Mineralogist  107, 1100-1115.
    | doi:10.2138/am-2021-7832 |
  • Falkenberg JJ, Keith M, Haase KM, Sporer C, Bach W, Klemd R, Strauss H, Storch B, Peters C, Rubin KH, Anderson MO (2022): Spatial variations in magmatic volatile influx and fluid boiling in the submarine hydrothermal systems of Niuatahi caldera, Tonga rear-arc. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems  23(4), e2021GC010259.
    | doi:10.1029/2021GC010259 |
  • Dede B, Hansen CT, Neuholz R, Schnetger B, Kleint C, Walke S, Bach W, Amann R, Meyerdierks A (2022): Niche differentiation of sulfur-oxidizing bacteria (SUP05) in submarine hydrothermal plumes. ISME Journal.
    | doi:10.1038/s41396-022-01195-x |
  • Gischler E, Fuchs A, Bach W, Reitner J (2021): Massive cryptic microbe-sponge deposits in a Devonian fore-reef slope (Elbingerode Reef Complex, Harz Mts., Germany). PalZ  95(4), 683-707.
    | doi:10.1007/s12542-021-00581-8 |
  • Kring DA, Bach W (2021): Hydrogen production from alteration of Chicxulub crater impact breccias: Potential energy source for a subsurface microbial ecosystem. Astrobiology  21(12), 1547-1564.
    | doi:10.1089/ast.2021.0045 |
  • Klose L, Keith M, Hafermaas D, Kleint C, Bach W, Diehl A, Wilckens F, Peters C, Strauss H, Klemd R, van Geldern R, Haase KM, Koschinsky A (2021): Trace element and isotope systematics in vent fluids and sulphides from Maka Volcano, north eastern Lau Spreading Centre: Insights into three-component fluid mixing. Frontiers in Earth Science  9:776925.
    | doi:10.3389/feart.2021.776925 |
  • Unger Moreno KA, Thal J, Bach W, Beier C, Haase KM (2021): Volcanic structures and magmatic evolution of the Vesteris seamount, Greenland Basin. Frontiers in Earth Science  9:711910.
    | doi:10.3389/feart.2021.711910 |
  • Song M, Schubotz F, Kellermann MY, Hansen CT, Bach W, Teske AP, Hinrichs K-U (2021): Formation of ethane and propane via abiotic reductive conversion of acetic acid in hydrothermal sediments. PNAS  118(47), e2005219118.
    | doi:10.1073/pnas.2005219118 |
  • Peters C, Strauss H, Haase K, Bach W, de Ronde CEJ, Kleint C, Stucker V, Diehl A (2021): SO2 disproportionation impacting hydrothermal sulfur cycling: Insights from multiple sulfur isotopes for hydrothermal fluids from the Tonga-Kermadec intraoceanic arc and the NE Lau Basin. Chemical Geology  586, 120586.
    | doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2021.120586 |
  • Albers E, Bach W, Pérez-Gussinyé M, McCammon C, Frederichs T (2021): Serpentinization-driven H2 production from continental break-up to mid-ocean ridge spreading: Unexpected high rates at the West Iberia margin. Frontiers in Earth Science  9:673063.
    | doi:10.3389/feart.2021.673063 |
  • Neubeck A, Ivarsson M, Broman C, Lima-Zaloumis J, Bach W, Whitehouse M (2021): Carbon isotopic composition of Frutexites in subseafloor ultramafic rocks. Biogeochemistry  154, 525–536.
    | doi:10.1007/s10533-021-00806-7 |
  • Falkenberg JJ, Keith M, Haase KM, Bach W, Klemd R, Strauss H, Yeo IA, Rubin KH, Storch B, Anderson MO (2021): Effects of fluid boiling on Au and volatile element enrichment in submarine arc-related hydrothermal systems. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta  307, 105-132.
    | doi:10.1016/j.gca.2021.05.047 |
  • Eickmann B, Little C, Peckmann J, Taylor P, Boyce A, Morgan D, Bach W (2021): Shallow marine serpentinization-derived fluid seepage in the Upper Cretaceous Qahlah Formation, United Arab Emirates. Geological Magazine.
    | doi:10.1017/S0016756821000121 |
  • Eslami A, Malvoisin B, Brunet F, Kananian A, Bach W, Grieco G, Cavallo A, Gatta GD (2021): Podiform magnetite ore(s) in the Sabzevar ophiolite (NE Iran): oceanic hydrothermal alteration of a chromite deposit. Contrib Mineral Petrol  176, 43.
    | doi:10.1007/s00410-021-01799-0 |
  • Reysenbach A-L, St. John E, Meneghin J, Flores GE, Podar M, Dombrowski N, Spang A, L'Haridon S, Humphris SE, de Ronde CEJ, Caratori Tontini F, Tivey M, Stucker VK, Stewart LC, Diehl A, Bach W (2020): Complex subsurface hydrothermal fluid mixing at a submarine arc volcano supports distinct and highly diverse microbial communities. PNAS  117(51), 32627-32638.
    | doi:10.1073/pnas.2019021117 |
  • Diehl A, Bach W (2020): MARHYS (MARine HYdrothermal Solutions) Database: A global compilation of marine hydrothermal vent fluid, end member and seawater compositions. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems  21(12), e2020GC009385.
    | doi:10.1029/2020GC009385 |
  • García-Ruiz JM, van Zuilen M, Bach W (2020): The convergence of minerals and life: Reply to comments on “Mineral self-organization on a lifeless planet”. Physics of Life Reviews 34-35, 99-104.
    | doi:10.1016/j.plrev.2020.07.004 |
  • García-Ruiz JM, van Zuilen M, Bach W (2020): Mineral self-organization on a lifeless planet. Physics of Life Reviews34-35, 62-82.
    | doi:10.1016/j.plrev.2020.01.001 |
  • Fox S, Katzir Y, Bach W, Schlicht L, Glessner J (2020): Magmatic volatiles episodically flush oceanic hydrothermal systems as recorded by zoned epidote. Communications Earth & Environment  1, 52.
    | doi:10.1038/s43247-020-00051-0 |
  • Klein F, Humphris SE, Bach W (2020): Brucite formation and dissolution in oceanic serpentinite. Geochemical Perspective Letters  16, 1-5.
    | doi:10.7185/geochemlet.2035 |
  • Tulej M, Neubeck A, Riedo A, Lukmanov R, Grimaudo V, Ligterink NFW, Ivarsson M, Bach W, de Koning C, Wurz P (2020): Isotope abundance ratio measurements using femtosecond laser ablation ionization mass spectrometry. Journal of Mass Spectrometry  55(12), e4660.
    | doi:10.1002/jms.4660 |
  • Diehl A, de Ronde CEJ, Bach W (2020): Subcritical phase separation and occurrence of deep-seated brines at the NW Caldera Vent Field, Brothers Volcano: Evidence from fluid inclusions in hydrothermal precipitates. Geofluids  2020, 8868259.
    | doi:10.1155/2020/8868259 |
  • McCollom TM, Klein F, Moskowitz B, Berquó TS, Bach W, Templeton AS (2020): Hydrogen generation and iron partitioning during experimental serpentinization of an olivine–pyroxene mixture. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta  282, 55-75.
    | doi:10.1016/j.gca.2020.05.016 |
  • Albers E, Kahl W-A, Beyer L, Bach W (2020): Variant across-forearc compositions of slab-fluids recorded by serpentinites: Implications on the mobilization of FMEs from an active subduction zone (Mariana forearc). Lithos364-365, 105525.
    | doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2020.105525 |
  • Klein F, Tarnas JD, Bach W (2020): Abiotic sources of molecular hydrogen on Earth. Elements  16(1), 19-24.
    | doi:10.2138/gselements.16.1.19 |
  • Kahl W-A, Yuan T, Bollermann T, Bach W, Fischer C (2020): Crystal surface reactivity analysis using a combined approach of X-ray micro-computed tomography and vertical scanning interferometry. American Journal of Science  320(1), 27-52.
    | doi:10.2475/01.2020.03 |
  • Giampouras M, Garrido GC, Bach W, Los C, Fussmann D, Monien P, Garcia-Ruiz JM (2020): On the controls of mineral assemblages and textures in alkaline springs, Samail Ophiolite, Oman. Chemical Geology  533, 119435.
    | doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2019.119435 |
  • Wilckens FK, Reeves EP, Bach W, Seewald JS, Kasemann SA (2019): Application of B, Mg, Li, and Sr isotopes in acid‐sulfate vent fluids and volcanic rocks as tracers for fluid‐rock interaction in back‐arc hydrothermal systems. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems  20(12), 5849-5866.
    | doi:10.1029/2019GC008694 |
  • Hansen CT, Niggemann J, Giebel H-A, Simon M, Bach W, Dittmar T (2019): Biodegradability of hydrothermally altered deep-sea dissolved organic matter. Marine Chemistry  17, 103706
    | doi:10.1016/j.marchem.2019.103706 |
  • Giampouras M, Garrido CJ, Zwicker J, Vadillo I, Smrzka D, Bach W, Peckmann J, Jiménez P, Benavente J, García-Ruiz JM (2019): Geochemistry and mineralogy of serpentinization-driven hyperalkaline springs in the Ronda peridotites. Lithos350-351, 105215.
    | doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2019.105215 |
  • Böhnke S, Sass K, Gonella G, Diehl A, Kleint C, Bach W, Zitoun R, Koschinsky A, Indenbirken D, Sander SG, Kurtz S, Perner M (2019): Parameters governing the community structure and element turnover in Kermadec volcanic ash and hydrothermal fluids as monitored by inorganic electron donor consumption, autotrophic CO2 fixation and 16S tags of the transcriptome in incubation experiments. Frontiers in Microbiology  10:2296.
    | doi:10.3389/fmicb.2019.02296 |
  • Smrzka D, Zwicker J, Bach W, Feng D, Himmler T, Chen D, Peckmann J (2019): The behavior of trace elements in seawater, sedimentary pore water, and their incorporation into carbonate minerals: a review. Facies  65:41.
    | doi:10.1007/s10347-019-0581-4 |
  • Kleint C, Bach W, Diehl A, Fröhberg N, Garbe-Schönberg D, Hartmann JF, de Ronde CEJ, Sander SG, Strauss H, Stucker VK, Thal J, Zitoun R, Koschinsky A (2019): Geochemical characterization of highly diverse hydrothermal fluids from volcanic vent systems of the Kermadec intraoceanic arc. Chemical Geology  528, 119289.
    | doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2019.119289 |
  • McManus J, Wheat CG, Bach W (2019): Carbon cycling in low temperature hydrothermal systems: The Dorado Outcrop. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta  264, 1-12.
    | doi:10.1016/j.gca.2019.08.010 |
  • Villinger HW, Müller P, Bach W, Becker K, Orcutt BN, Kaul N, Wheat CG (2019): Evidence for low temperature diffuse venting at North Pond, Western flank of the Mid‐Atlantic Ridge. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems  20(6), 2572-2584.
    | doi:10.1029/2018GC008113 |
  • Albers E, Bach W, Klein F, Menzies CD, Lucassen F, Teagle DAH (2019): Fluid–rock interactions in the shallow Mariana forearc: carbon cycling and redox conditions. Solid Earth10, 907-930.
    | doi:10.5194/se-10-907-2019 |
  • Jackson MD, Gudmundsson MT, Weisenberger TB, Rhodes JM, Stefánsson A, Kleine BI, Lippert PC, Marquardt JM, Reynolds HI, Kück J, Marteinsson VT, Vannier P, Bach W, Barich A, Bergsten P, Bryce JG, Cappelletti P, Couper S, Fahnestock MF, Gorny CF, Grimaldi C, Groh M, Gudmundsson Á, Gunnlaugsson ÁT, Hamlin C, Högnadóttir T, Jónasson K, Jónsson SS, Jørgensen SL, Klonowski AM, Marshall B, Massey E, McPhie J, Moore JG, Ólafsson ES, Onstad SL, Perez V, Prause S, Snorrason SP, Türke A, White JDL, Zimanowski B (2019): SUSTAIN drilling at Surtsey volcano, Iceland, tracks hydrothermal and microbiological interactions in basalt 50 years after eruption. Scientific Drilling  25, 35-46.
    | doi:10.5194/sd-25-35-2019 |
  • Türke A, Jackson MS, Bach W, Kahl W-A, Grzybowski B, Marshall B, Gudmundsson MT, Jørgensen SL (2019): Design of the subsurface observatory at Surtsey volcano, Iceland. Scientific Drilling  25, 57-62.
    | doi:10.5194/sd-25-57-2019 |
  • Beier C, Bach W, Busch AV, Genske FS, Hübscher C, Krumm SH (2019): Extreme intensity of fluid-rock interaction during extensive intraplate volcanism. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta  257, 26-48.
    | doi:10.1016/j.gca.2019.04.017 |
  • Seewald JS, Reeves EP, Bach W, Saccocia PJ, Craddock PR, Walsh E, Shanks III WC, Sylva SP, Pichler T, Rosner M (2019): Geochemistry of hot-springs at the SuSu Knolls Hydrothermal Field, Eastern Manus Basin: Advanced argillic alteration and vent fluid acidity. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta  255, 25-48.
    | doi:10.1016/j.gca.2019.03.034 |
  • Meier D, Pjevac P, Bach W, Markert S, Jamieson J, Petersen S, Amann R, Meyerdierks A (2019): Microbial metal-sulfide oxidation in inactive hydrothermal vent chimneys suggested by metagenomic and metaproteomic analyses. Environmental Microbiology  21(2), 682-701.
    | doi:10.1111/1462-2920.14514 |
  • Epp T, Walter BF, Scharrer M, Lehmann G, Henze K, Heimgärtner C, Bach W, Markl G (2019): Quartz veins with associated Sb-Pb-Ag±Au mineralization in the Schwarzwald, SW Germany: a record of metamorphic cooling, tectonic rifting, and element remobilization processes in the Variscan belt. Mineralium Deposita  54(2), 281-306.
    | doi:10.1007/s00126-018-0855-8 |
  • Burisch M, Hartmann A, Bach W, Krolop P, Krause J, Gutzmer J (2019): Genesis of hydrothermal silver-antimony-sulfide veins of the Bräunsdorf sector as part of the classic Freiberg silver mining district, Germany. Mineralium Deposita  54(2), 263-280.
    | doi:10.1007/s00126-018-0842-0 |
  • Albers E, Schroeder T, Bach W (2019): Melt-impregnation of mantle peridotite facilitates high-temperature hydration and mechanical weakening: implications for oceanic detachment faults. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems  20(1), 84-108.
    | doi:10.1029/2018GC007783 |
  • Wheat CG, Hartwell AM, McManus J, Fisher AT, Orcutt BN, Schlicht LEM, Niedenzu S, Bach W (2019): Geology and fluid discharge at Dorado Outcrop, a low temperature ridge‐flank hydrothermal system. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems  20(1), 487-504.
    | doi:10.1029/2018GC007933 |
  • Meister P, Wiedling J, Lott C, Bach W, Kuhfuß H, Wegener G, Böttcher ME, Deusner C, Lichtschlag A, Bernasconi SM, Weber M (2018): Anaerobic methane oxidation inducing carbonate precipitation at abiogenic methane seeps in the Tuscan archipelago (Italy). PLoS ONE  13(12): e0207305.
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  • Bieseler B, Diehl A, Jöns N, Lucassen F, Bach W (2018): Constraints on cooling of the lower ocean crust from epidote veins in the Wadi Gideah section, Oman Ophiolite. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems  19(11), 4195-4217.
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  • Los C, Bach W (2018): Sulfidation of major rock types of the oceanic lithosphere; an experimental study at 250°C and 400 bars. Lithos  323, 208-217.
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  • Siegburg M, Klügel A, Rocholl A, Bach W (2018): Magma plumbing and hybrid magma formation at an active back-arc basin volcano: North Su, eastern Manus basin. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research  362, 1-16.
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  • Weinzierl CG, Regelous M, Haase KM, Bach W, Böhm F, Garbe-Schönberg D, Sun YD, Joachimski MM, Krumm S (2018): Cretaceous seawater and hydrothermal fluid compositions recorded in abiogenic carbonates from the Troodos Ophiolite, Cyprus. Chemical Geology494, 43-55.
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  • Wilckens FK, Reeves EP, Bach W, Meixner A, Seewald JS, Koschinsky A, Kasemann SA (2018): The influence of magmatic fluids and phase separation on B systematics in submarine hydrothermal vent fluids from back-arc basins. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta232, 140-162.
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  • Ivarsson M, Bach W, Broman C, Neubeck A, Bengtson S (2018): Fossilized life in subseafloor ultramafic rocks. Geomicrobiology Journal35(6), 460-467.
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  • Keith M, Haase KM, Klemd R, Smith DJ, Schwarz-Schampera U, Bach W (2018): Constraints on the source of Cu in a submarine magmatic-hydrothermal system, Brothers volcano, Kermadec island arc. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology173(5):40.
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  • Pjevac P, Meier DV, Markert S, Hentschker C, Schweder T, Becher D, Gruber-Vodicka HR, Bach W, Amann R, Meyerdiercks A (2018): Metaproteogenomic profiling of microbial communities colonizing actively venting hydrothermal chimneys. Frontiers in Microbiology9:680.
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  • Zwicker J, Birgel D, Bach W, Richoz S, Smrzka D, Grasemann B, Gier S, Schleper C, Rittmann SK-MR, Koşun E, Peckmann J (2018): Evidence for archaeal methanogenesis within veins at the onshore serpentinite-hosted Chimaera seeps, Turkey. Chemical Geology483, 567-580.
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  • Taubner R-S, Pappenreiter P, Zwicker J, Smrzka D, Pruckner C, Kolar P, Bernacchi S, Seifert AH, Krajete A, Bach W, Peckmann J, Paulik C, Firneis MG, Schleper C, Rittmann SK-MR (2018): Biological methane production under putative Enceladus-like conditions. Nature Communications9, 748.
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  • Türke A, Ménez B, Bach W (2018): Comparing biosignatures in aged basalt glass from North Pond, Mid-Atlantic Ridge and the Louisville Seamount Trail, off New Zealand. PLoS ONE13(2), e0190053.
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  • Hansen CT, Meixner A, Kasemann SA, Bach W (2017): New insight on Li and B isotope fractionation during serpentinization derived from batch reaction investigations. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta  217, 51-79.
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  • Meier D, Pjevac P, Bach W, Hourdez S, Gurguis PR, Vidoudez C, Amann R, Meyerdierks A (2017): Niche partitioning of diverse sulfur-oxidizing bacteria at hydrothermal vents. ISME Journal  11, 1545-1558.
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  • Toffolo L, Nimis P, Martin S, Tumiati S, Bach W (2017): The Cogne magnetite deposit (NW Italy): a Mesozoic subseafloor ultramafic-hosted hydrothermal system? Ore Geology Reviews  83, 103-126.
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  • Beermann O, Garbe-Schönberg D, Bach W, Holzheid A (2017): Time-resolved interaction of seawater with gabbro: An experimental study of rare-earth element behavior up to 475°C, 100 MPa. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta  197, 167-192.
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  • Bach W, Reeves E (2016): Hydrothermal Vents. In: Encyclopedia of Geochemistry (ed. White WM), Springer.
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  • Meier D, Bach W, Girguis PR, Gruber-Vodicka H, Reeves EP, Richter M, Vidoudez C, Amann R, Meyerdierks A (2016): Heterotrophic Proteobacteria in the vicinity of active hydrothermal venting. Environmental Microbiology  18(12), 4348-4368.
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  • Price RE, Breuer C, Reeves E, Bach W, Pichler T (2016): Arsenic bioaccumulation and biotransformation in deep-sea hydrothermal vent organisms from the PACMANUS hydrothermal field, Manus Basin, PNG. Deep Sea Research Part I  117, 95-106.
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  • Smrzka D, Zwicker J, Klügel A, Monien P, Bach W, Bohrmann G, Peckmann J (2016): Establishing criteria to distinguish oil- from methane-seep carbonates. Geology  44(8), 667-670.
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  • Thal J, Tivey M, Yoerger DR, Bach W (2016): Subaqueous cryptodome eruption, hydrothermal activity and related seafloor morphologies on the andesitic North Su volcano. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research  323, 80-96.
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  • McCollum TM, Klein F, Robbins M, Moskowitz B, Berquó TS, Jöns N, Bach W, Templeton A (2016): Temperature trends for reaction rates, hydrogen generation, and partitioning of iron during experimental serpentinization of olivine. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta  181, 175-200.
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  • Toner BM, Rouxel OJ, Santelli CM, Bach W, Edwards KJ (2016): Iron transformation pathways and redox micro-environments in seafloor sulfide-mineral deposits: spatially resolved Fe XAS and δ57/54Fe observations. Frontiers in Microbiology, 7:648.
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  • Zhang X, Fang J, Bach W, Edwards KJ, Orcutt BN, Wang F (2016): Nitrogen stimulates the growth of subsurface basalt-associated microorganisms at the western flank of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Frontiers in Microbiology, 7:633.
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  • Bach W (2016): Some compositional and kinetic controls on the bioenergetic landscapes in oceanic basement. Frontiers in Microbiology, 7:107.
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  • Hawkes JA, Hansen CT, Goldhammer T, Bach W, Dittmar T (2016): Molecular alteration of marine dissolved organic matter under experimental hydrothermal conditions. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta  175, 68-85.
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  • Jackson MD, Gudmundsson MT, Bach W, Cappelletti P, Coleman NJ, Ivarsson M, Jónasson K, Jørgensen SL, Marteinsson V, McPhie J, Moor JG, Nielson D, Rhodes JM, Rispoli C, Schiffman P, Stefánsson A, Türke A, Vanorio T, Weisenberger TB, White JDL, Zierenberg R, Zimanowski B (2015): Time-lapse characterization of hydrothermal seawater and microbial interactions with basaltic tephra at Surtsey Volcano. Scientific Drilling, 3, 1-8.
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  • Schroeder T, Bach W, Jöns N, Jöns S, Monien P, Klügel A (2015): Fluid circulation and carbonate vein precipitation in the footwall of an oceanic core complex, Ocean Drilling Program Site 175, Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems  16, 3716-3732.
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  • Hawkes JA, Rossel PE, Stubbins A, Butterfield D, Connely DP, Achterberg EP, Koschinsky A, Chavagnac V, Hansen CT, Bach W, Dittmer T (2015): Efficient removal of recalcitrant deep-ocean dissolved organic matter during hydrothermal circulation. Nature Geoscience  8(11), 856-860.
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  • Türke A, Bach W, Nakamura K (2015): Palagonitization of basalt glass in the flanks of mid-ocean ridges: Implications for the bioenergetics of oceanic intracrustal ecosystems. Astrobiology  15(10), 793-803.
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  • Ivarsson M, Peckmann J, Tehler A, Broman C, Bach W, Behrens K, Reitner J, Böttcher ME, Norbäck Ivarsson L (2015): Zygomycetes in vesicular basanites from Vesteris Seamount, Greenland Basin – A new type of cryptoendolithic fungi. PLoS ONE  10(7), e0133368.
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  • Seewald JS, Reeves EP, Bach W, Saccocia PJ, Craddock PR, Shanks WC, Sylva SP, Pichler T, Rosner M, Walsh E (2015): Submarine venting of magmatic volatiles in the Eastern Manus Basin, Papua New Guinea. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta  163, 178-199.
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  • Rioux M, Jöns N, Bowring S, Lissenberg CJ, Bach W, Kylander-Clark A, Hacker B, Dudas F (2015): U-Pb dating of interspersed gabbroic magmatism and hydrothermal metamorphism during lower crustal accretion, Vema lithospheric section, Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth  120(4), 2093-2118.
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  • Kahl WA, Jöns N, Bach W, Klein F, Alt JC (2015): Ultramafic clasts from the South Chamorro serpentine mud volcano reveal a polyphase serpentinization history of the Mariana forearc mantle. Lithos  227, 1-20.
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  • Anenburg M, Katzir Y, Rhede D, Jöns N, Bach W (2015): Rare earth element evolution and migration in plagiogranites: a record preserved in epidote and allanite of the Troodos ophiolite. Contrib Mineral Petrol  169:25.
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  • Beier C, Bach W, Turner S, Niedermeier D, Woodhead J, Erzinger J, Krumm S (2015): Origin of silicic magmas at spreading centers – an example from the South East Rift, Manus Basin. Journal of Petrology  56(2), 255-272.
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  • Fisher AT, Alt JC, Bach W (2015): Hydrogeologic properties, processes, and alteration in the igneous ocean crust. In: Stein R, Blackman D, Inagaki F, Larsen H-C. Earth and Life Processes Discovered From Subseafloor Environments. Developments in Marine Sciences Vol. 7, Elsevier, Amsterdam.
  • Plümper O, Beinlich A, Bach W, Janots E, Austrheim H (2014): Garnets within geode-like serpentinite veins: Implications for element transport, hydrogen production and prebiotic environment formation. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta  141, 454-471.
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  • Keith M, Haase KM, Schwarz-Schampera U, Klemd R, Petersen S, Bach W (2014): Effects of temperature, sulphur and oxygen fugacity on the composition of sphalerite from submarine hydrothermal vents. Geology  42(8), 699-702.
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  • Thal J, Tivey M, Yoerger D, Jöns N, Bach W (2014): Geologic setting of PACManus hydrothermal area - High resolution mapping and in situ observations. Marine Geology  355, 98-114.
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  • Reeves EP, Yoshinaga MY, Pjevac P, Goldenstein N, Peplies J, Meyerdierks A, Amann R, Bach W, Hinrichs KU (2014): Microbial lipids reveal carbon assimilation patterns on hydrothermal sulfide chimneys. Environmental Microbiology  16(11), 3515-3532.
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  • Edwards KJ, Bach W, Klaus A (2014): IODP Expedition 336: Initiation of long-term coupled microbiological, geochemical, and hydrological experimentation within the seafloor at North Pond, western flank of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Scientific Drilling  17, 13-18.
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  • Türke A, Bach W, Mehmood MS (2014): X-ray fluorescence scanning of sediment cores from Holes U1382B, U1383D, U1384A, and 1074A from the North Pond area.Proc. IODP, Exp. 336.
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  • Klein F, Bach W, Humphris SE, Kahl WA, Jöns N, Moskowitz B, Berquo TS (2014): Magnetite in seafloor serpentinite - Some like it hot. Geology  42(2), 135-138.
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  • Müller I, Brunner B, Breuer C, Coleman M, Bach W (2013): The oxygen isotope equilibrium fractionation between sulfite species and water. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta  120, 562-581.
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  • Orcutt BN, Wheat CG, Hulme S, Edwards KJ, Bach W (2013): Oxygen consumption in the subseafloor basaltic crust derived from a reactive transport model. Nature Communications  4, 2539.
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  • Klein F, Bach W, McCollom TM (2013): Compositional controls on hydrogen generation during serpentinization of ultramafic rocks. Lithos  178, 55-69.
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  • Toner BM, Lesniewski RA, Marlow JJ, Santelli CM, Bach W, Orcutt BN, Edwards KJ (2013): Mineralogy drives bacterial biogeography of hydrothermally inactive seafloor sulfide deposits. Geomicrobiology Journal  30(4), 313-326.
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  • Bach W, Jöns N, Klein F (2013): Metasomatism within the Ocean Crust. in: Metasomatism and the chemical transformation of rock: the role of fluids in terrestrial and extraterrestrial processes(eds.Harlov D, Austrheim H), Lecture Notes in Earth System Sciences, Springer, p. 253-288.
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  • Peckmann J, Sandy M, Taylor D, Gier S, Bach W (2013): An Early Jurassic brachiopod-dominated seep deposit enclosed by serpentinite, eastern Oregon, USA. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology  390, 4-16.
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  • Rausch S, Böhm F, Bach W, Klügel A, Eisenhauer A (2013): Calcium carbonate veins in ocean crust record a threefold increase of seawater Mg/Ca in the past 30 Million years. Earth and Planetary Science Letters  362, 215-224.
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  • Bach W, Jöns N, Thal J, Reeves E, Breuer C, Shu L, Dubilier N, Borowski C, Meyerdierks A, Pejvac P, Brunner B, Müller I, Petersen S, Hourdez S, Schaen A, Koloa K, Jonda L, MARUM Quest 4000 m team (2012): Interactions between fluids, minerals, and organisms in sulfur-dominated hydrothermal vents in the eastern Manus Basin, Papua New Guinea – A report from R/V Sonne Cruise 216. InterRidge News  21, 31-34.
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  • Berndmeyer C, Birgel D, Brunner B, Wehrmann L, Jöns N, Bach W, Arning E, Föllmi K, Peckmann J (2012): The influence of bacterial activity on phosphorite formation in the Miocene Monterey Formation, California. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology  317-318, 171-181.
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  • Expedition 336 Scientists (2012): Mid-Atlantic Ridge microbiology: initiation of long-term coupled microbiological, geochemical, and hydrological experimentation within the seafloor at North Pond, western flank of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. IODP Preliminary Report  336.
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  • Hentscher M, Bach W (2012): Geochemically induced shifts in catabolic energy yields explain past ecological changes of diffuse vents in the East Pacific Rise 9 degrees 50'N area. Geochemical Transactions  13(2).
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  • Wheat CG, Edwards KJ, Pettigrew T, Jannasch HW, Becker K, Davis EE, Villinger H, Bach W (2012): CORK-Lite: Bringing legacy boreholes back to life. Scientific Drilling  14.
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  • Ziebis W, McManus J, Ferdelman T, Schmidt-Schierhorn F, Bach W, Muratli J, Edwards KJ, Villinger H (2012): Interstitial fluid chemistry of sediments underlying the North Atlantic Gyre and the influence of subsurface fluid flow. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 323-234, 79-91.
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  • Amend JP, McCollom TM, Hentscher M, Bach W (2011): Metabolic Energy for Chemolithoautotrophs in Peridotite-Hosted and Basalt-Hosted Hydrothermal Systems. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta  75, 5736-5748.
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  • Bach W, Rosner M, Jöns N, Rausch S, Robinson LF, Paulick H, Erzinger J (2011): Carbonate veins trace seawater circulation during exhumation and uplift of mantle rock: results from ODP Leg 209. Earth and Planetary Science Letters  311, 242-252.
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  • Edwards KJ, Glazer BT, Rouxel OJ, Bach W, Emerson D, Davis RE, Toner BM, Chan CS, Tebo BM, Staudigel H, Moyer CL (2011): Ultra-diffuse hydrothermal venting supports Fe-oxidizing bacteria and massive umber deposition at 5000 m off Hawai`i. The ISME Journal  5, 1748–1758.
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  • John T, Scambelluri M, Frische M, Barnes JD, Bach W (2011): Dehydration of subducting serpentinite: implications for halogen mobility in subductions zones and the deep halogen cycle. Earth and Planetary Science Letters  308, 65-76.
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  • Klevenz V, Bach W, Schmidt K, Hentscher M, Koschinsky A, Petersen S (2011): Geochemistry of vent fluid particles formed during initial hydrothermal fluid-seawater mixing along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems12, Q0AE05.
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  • Orcutt BN, Bach, W, Becker K, Fisher AT, Hentscher M, Toner BM, Wheat CG, Edwards KJ (2011): Colonization of subsurface microbial observatories deployed in young ocean crust. The ISME Journal  5, 692-703.
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  • Perner M, Hentscher M, Rychlik N, Seifert R, Strauss H, Bach W (2011): Driving forces behind the biotope structures of low-temperature venting areas at 5°S and 9°SMAR. Environmental Microbiology Reports  3(6), 727-737.
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  • Petersen JM, Zielinski FU, Pape T, Seifert R, Moraru T, Amann R, Hourdez S, Girguis PR, Wankel SD, Barbe V, Pelletier E, Fink D, Borowski C, Bach W, Dubilier N (2011): Hydrogen is an energy source for hydrothermal vent symbioses. Nature  474, 176–180.
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  • Reeves EP, Seewald JS, Saccocia P, Walsh E, Bach W, Craddock P, Shanks WC, Sylva S, Pichler T, Rosner M (2011) Geochemistry of hydrothermal fluids from the PACMANUS, Northeast Pual and Vienna Woods vent fields, Manus Basin, Papua New Guinea. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta  75, 1088-1123.
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  • Bach W, Früh-Green GL (2010): Alteration of the oceanic lithosphere and implications for seafloor processes. Elements  6, 173-178.
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  • Bach W, Ravelo C, Behrmann J, Camoin G, Duncan R, Edwards K, Gulick S, Inagaki F, Pälike H, Tada R (2010): IODP New ventures in exploring scientific targets (INVEST): Defining the New Goals of an International Drilling Program. Scientific Drilling  5, 54-64.
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  • Craddock PR, Bach W (2010): Insights to magmatic-hydrothermal processes in the Manus back-arc Basin as recorded by anhydrite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta74, 5514-5536.
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  • Craddock PR, Bach W, Seewald JS, Rouxel OJ, Reeves E, Tivey MK (2010): Rare earth element abundances in hydrothermal fluids from the Manus Basin, Papua New Guinea: Indicators of sub-seafloor hydrothermal processes in back-arc basins. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta74, 5494-5513.
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  • Hayman NW, Bach W, Blackman D, Christeson GL, Edwards K, Haymon R, Ildefonse B, Schulte M, Teagle DA, White S (2010): Future scientific drilling of oceanic crust. Eos: Transactions of the American Geophysical Union  91, 133-134.
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  • Himmler T, Bach W, Bohrmann G, Peckmann J (2010): Rare earth elements in authigenic methane-seep carbonates as tracers for fluid composition during early diagenesis. Chemical Geology277, 126-136.
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  • Jöns N, Bach W, Klein F (2010): Magmatic influence on reaction paths and element transport during serpentinization. Chemical Geology  274, 196-211.
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  • Santelli CM, Banerjee N, Bach W, Edwards KJ (2010): Tapping the subsurface ocean crust biosphere: low biomass and drilling-related contamination calls for improved quality controls and novel approaches for the future of subseafloor research. Geomicrobiology Journal  27, 158-169.
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  • Bach W, Klein F (2009): The petrology of seafloor rodingites: Insights from geochemical reaction path modeling. Lithos112, 103-117.
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  • Barnes JD, Paulick H, Sharp ZD, Bach W, Beaudoin G (2009): Stable isotope (δ18O, δD, δ37Cl) evidence for multiple fluid histories in mid-Atlantic abyssal peridotites (ODP Leg 209). Lithos110, 83-94.
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  • Eickmann B, Bach W, Peckmann J (2009): Authigenesis of carbonate minerals in ocean-floor hard rocks: modern and Devonian examples. Journal of Geology117, 307-323.
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  • Eickmann B, Bach W, Rosner M, Peckmann J (2009): Geochemical constraints on the modes of carbonate precipitation in peridotites from the Logatchev Hydrothermal Vent Field and Gakkel Ridge. Chemical Geology268, 97-106.
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  • Eickmann B, Bach W, Kiel S, Reitner J, Peckmann J (2009): Evidence for cryptoendolithic life in Devonian pillow basalts of Variscan orogens, Germany. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology283, 120-125.
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  • Jöns N, Bach W, Schroeder T (2009): Formation and alteration of plagiogranites in an ultramafic-hosted detachment fault at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (ODP Leg 209). Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology157, 625-639.
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  • Klein F, Bach W (2009): Fe-Ni-Co-O-S phase relations in peridotite-seawater interactions. Journal of Petrology50, 37-59.
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  • Klein F, Bach W, Jöns N, McCollom TM, Moskovitz B, Berquo T (2009): Iron partitioning and hydrogen generation during serpentinization of abyssal peridotites from 15°N on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta73, 6868-6893.
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  • Layne GD, Kent A, Bach W (2009): δ37Cl systematics of a back-arc spreading system: The Lau Basin. Geology37, 427-430.
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  • McCollom TM, Bach W (2009): Thermodynamic constraints on hydrogen generation during serpentinization. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta73, 856-879.
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  • Nakamura K, Morishita T, Bach W, Klein F, Hara K, Okino K, Takai K, Kumagai H (2009): Serpentinized troctolites exposed near the Kairei Hydrothermal Field, Central Indian Ridge: Insights into the origin of the Kairei hydrothermal fluid supporting a unique microbial ecosystem. Earth and Planetary Science Letters280, 128-136.
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  • Perner M., Bach W, Hentscher M., Koschinsky A, Garbe-Schönberg D, Strauss H, Streit WR (2009): Short-term microbial and physico-chemical variability in low-temperature hydrothermal fluids near 5°S on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Environmental Microbiology11, 2526-2541.
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  • Toner BM, Santelli CM, Marcus MA, Wirth R, Chan CS, McCollom T, Bach W, Edwards KJ (2009): Biogenic iron oxide formation at mid-ocean ridge hydrothermal vents: Juan de Fuca Ridge. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta73, 388-403.
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  • Santelli CM, Bach W, Edgcomb V, Edwards KJ (2009): The diversity and abundance of bacteria inhabiting seafloor lavas positively correlate with rock alteration. Environmental Microbiology11, 86-98.
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  • Amini M, Eisenhauer A, Böhm F, Fietzke J, Bach W, Garbe-Schönberg D, Rosner M, Bock B, Lackschewitz KS, Hauff V (2008): Calcium Isotope (δ44/40Ca) Fractionation along hydrothermal pathways, Logatchev Field (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 14°45'N). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta72, 4107-4122.
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  • Craddock PR, Rouxel O, Ball L, Bach W (2008): Sulfur isotope measurement of sulfate and sulfide by high-resolution MC-ICP-MS. Chemical Geology253, 102-113.
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  • Peckmann J, Bach W, Behrens K, Reitner J (2008): Putative cryptoendolithic life in Devonian pillow basalt, Rheinisches Schiefergebirge, Germany. Geobiology6, 125-135.
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  • Rouxel O, Shanks WC, Bach W, Edwards KJ (2008): Integrated Fe and S isotope study of seafloor hydrothermal vents at East Pacific Rise 9-10°N. Chemical Geology252, 214-227.
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  • Santelli CM, Orcutt BN, Banning E, Bach W, Moyer CL, Sogin ML, Staudigel H, Edwards KJ (2008): Abundance and diversity of microbial life in ocean crust. Nature453, 653-656.
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  • Alt JC, Shanks III WC, Bach W, Paulick H, Garrido CJ, Beaudoin G (2007): Hydrothermal alteration and microbial sulfate reduction in peridotite and gabbro exposed by detachment faulting at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 15°20'N (ODP Leg 209): A sulfur and oxygen isotope study. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems8, Q08002.
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  • Bach W (2007): Submarine Hydrothermalquellen - Treffpunkte von Geologie, Geochemie und Biologie. Geowissenschaftliche Mitteilungen27, 6-14.
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  • Bach W, Edwards KJ, Hayes JM, Huber JA, Sievert SM, Sogin ML (2006): Enery in the dark: Fuel for life in the deep ocean and beyond. Eos87, 73-78.
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  • Bach W, Paulick H, Garrido CJ, Ildefonse B, Meurer WP, Humphris SE (2006): Unraveling the sequence of serpentinization reactions: petrography, mineral chemistry, and petrophysics of serpentinites from MAR 15°N (ODP Leg 209, Site 1274). Geophysical Research Letters33, L13306.
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  • Hinrichs K-U, Hayes JM, Bach W, Spivack A, Holm NG, Hmelo L, Johnson CG, Sylva S (2006): Biological formation of ethane and propane in the deep marine subsurface. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America103, 14684-14689.
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  • Paulick H, Bach W, Godard M, De Hoog C, Suhr G, Harvey J (2006): Geochemistry of abyssal peridotites (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 15°20'N, ODP Leg 209): Implications for fluid/rock interaction in slow spreading environments. Chemical Geology234, 179-210.
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  • Paulick H, Bach W (2006): Phyllosilicate mineralogy of the submarine, dacite-hosted, Pacmanus hydrothermal system –integration of SWIR, XRD, and geochemical data (Papua New Guinea, ODP Leg 193). Economic Geology101, 633-650.
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  • Edwards KJ, Bach W, McCollom TM (2005): Geomicrobiology in Oceanography: Mineral-Microbe Interactions in the Deep-Sea, Trends in Microbiology13(9), 449-456.
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  • Kelemen PB, Kikawa E, Miller DJ, Abe N, Bach W, Carlson RL, Casey JF, Chambers LM, Cheadle M, Cipriani A, Dick HJB, Faul U, Garces M, Garrido C, Gee JS, Godard MM, Graham DW, Griffin DW, Harvey J, Ildefonse B, Iturrino GJ, Josef J, Meurer WP, Mrozewski S, Paulick H, Rosner M, Schroeder T, Seyler M, Takazawa E, and Leg 209 Scientific Party (2004): ODP Leg 209 drills into mantle periodotite along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge from 14°N to 16°N. Joides Journal30, 14-19.
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  • Bach W, Garrido CJ, Harvey J, Paulick H, Rosner M (2004): Variable seawater-peridotite interactions – First insights from ODP Leg 209, MAR 15°N. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems5(9), Q09F26.
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  • Vanko DA, Bach W, Roberts S, Yeats CJ, Scott, SD (2004): Fluid inclusion insights from anhydrite veins up to 350 meters below the seafloor at the deep-sea PACMANUS hydrothermal field. Manus Basin back-arc rift, Papua New Guinea. Journal of Geophysical Research, B03201.
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  • Baker ET, Edmonds HN, Michael PJ, Bach W, Dick HJB, Snow JE, Walker SL, Banerjee NR, Langmuir CH (2004): Hydrothermal venting in a magma desert: The ultraslow-spreading Gakkel and South West Indian Ridges, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems5(8), Q08002.
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  • Bach W, Peucker-Ehrenbrink B, Hart SR, Blusztajn JS (2003): Geochemistry of hydrothermally altered oceanic crust: Hole 504B – Implications for seawater-crust exchange budgets and Sr- and Pb-isotopic evolution of the mantle. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems4(3).
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  • Bach W und Edwards KJ (2003): Iron and sulfide oxidation within the basaltic ocean crust: implications for chemolithoautotrophic microbial biomass production. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta67, 3871-3887.
  • Peucker-Ehrenbrink B, Bach W, Hart SR, Blusztajn JS, Abbruzzese T (2003): Rhenium-Osmium isotope systematics and platinum group element concentrations in oceanic crust from DSDP/ODP Sites 504 and 417/418. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems4(7).
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  • Roberts, S., Bach W, Binns RA, Vanko DA, Yeats CJ, Teagle DAH, Blacklock K, Blusztajn JS, Boyce A, Cooper M, Holland N, McDonald B (2003): Contrasting evolution of hydrothermal fluids in the PACMANUS system, Manus Basin: The Sr and S isotope evidence. Geology31, 805-808.
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  • Alt JC und Bach W (2003): Alteration of the Oceanic Crust: Subsurface Rock-Water Interaction. In Halbach PE and Tunnicliffe V (eds.) Energy and Mass Transfer in Marine Hydrothermal Systems. Dahlem University Press, pp. 7-27.
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  • Alt JC und Bach W (2002): Low-grade hydrothermal alteration of uplifted lower oceanic crust, ODP Hole 735B (Leg 176): mineralogy and isotope geochemistry. Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results176[Online]www-odp.tamu.edu/publications/176_SR/ chap_08/chap_08.htm.
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  • Ravizza G, Blusztajn J, Von Damm KL, Bray AM, Bach W, Hart SR (2001): Sr isotope variations in vent fluids from 9˚46 – 9˚54’NEPR: Evidence of a non-zero-Mg fluid component at Biovent. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta65, 729-739.
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  • Teagle DAH, Alt JC, Bach W, Halliday AN, Erzinger J (1996): Alteration of upper ocean crust in a ridge flank hydrothermal up-flow zone: mineral, chemical and isotopic constraints from ODP Hole 896A. Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results148: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program): 119-150.
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