Alumni Now on Instagram and LinkedIn

Up-to-date news from the University of Bremen and its alumni association in its anniversary year, announcements and background information for our various events, and of course a really large network – we’re offering further options for online participation for the 50th anniversary of the founding of the university.

We are currently especially active on LinkedIn. This platform is particularly interesting for academics. Not convinced? Try searching for the key words ‘University of Bremen’ and ‘Berlin’… Thousands of connections are the result. Many hits also show combinations with other countries. Hence, the association and each individual member can strengthen their ties abroad. Our chapters and regional groups will form their own LinkedIn groups in the future. Together with the alumni of the Jacobs University Bremen, we established the group ‘Bremen Alumni’ in order to strengthen the connection to the Hanseatic city, its urban society, economy, and culture. 

Naturally, we also have our own association’s page, where you can find out for instance that Boris Herrmann, ‘winner of hearts’ at the single-handed sailing race Vendée Globe, is a Bremen alumnus. 

You will find exclusive and great photos as well as much information as well on our new Instagram account.

Alumni LinkedIn-Seite
Alumni Instagram-Seite

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