Let’s talk about science

Lights on, camera rolling! On the studio sofa, presenter Robin Funke welcomes the Dean of Faculty 9, Professor Dorle Dracklé. What is culture, actually? What do they study in the Faculty of Cultural Studies? Which themes animate researchers there? Students at the University of Bremen have developed a TV format to illuminate these questions and to get young people excited about science. With shooting recently completed, the project — part of the university-funded initiative "50 Years of Uni Bremen” — is moving into post-production.
The idea for this talk series came about a year ago in the media practice seminar "50 Years of Uni Bremen — An exciting PR challenge". In discussions about their university, the students became aware of how little they actually know about other degree programmes and faculties, and that this is probably true for most students. For two semesters, they analysed TV formats in a media seminar, designed their own set, and scrutinised the teaching and research focuses of all twelve university faculties. The project is led by our alumni Christoph Sodemann and Simon Wenkelewsky, both of whom have many years of TV and video production experience and have worked as lecturers for many years. All episodes have now been professionally recorded in the Böttcherstraße studio of the Bremen-based production company manymany motion. “Let's talk about science”, which aims to inform students and interested parties about the importance and diversity of research and teaching at the University of Bremen, is soon to be seen on the university's YouTube channel and faculty websites.