Research Ambassadors

Aiming to promote worldwide the University of Bremen and the research work it does, eleven research alumni have been appointed Research Ambassadors since the summer of 2015. They are from various departments and research areas, with a special focus on their geographic diversity.
The Research Ambassadors are researchers from different career levels with strong ties to and a good understanding of the University of Bremen, as well as a good knowledge of the Region. The eleven Research Ambassadors represent and promote University of Bremen abroad by acting as a liaison between the University and any prospective students and researchers. In addition to this, they help build regional networks of former students and researchers of University of Bremen in countries where they currently conduct teaching and research activities.
To facilitate further cooperation between the Research Ambassadors and the University of Bremen, the University has different programs in place. These programs not only allow the Ambassadors to stay in touch with the University, but also to further promote promising young researchers. Listed below are some of the programs and opportunities.
- Each year, Research Ambassadors have a chance to return to Bremen within the framework of alumni networking events or research purposes. Travel and accommodation expenses are covered by the University.
- Taking advantage of the “Seniors bring Juniors” program, our Research Ambassadors can send a young researcher to the University for a research stay in Bremen. Travel and accommodation expenses are covered by the University.
- Financing a research practicum for a Master’s student.
- The University offers financial and ideational support to the Research Ambassadors to establish an alumni network in their home country or country of residence.
- Our Research Ambassadors are invited to take part in certain events organized by the University of Bremen.
- The designation as a Research Ambassador is accompanied by supportive public relations work in Bremen as well as in one’s home country. Examples are press releases, interviews to the local press, information for the scientific community via DAAD/GAIN newsletters, as well as distributing information via corresponding networks.
By promoting its international alumni work, the University of Bremen aims to further internationalize and diversify its alumni network and to form stronger social and economic bonds in other countries. A long-term objective is to establish contacts in business enterprises in other countries, and to use these contacts to find cooperation partners abroad for joint projects. Our Ambassadors are further expected to play a coordinating role for their local alumni groups, such as by organizing regular meetings. They are also expected to act as a liaison between the University and any prospective students and researchers, regardless of the duration of the desired stay. By steps such as promoting vacancies at the University of Bremen in their own networks, the Ambassadors will help University of Bremen win over top international scientists.

Prof. Krishnendu Chakrabarty, PhD
Home University / Home Country:
Arizona State University, USA
Academic Degree at Home University:
Stay at University of Bremen:
Humboldt Research Award, AvH Foundation, 01.07.2014 - 30.09.2014 multiple visitor's stays
In May 2017 Prof. Chakrabarty received the Charles A. Desoer Technical Achievement Award. The prize was awarded by the IEEE Circuits and Systems (CAS) Society.

Prof. Dr.-Ing Enzo Morosini Frazzon
Home University / Home Country:
Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brasil
Academic Degree at Home University:
Duration of Stay at University of Bremen:
June/2006-May/2009 as doctoral student, June/2009-July/2010 as research assistant/post-doctoral researcher, February/2014 as a guest lecturer; 2010-2015: several short stays to work on joint-research projects
Prof. Dr. Alex Makulilo
Home University / Home Country:
Open University of Tanzania, Tanzania
Academic Degree at Home University:
Duration of Stay at University of Bremen:
DAAD scholarship 2010 - 2012, Georg-Forster-Research Award of the Humboldt Foundation 2014 - 2016, AvH Return Fellowship 2017

Prof. Dr. Yanbing Mao
Home University / Home Country:
SILC Business School at Shanghai University, China
Academic Degree at Home University:
Stay at University of Bremen:
Master's Degree at the University of Bremen, Doctorate at the University of Oldenburg, multiple visitor's stays at the University of Bremen

Prof. Andrei Yakovlev, PhD
Home University / Home Country:
(National Research University - Higher School of Economics (HSE), Moscow, Russia)
Visiting Scientist at Harvard University, USA
Academic Degree at Home University:
Professor at the Department of Politics and Governance and Director of HSE Insitute for Industrial and Market Studies
Stay at University of Bremen:
German Chancellor Fellowship, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation 2002-2003; multiple research visits after that