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artec Colloquium | Environmental Justice

Lecture & discussion series in the winter term 2022/23 on environmental justice

In the winter term 2022/23, the artec Sustainability Research Center and the EnJustNetwork invite you to join them for discussions on the topic of environmental justice in various facets. The events start at 6:15 pm in room GW2 B3009.

10.11.2022, 6:15 pm, GW2 B3009
Umweltgerechtigkeit – what for? Bedeutung, Konzepte und aktuelle Forschung (Panel discussion)

Prof. Dr. Silja Klepp
UNESCO professorship for integrated marine sciences, University of Kiel, Founder of the EnJustNetwork

Prof. Dr. Michael Flitner
Chair of artec Sustainability Research Center, University of Bremen

Dr. Jonas Hein
Senior Researcher am German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) Bonn, Founder of the EnJustNetwork

Facilitation and introduction: Dr. Johannes Herbeck & Dr. Stefanie Baasch (artec)

08.12.2022, 6:15 pm, GW2 B3009
The rising politics of sea level: Coastal measurement, meaning, and materiality
Dr. Katherine Sammler
Marine Political Ecology Lead, Helmholtz-Institute for Functional Marine Biodiversity Oldenburg

19.01.2023, 6:15 pm, GW2 B3009
Umwelt- und Klimagerechtigkeit ist ohne Gesundheit nicht denkbar - Konzepte, empirische Evidenz und kommunale Praxisbeispiele aus Public Health-Perspektive

Prof. Dr. Gabriele Bolte
Managing director of the Institute of Public Health and Nursing research (IPP), University of Bremen

Christiane Bunge
Diploma in Sociology. Researcher at the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) in the "Cross-cutting issues of environment and health" department, Berlin

The artec colloquia provide a space to discuss current developments in social-ecological transformation research. Guest researchers are regularly invited to give talks. In addition, artec members present their current research projects and results. The colloquia take place every semester with a different thematic focus. The events are open to the public and are aimed at scientists, students, and interested people from all disciplines. Talks are held in German and English. Please find more info here.