
MAL Project at the BMBF Future Congress

<p>On 21 and 22 May, the BMBF Future Congress took place in Bonn at the World Congress Centre. We were invited with the <a href="">  MAL project </a> to participate and to demonstrate our three demonstrators. In addition, we were honoured to…

German HCI Party

The Digital Media Lab Bremen is part of the organising and funding team of this year’s German CHI Party at ACM CHI2019 in Glasgow. Together with over 20 work groups doing HCI research from all over Germany we will host the party on Wednesday, 8pm at Argyle St. Arches in Glasgow. Together we also…

Challenge for more practical experience in study programme

The student startup ekipa from the Goethe-Unibator in Frankfurt would like to offer students the possibility of more practical experience during their studies.To this end, they are currently carrying out a challenge. This challenge, named "Digital Customer Experience", addresses the question of how…

Immerse yourself in virtual worlds: Interaction design research for virtual reality

In the recent years Virtual Reality (VR) is experiencing a hype. For more than fifty years, science has been concerned with the computer simulation of virtual worlds. However, it is only now that we have reached the point where technology is so advanced that we can display credible 360° scenes in…

Get a Grip! - Variable Grip for Controller-Based VR Systems

Our paper on variable grip for virtual reality has been accepted at IEEE VR'19. It will be presented in Osaka, Japan in March. Have a sneak peek in our teaser video!

Polite interaction with language assistants

Language assistants in many households nowadays fulfil almost every wish - that is how they are programmed. They often receive their orders in a command tone. If you were comparably rough with your human surroundings, you would not make friends with it. Michael Bonfert and Robert Porzel report on…

Climbing in Virtual Reality

A team from the University of Bremen presents its research work on"Climbing in Virtual Reality" for overcoming the fear of falling.

If You Ask Nicely

Students of the Digital Media study program together with Dr. Robert Porzel from the Digital Media Lab (both University of Bremen) conducted an experiment with 20 participants with a simulated courteous language assistant. Inquiries to "Eliza" had to be answered with "Please" and "Thank you" or to…