
Digital Media Lab at the "Mensch und Computer 2019" Conference

Digitale Media Lab Bremen visited this years "Mensch und Computer 2019"-conference. Tanja Doering was one of the conference chairs. Mehrdad Bahrini presented his paper Make my Phone Secure! Using Gamification for Mobile Security Settings. at the conference.

TZI researches the use of chatbots in the Bremen Citizen Service

In the future artificial intelligence could help to answer citizens' questions around the clock.

Himanshu Sarma successfully defends his doctoral thesis

At the beginning of July our former colleague Himanshu Sarmasuccessfully defended his doctoral thesis "Virtual Movement fromNatural Language Text".The aim of the project is to develop a text-to-animation system fortext based physical exercise instruction which contains thecombination of a semantic…

Game Jam: Serious Games and Gamification at MuC 2019

In cooperation with the TU Kaiserslautern, the Leibniz-Informationsszentrum, Kiel and the TU Darmstadt, we offer a Game Jam with the topic Serious Games and Gamification at the Mensch und Computer 2019 in Hamburg. Further information can be found here:…

VIVATOP: How Virtual Reality and 3D-printed models make surgery easier

Read here ( the article about our VIVATOP project on Innovation Origins.

Nima Zargham new Colleague of the Digital Media Lab Bremen

Nima started his bachelors of "Information Technology" at the Universityof Debrecen, Hungary in 2010. During his bachelor's he grew an interestin 2D animations and multimedia. His bachelor thesis was designedand developed as an online animation and entertainment platform. He thenstarted his master's…

We welcome a new PHD student in our group

Sara Stadler is a Ph.D. student in the graduate school Empowering DigitalMedia (EDM).  Before, she studied computer science at the Universityof Bremen focusing on safety, security and quality.  Her main researchinterests are privacy, cryptography and information security.  Inparticular, she is…

MAL Project at the BMBF Future Congress

<p>On 21 and 22 May, the BMBF Future Congress took place in Bonn at the World Congress Centre. We were invited with the <a href="">  MAL project </a> to participate and to demonstrate our three demonstrators. In addition, we were honoured to…

German HCI Party

The Digital Media Lab Bremen is part of the organising and funding team of this year’s German CHI Party at ACM CHI2019 in Glasgow. Together with over 20 work groups doing HCI research from all over Germany we will host the party on Wednesday, 8pm at Argyle St. Arches in Glasgow. Together we also…

Challenge for more practical experience in study programme

The student startup ekipa from the Goethe-Unibator in Frankfurt would like to offer students the possibility of more practical experience during their studies.To this end, they are currently carrying out a challenge. This challenge, named "Digital Customer Experience", addresses the question of how…