
hyBit: Hydrogen for Bremen’s Industrial Transformation


Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)

Duration: 09.2022 - 02.2026

Contact: Leon Dratzidis, Lisa Hesselbarth


The large-scale hydrogen research project funded by the BMBF is about setting up a hydrogen centre in Bremen's industrial port, a so-called hydrogen hub. The Bremen steelworks, which is currently still responsible for 58 percent of local CO2 emissions, plays a special role in this. The switch to clean hydrogen is therefore an essential contribution to achieving the climate goals of the state of Bremen.

The Digital Media Lab contributes to the project through the interaction design of the digital transformation platform. Multimodal innovative technologies such as virtual reality, haptic interfaces and tangible user interfaces are used to visualise complex research results and strengthen strategic collaboration.