
Britta von Schaper

Sekretariat Interkulturelle Bildung

Office HoursTuesday - Thursday 10:00 -12:00 a.m.
Tel.: +49 421 218- 69020Fax: +49 421 218-98-69020
E-mail:ibofficeprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Office:GW 2 / A 2.410

Website Administration

Dr. Dennis Barasi


Office hours:Thursday: 4 - 5 pm
Phone:+49 421 218- 69129
Email:barasiprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Room:GW 2 / A 2.521

Post address:

Bremen University, Faculty 12
Working Unit Intercultural Education
P.O. Box 330440
28334 Bremen

Visiting address:

Working Unit Intercultural Education, Universitäts-Boulevard 13 / Building GW2, Tower A, offices A2330-A2470 28359 Bremen, Germany


As part of her research semester, Yasemin Karakaşoğlu accepted the invitation of our cooperation partners Prof. Dr. Akiko Ito and Prof. Dr. Hitoshi Sato from the University of Fukuoka and presented the Bremen model to the members of her research group on the “Importance of diversity in teacher education in international comparison”. The hybrid event, which was attended by colleagues from the USA, New Zealand and Sweden, led to a lively exchange about the different national attributions of meaning to diversity and inclusion. The colleagues are planning a return visit to Bremen in 2025 to further develop a joint research project.You can find the announcement of the lecture HERE


Dennis Barasi, René Breiwe, Isabel Dean, Aysun Doğmuş, Rabea Lucille Halimi and Nicolle Pfaff have published a digital documentation of the conference of the Netzwerk Rassismuskritische Schulpädagogik “Utopien im Hier und Jetzt: Visionen für eine rassismuskritische Schule - Perspektiven für Schulentwicklung & Schulpädagogik”: HERE

Dennis Barasi, Aysun Doğmuş, Ellen Kollender and Aslı Polatdemir have published the documentation of the event “Pedagogy in times of catastrophe - A solidarity event with educational actors in the Turkish-Syrian border region” in the journal Voluntaris. A digital documentation was also created. The corresponding portfolio contains documentation on the content and course of the event, contact addresses for networking with the invited actors from Anadolu Kültür, Body Movement for Vulnerable Groups, Education Reform Initiative / Eğitim Reformu Girişimi and Kırkayak Kültür, as well as opportunities to donate to the civil society actors in the earthquake region. The portfolio can be accessed under the following link: HERE